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March 20, 2019

Its indeed very difficult to say goodbye.

Typing this isn't easy as all,cos didn't expect anything like this.

I don't even have to close my eyes to recall your look that Tuesday when you were saying goodbye.

Ddn't know it was going to be the last.

Your passion and love for service was AMAZING , I remember how shocked I was to discover you were just a few years in the ministry, whereas your commitment and relentless passion for service made it seem like you had been there from the beginning.

Hmm, adieu Sis.

We love you but God knows best.


March 20, 2019

I met Oluyemisi Ayinke Adeniran on the platform of the Thriving Business Women Ministry (TBWF), the family of GOD to which we belong as daughters. From the onset of her foray into the ministry, she was known to be a God-lover and chaser!

I also became a little bit closer when she would show interest in some of the parenting prayer posts that I would put up, encouraging parents to pray for their children. Sometimes, when the posts weren't uploaded, she would buzz to ask why. Such was her palpable love for GOD and her children.

Without a doubt, a rare gem is gone to the better place prepared for her by her Father!

Oluyemisi, you were an encourager in your own way. Always sharing feedbacks. I remember the 21days midnight prayer session that held in February for children in determinate classes of which you came on board for your two boys. You still didn't fail to share with me whenever the prayer posts ran personally deep for you. My prayer is that your two children will forever be helped by GOD with timely answers for every prayer that you have sown into their destinies.

Oluyemisi Ayinke, you were a deeply prophetic person and I had learnt to know when you were in that prophetic mode. The very last personal conversation (I mean our one on one) that you and I had will forever be green in my memory. It was at our mother and mentor's 50th birthday celebration with the elders which I was the anchor for the event. In the course of that program, you walked up to me and said a prayer for me. You said GOD laid me in your heart yesterday and you prayed for me but you decided to voice it out to me. It was a wisdom and encouragement themed prayer and it was so apt!  Of course I still saw you after that day but that has really been the memory of you that has stayed with me as the last.

Thank you Oluyemisi for colouring our world at VPWM! Thank you for being you! Thank you for being an exemplary giver! You were always willing to stretch when it became necessary! Thank you for all the lessons you taught in life and in death!

Be assured that I will be praying for Toluwalase and Toluwalope. I know that they will never be forsaken or forgotten by their heavenly Father and all other earthly fathers, mothers, aunties, uncles and friends that the Father has given them. As you look down from heaven, I know you will be thanking the Father for doing you well in the way they will eventually turn out. As the LORD and His Spirit lives, they will live a life of impact that glorifies our heavenly Father.

Oluyemisi Ayinke Adeniran, that you have left an indellible print in our hearts is no gainsay! Rest on dear sister! Till we meet to part no more!

In life and in death, I love and honour you!


March 20, 2019

I only knew her better and got closer to her over a year ago ! However in that short time , she became one of the few people I could really relate to very well . You would greet me - beloved ma!!! We could talk a lot on the phone . We slept together in the hotel room in oyo last year and we discussed late into the night . Your loyalty to PMO was unquestionable. You would encourage me about my business. We really did all we could when you fell ill. I was waiting for you to recover and was planning how I would tell you off about your diet and health. But for the fact that I was there when you died , I would be in denial . It’s so unreal !!! I still find it hard to believe that she’s gone. It’s hard using past tense for er ! I remember how she was teasing and waving to lizzym and I as we left fellowship that very Tuesday evening just before she fell ill! Only God can comfort your family . Your life was short but impactful !!!Oluwayemisi Ayinke , you are in a better place with your creator . You will be greatly missed Rest In Peace !

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