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Hello Pat,
Today is your birthday. Just letting you know you are never forgotten. You are missed on and off the golf course. I play golf approximately 2 to 3 days a week. I’m reminder of you each time as one of the players is a spitting image of you.
Time is flying by you would have been 66 today, I will be 69 in August.
Your daughter Patricia has joined you.
May both of you Rest in Peace.
I will attach some new photos.
Love you brother.
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
Hello Pat,
Just letting you know you are forever in our hearts. You are very much missed. This day is a really sad day as it is the day you physically left us.
Really miss you on the golf course even though you used to kick me ass.
Love you brother. 
June 15, 2023
June 15, 2023
Good Morning Pat,

Today is 6/15/2023. Happy Birthday if that’s possible.
To catch you up on this years events.
I have retired as of 9 months ago. Playing lots of golf. Not getting any better ha ha
Lori is still making clothes at home.
Mikey bought a condo in Diamond Springs and is doing very well on his own.
Bridget, Dave and children are doing very well.
Jake and Tupu are also doing well. Jake is a bonified lawyer.
Lori and I are currently at Jake’s house for Jake’s Birthday on Sunday which is also Fathers Day.
Patricia your daughter and Kalaila have passed away from drug abuse.

Mostly just wanted to let you know that you are missed and not forgotten.

Love. Mike, Lori and all of us.

June 15, 2023
June 15, 2023
Hello Pat,
Another year has gone by and you still haven’t return yet. What’s up with that. Maybe you didn’t buy a round trip ticket.
Will you are missed especially on the golf course. You haven’t beat me since 2014 or so. Golfing you always told me. “ it’s a simple game “. Well Dale and Jack say that a lot in your memory.
We are all doing well. I’m still working and may retire in a year or two. Lori is doing well. Jake is a lawyer now, Bridget is a counselor at George Town High School. Mikey graduated from Sac State last year and bought a town house in Diamond Springs. He’s really doing great.
I have no idea how your kids are doing. I wish them well.
Well Happy Birthday if that’s possible.
You will never be forgotten.
Love you, brother.
June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021
Hello Pat,
Another year has gone by and you still haven’t return yet. What’s up with that. Maybe you didn’t buy a round trip ticket.
Will you are missed especially on the golf course. You haven’t beat me since 2014 or so. Golfing you always told me. “ it’s a simple game “. Well Dale and Jack say that a lot in your memory.
We are all doing well. I’m still working and may retire in a year or two. Lori is doing well. Jake is a lawyer now, Bridget is a counselor at George Town High School. Mikey graduated from Sac State last year and bought a town house in Diamond Springs. He’s really doing great.
I have no idea how your kids are doing. I wish them well.
Well Happy Birthday if that’s possible.
You will never be forgotten.
Love you, brother.
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
Hey. Pat. Thinking of you on your birthday today. Hope you are resting in peace. You are truly missed by all of us. You always had a great personality and ability to make people laugh. You appear to be a lot safer at sea than on land where all kinds of crap is happening with virus’s and black lives matter situations.
We are all doing well even the way things are.

I play a lot of golf and always use your phase. “ Golf is A simple game”. Everyone knows it was from you. We all miss you.

Rest In Peace brother. Love Mike.
June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
Happy birthday Dad hope you no how much you are really missed we all love you and think about you everyday .
July 8, 2017
July 8, 2017
My Dear Pat
Boy do I miss you !! It amazes me how often I think of you or talk about you I will never forget your smile , a very big smile!! All your friends love you all your friends miss you and I hope you're having fun laughing at us all I saw Bill awhile back... He was so happy to see me & he helped me get a window for my truck, gave me a deal too. It was an accident that we saw each other. I just went to his work & there he was. We were both shocked. All we could do is talk about you and the Raiders sign. That Manuel gave him that day we were at the bar having to toast, you guys had just been fishing with your boat. Pat you are so MISSED !!!!  I Love You Man !!!!!  Can't believe it's been this many yrs & your still on my mind all the time
September 25, 2015
September 25, 2015
love my grandpa more than anything in this world !! you were a great amazing man to all . i cant believe it been one yr already that you been gone , its still so unbelievable . baby jayden loves u very much we talk about you all the time well i do to him lol miss you very much grandpa xoxoxoxoxoxoxo LOVE YOU <3333 -Rachelle & Jayden
October 29, 2014
October 29, 2014
I had the pleasure of knowing Pat for seven years. He was one of those wonderful people that always made you smile I suppose it was because his smile would light up the room every time he walked in and you just could not help but smile back. Pat will be missed by his many friends at Louie's. Last Saturday there was an annual golf tourament fund raiser that Pat was usually a part . Fact is he was planning to attended the event this year. Chuck and Pat talked about it just a couple of days before God called Pat home. I know that Pat was there cheering them on. We love you Pat.............see you on the other side.
October 14, 2014
October 14, 2014
I will you Pat with all my heart and every breath I take. I remember one Christmas Eve when You, Manuel and I were trying out the karaoke machine. We were all drunk and singing "Why did you leave me Lucille". We were laughing so hard cuz of coarse we all didn't sing very well. But I will never forget how much fun we had. Pat you will always be in my thoughts. Rest in Peace my good friend. I will always see that beautiful big Smile !!!!!
October 12, 2014
October 12, 2014
I will always remember all the fishing trips and times at the Marina! He will be very missed!
October 1, 2014
October 1, 2014
I remember Pat as a happy man with a great sense of humor. He had a lot of love for his family, pets, friends and especially children and golf! He will surely be missed by all of us. We love you Pat, may you rest in peace in the Lord's care.
September 30, 2014
September 30, 2014
Pat, I'm gonna miss you so much, you were always there for me. You were a dear dear good friend. i'm happy we had the time we had, i'lalways remember that.  love forever pattie P.
September 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
I remember: The day I ask Pat to go fill a cup with water. I was about 5 he was 2. After I drank it I discovered he got it out of the toilet. Ha Ha

I remember: The times we got up together to see if Santa ate all the cookies & drank the milk.

I remember: Picking the indian cigars off the trees behind the house and pretending to smoke them.

I remember: Pat had just learned to ride his 2 wheeler. He was looking back and peddling just as fast as he could. When he turned around he plowed into a parked truck. Now you know why he was missing his front teeth. Ouch

I remember: The hundred of times we camped, fished, golfed and just plain hung out together.

I will continue to cherish all those moments as long as I'm around.

Love you Brother.  Rest in Peace

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