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Please feel free to share your fond memories of PK BELLO Jnr.

August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
It really hurts to see a youth die, but I guess what really matters is how well spent that life was. I have garnered priceless lessons in your brief yet eventful life. I pray God comforts your family in this time. We can't give up hope.. You might be absent here but your soul is never dying... 1 Thess 4:13&14
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
we were not close, but were quite friendly. u always said hi to me, or we would exchange our signature wink and go about our businesses. all I can say is, I'm gonna miss winking at u, and have u wink back(we hardly ever even saw each other). ure at a better place, where there r no crashes, and everybody smiles and winks just like u. no amount of words will do it for me. rest in peace sweet face...
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I never met you but the bond we share as co-aviators has left me bereaved. Can we ever understand why we do all it takes to be safe and still become victims on the job? Only God knows. Rest on my brother.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Pjkruel Day by day I think of you, How can all of this be true? I can't believe you're really gone, I still can't accept it,...
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
You were one of those who had that spark in you. You were certainly one to be watched out for. I've not known you forever but sometimes even a minute with someone special is eternity. I'm grateful I was lucky enough to cross paths with you and I'm devastated by your exit but I guess we all have to brace up and trudge on. That's what you'd want, right?

We played Words With Friends everyday. You always kept me on that app. You always said one day you'd win me. I'd laugh and tell you you never could but with each game you came closer and closer to a win. Well, I resigned our current game yesterday. I conceded to you. Even in death you are a winner!

26 years may not seem like a lot of time but you have made it seem as such. How did you touch everyone in so short a time? I need to know how you did that.

Anyways, I'd hop off right here. You rock Pete! You are amazing. Good night my brother and my friend
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
We both had humble beginnings

Born and raised in a small sleepy town 

Everyone knew everyone in Calabar

It was a town that taught you real family values

I heard about you growing up but hadn't met you yet

You'd heard about me growing up but you hadn't met me yet

We eventually met in Ghana and the rest as they say, is history.

"There is a friend who sticks, closer than a brother"

We shared so much, goals, dreams, aspirations, inspirations!

Thoughts on life, philosophies on how life should be lived

You looked up to me in so many areas, "My Oga!", "Boss!" you'd fondly call me,

making me beg you, embarrassed every time, "I have a name bro, calm down, e don do!"

You were the one person who when I'd walk into a room would scream my traditional name like it's going out of fashion, "OFONIME!!!" screamed at the top of your lungs!

Peter and Paul they called us, ....Peter & Paul ... P-square ...

I've never been a big fan of P-square, I always hated it when the called us that

My brother, The brother I never had, The brother thicker than blood!

My brother in arms...

Our love for photography... Photo shoots, we did that, I attempted to show you the way...

You took that, and ran with it, achieving more than I could dream of.

Our shared love for aviation and flying... You asked for advise and I told you one thing, "Your degree doesn't matter! Every limit people may try to place on you is only real if you accept it! Follow your dreams with everything in you!"

You took that advise and did just that!!!

You went gung-ho, all out with our dream, you got your wings bro & you made me proud!

I decided to take a slightly different route, my love for flying never waning!

I still remember my first flight last year, and the words you said to me still clearly imprinted on my Instagram page "...Welcome to the real world!!! You will be changing your mind soon"

You looked up to me in so many things in life!
You were like my little brother!

Little did you know that the tables had eventually turned! I have been looking up to you in so many ways you didn't even know!!!

Dressing... Style... Let's not even go there, you beat me hands down there.. Me GQ!

My top snapchat contact --- forced me to use the app before I even knew how the darned thing worked!
Always snapchatting me the craziest things!
Miles apart but always always staying in touch... always reaching out... Always being the amazing friend you are.

Words with Friends... I played that game because of you! & somehow you always managed to beat me good in that as well!!!
If only we could 'rematch' that last game!

Those two crazy boys from Calabar... Those two insane dreamers that believed they could change the world... Those two who believed they could do anything!....

Those two.... Those two....

I'll get past the loneliness

I will

You're not gone! You're still with us... Your spirit lives on! In our hearts everyday.
As Tunji said, "You're not gone. You're just not talking to us right now, you're now a snob!"

Rest in piece wingman!

We'll meet again, and this time I'll have my wings too!

Your boy
Paulie (Planker)
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
It's possible to not be close to someone but still have them touch your life in a profound way.
Peter was close to someone who means a lot to me and just knowing he had a good friend like him who obviously cared and stood as a brother was reassuring in the best way. They were so close I used to tease endlessly about it.
Even at that his effervescence and great character spilled over and touched me. One time in particular, a transatlantic phone call in the early hours of the morning, I will never forget. Ever forget.

Thank you Peter...

I'm glad that I knew you at all and that the last time I saw you we said goodbye with the tightest of hugs and warmest of smiles.

That you left too soon is an understatement.
That you touched so many people in the most awesome way is the fantastic legacy you leave.
That I'm inspired to live my best life by your best life is a gift I don't take lightly.

God rest you peacefully and beautifully.
God bless and keep your family, both blood & friends, and give us all the strength to bear this.

God bless you Peter.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Your sister had always spoken so fondly of you. Then I finally got to meet you. I had just returned from a long day at the studio. Walked through the rear entrance of Marco Island and met you and Johnson heading out. I am not usually jumpy on first meets but I gave the biggest hug I had ever given someone I had met for the first time.

I remember our conversation on Nando's humus . Never got to say thanks for the meal. I vividly remember you stopping to take a video of the clouds moving from the window of my apartment just as you were about to leave . That moment now holds the biggest lesson I have learnt in the recent past. Learn to appreciate the little things in life. RIP Peter. Lots of love.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Your passing has been felt by everyone, although we know you are in a better place and God knows best, but the sadness and emptiness you have left behind is unquantifiable especial in your loving family. May God give them the strength to bare this irreparable loss. God rest your gentle soul Peter.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
If our love was enough to keep you alive, you would have lived for a thousand years
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter bello... words fail to really capture your essence. From our days in Georgia, me coming to your room to find what to snack on. To u teasing me about my pictures and telling me to come do a proper photoshoot. And to think I saw You change ur dp a few days ago and I wanted to ping u and diss you about forgetting your guy... But alas it was a pic of u and Tunji and Lateef and I felt all was right with the world as you lot were still friends.... I was a bit sad that I didn't know about lateefs marriage so I could come and see you lot now I feel worse. I do however believe ur in the best place for taking aerial photography and I know u had to fly there so I guess you are living your dreams in the best way and the best place... Rest in peace bro...
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I'm sitting here crying seriously over someone I never knew or met. Everybody has the same story to tell about you... sweet, warm, kind, respectful, beautiful soul... Everybody has something wonderful to say. Someone posted a video of you just a day before with your pilot outfit smiling (Oh God the most beautiful smile ever). I can't imagine what your family must be going through now if a complete stranger feels this way. You did not just know so many people you touched their lives personally and radically. God bless you Angel Peter Bello for walking this earth.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I knew u as a St Patrick's parishioner and as the guy leaving on the next street to mine. We literally didn't talk but u obviously had loads of impact on people who were close to u. I wish ur family the strength to bear this great loss. I will miss seeing your face in the parish. Rest in the bossom of the Lord peter.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
PjKrUeL, Peter I keep thinking back to how close you, Lateef, Azubike, Ikenna and I were for years and years but I keep failing to remember the part where we constantly realised how much you meant to us individually and as a whole. We did a lot of things together, from the trivial to the serious and through all these things I always dissed you and you always dissed back. And that's how this went on for 9 years. 9 full years. I ended up taking you for granted and only remembering to diss and compete with you whenever I saw you.

You had a gift Peter, you were a people person, you were patient, kind, genuinely generous. You merged your goals with the goals of others, you went for whatever you wanted. You were a mention-then-immediately-get-the-thing-you-mentioned-as quickly-as-humanly-and-legally-possible type of person. You kept doing this with everything, from candy in Accra to modelling till you got on a huge Zain billboard, to photography, to being a kick ass model, to being an actor, to traveling the world, to be being a pilot. That pilot milestone one was probably the most awesome because I'm sure you had to conquer and ignore fears of mortality.

Bello you didn't die you just became an astronaut without telling us.

Always wanting to surprise us.

A snitch of sorts. I miss my snitch. We all do.

I won't cry anymore I'll just remember the fun times. - Tijani
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I met peter when he wanted to be a model..tall, well built,well spoken and handsome and after a while he travelled abroad.. next time i saw him he was into fotography... a young man with many talents he was and he was good at it all.. when i heard of the crash I didn't pay much attention to it until the next day when i went for a meeting and bfr i could exchange pleasantries I was told peter was the co-pilot and was my heart I prayed for him to be alive but it wasn't to be...
Ur loss is a big blow to your friends, society and most of all your family....we can't question God when certain things happen forever live on in the hearts of those you've touched and come across.. sleep well my friend PETER BELLO..
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peeereeeerrrrrrr!!!!!!! I am still trying to come to terms with the fact I won't be able to shout your name in the fake ibibio accent anymore. I won't see your smile or feel your hug. I won't be able to hold a conversation with you anymore. I've been reading our bbm chat and every time I see the last few messages I sent you which never delivered, my hear sinks.

I have chosen not to question God but to be thankful for the life you led. All I have now are memories which I will cherish very dearly. Although your earthly body is gone, you are still very much alive in my thoughts, prayers, surrounding and heart. I will miss you Peeeereeer. If I had known on the 27th of July that I would never see you again, I would have asked you so much. We would have had an entirely different conversation. I take comfort in the fact you lived!!!! You left us while living your dream. You signed out being PKB!!!!

There are many who have existed for more years than you did but they cannot say that they have lived more than you did. You have taught me to push fear aside and go after my dreams. You have taught me to take advantage of every situation because tomorrow is never guaranteed. I will learn photography properly like we talked about. Thank you Peter for being a blessing and an inspiration. Thank you for caring.

This is not goodbye PB, this is see you later.

Love always, Nono.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
A week together as crew in Cotonou Benin late last year with you, Capt Ebenezer and myself was all it took to discover how truly amazing you were. I struggle everyday since the news broke out - It just can't be, shouldn't be that you are no more but God only knows why.

My prayers are with your family and all loved ones. Pray God grant them the strength needed in this hard times. Rest on bruv!
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
My Super Human friend, Its so sad that you had to leave us but I know that even in the afterlife you will be loved and greatly admired because while you were here I didn't know too many people who could match your qualities.

Yeah u know that thing they say about people not using up to 10% of their brain's ability, it didn't apply to you.

Bro to say you inspire me won't cut it. You were a Model being.Your family values, your intellectual capacity, your fashion sense and oh the one I will miss the most, your genuinely open heart.

My prayers go to your family and friends. May the almighty
give us the strength to bear this loss.

Till we see again bro. Amen.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Rest in peace dear boy.somethings happen that leave us all frozen and dumb-founded.i have nothing more to say.i pray for your family...your mother...aunty thelma...pkb senior...n sisters...if
your friends feel this then will your beloved family feel??? This breaks my heart. I have felt death...loss...pain.may God give us all thefortitude to bear this....Rip...Pkb jr.

Chris aDah samjhit
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I never officially met you, and for that i'm grateful, because this pain I feel already is too deep for someone I never really knew. I remember how excited I used to get whenever I was going to see lamide, and how my face would fall sometimes if I didn't see your car parked outside. We only said hi once or twice, and I would beg lamide to invite you over to his so I could actually get to meet you. Lamide always talked about you, and about how responsible you were for someone your age. I had the hugest crush on you, and was really looking forward to meeting you, but then maybe not meeting you was for the best, because I don't know how much pain I would have been able to bear if I got to know how beautiful you were on the inside. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Lots of questions in my head... I've asked myself, others and God so many questions to understand why it had to happen. You left too soon Peter, too soon. Thank you for all the lives you touched during your short stay on earth. You were so full of life, even life will miss you. I remember those smiles Peter and they will forever linger in my heart. I know you're in a better place, heaven is a more beautiful place with lovely views. I know you're smiling up there, rest well my friend and may God grant your family the strength and courage to carry on.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Well words do fail at times like this. Rest in perfect peace Peter.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Nwanne'm as you fondly called me. It didn't mean much to me then but it means so much to me now.

You always made me feel like a part of the group

When we both registered at Exopa modelling agency, you got called and I didn't. You told me they were only picking guys at that time but I knew you were lying, you were only trying to make me feel better.

Peter the gentleman.

Forgive me for never letting you know how dear you are to me. We are also so busy living our own lives, we forget the things that matter the most.

Nothing I can say here will bring you back....and that hurts even more. Sigh

Sleep well my friend....forever in our hearts
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Just around 4.20pm Wednesday afternoon, closed from work and was plying the third mainland bridge, at the other end of the bridge, saw Nema and some ambulance and people looking into the water, thought one of the cars had entered the water, little did I know it was an helicopter let alone knowing someone involved, only for me to get details the next morning.... Very calm and easy going peter back then in sad, Why do good people die young... Rest well Peter....May God give his family the strength to bear this irreplaceable loss..Amen
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter, you are a real hommie who took on this world with the greatest zeal i have ever seen.Conquering everything you came across.You touched and inspired so many lifes and that's why You live on.Not in the physical but through every memory made from your impact.I had discussed with you to be the illustrator for a new t-shirt design i wanted to do using photography and you agreed to do it.Sad that we never got to do this cause i know you would have done a great job.God loves you and we love you too.All the lives you touched stand as a testimony of your awesomeness as a human being. LIVE ON FOREVER, BRO.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015

This still feels surreal. Reading all these tributes still doesn't make it feel real...

You were at mine on Sunday 9th of August, 2015 with Ajoke your sister, you showed us the fun videos you just made of her having lunch and you teased her like your usual self about eating too much and wouldn't be able to fit into her wedding outfits!!!

How would I know that would be the last time I would see or speak or spend time with you? How do I reconcile getting this horrible news just a couple of days after? How? How?? How???

Who will give me answers? Who will give all of us answers? Who? Who?? Who??? Peter who do we ask please?

Do good things really happen to good people? Does Karma really come around? So why did fate deal us this fatal blow? Why did death snatch you away so soon?

You barely lived, we barely had time to spend with you... I wish heaven had visiting hours then maybe, just maybe for a moment the pain would go away....

Dear Lord, forgive the memories that roll down our faces as tears, forgive the silent wishes in our heart that Peter would be back here with us, forgive that there are others that have gone before now but he was ours and we loved him dearly... So please take a message to him in heaven from us dear Lord, let Peter know how much we miss him and give him all our love.

Sleep on in the Lord Peter, may you always fly with the Angels as they have the best wings ever!!

#SleepOnPeter #TheGoodDieYoung

Lots of love, Uzo.... Xoxo
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I remember the first time I met u with Johnson heading out of the apartment, I was just coming back from studio with hauwa and was very tired but with a big smile I said hello. I never got the chance to thank you for the meal at Nando's and to ask for the picture u took of me on that day. Just a few days ago on phone I heard you making jest of your sister and you both were laughing, little did I know that will be the last time I will hear your voice. You have taught me in a short time that life is worth living to the fullest. RIP Peter, till we meet again in heaven.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter, if tears could appeal to the sting of death to reconsider, you would be wide awake now and keeping up with the business of baring smiles. But no, death has held on to you without recourse to our grief! you were always humble not only when you served on the altar as an altar boy but your personality spelled intelligence and interest in people... you were indeed an "angel of the Lord" (as we were called then as altar servers).Yes. We all grew up to live our dreams but you never forgot a face whenever we occasionally saw in church, you dished out smiles generously... oh, how I'd miss that! My eyes remain watery but I know you're in a better place. Sleep on PK Bello Jnr.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Few minutes past GD's ETA... I called your phone immediately, it wouldn't ring and I said to myself, come-on Peter turn your phone on and tell me what is wrong with the aircraft. I tried Jay's as well, but your phones were off...I was strongly convinced you guys had the aircraft under control.

I have not been able to gather my thoughts and write a tribute because its tough and painful. I'm still waiting for your buzz on Words With Friends; we were yet to conclude on your package out of WPB.

You were my photography instructor, you told me about B & H photo video store online; you selected my Canon camera for me and told me the additional lens to buy. Every time, I hold that camera in my hands, memories of you flood my heart. We were still chatting about the new camera you wanted.

I'm not surprised you have touched as many lives as you did, you were an open minded and free spirited friend; we related on many aspects of life. We talked a lot about our past struggles and breakthroughs as well as our future plans. We had similar experiences in flight school, we did share a lot together. Its hard to believe that the plans are no more because you can't be replaced. Our laughters, jokes and chats are invaluable.

Thank you for that chunk of Cookie jar cake you left me in the fridge, thank you for that huge bag of nuts you got me and my wife, thank you for the knowledge you shared about photography, thank you for being part of our lives.

I also remember our talks about the beautiful scenes from the cockpit, those sunset scenes; even though you are no more with us, I know you are seeing better vistas and you are in a better place.

I once read that angels are amongst us, amongst us for just a short while, I now believe that. You were more than a brother and a friend, you were an Angel.

Rest in Peace P. Bello, till we meet again at the feet of Jesus.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Words can't begin to express the pain I feel in my heart. Known you since the first day of uni when we all made fun of your nickname. I thank God for the life you lived and pray that you will rest in the Lord.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter you will be greatly missed. Like the bible saying goes "for everything is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun, a time to be born n a time to die". In as much as we mourn you, we ask the Almighty God to console ur family n all of us whom u left behind, putting our trust and hope in God, we ask God to grant you u eternal rest in His bosom. Amen. RIP Peter Bello Jnr.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter, I simply refuse to be sad because you lived well and you are never far from a cheeky smile. Dude everyone has such awesome things to say about you, so although it's sad we won't get to say them face to face for a bit. You remain loved. Rest well and stay blessed and with love, Ada Ogunkeye
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Bello was an amazing guy. A better friend to most than they were to him, yet relentlessly affectionate. Infuriatingly cool brother, a true bloque. The life of the party, with enough ambition for 50 presidents. 26, but he lived more than most ever could in 80. Farewell old friend. Sad for this cold, dark world..the other side just got even brighter.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I didn't know Peter very well but I would say this, every time we were in the same space there was an aura around him. He always had a smile on and was so respectful. Peter was a good one.We have lost a pure soul but we take comfort in our knowledge that he was blessed and a blessing to the people who love him. No more pain , no worries of the world. God help his family in this time and give them peace with the knowledge that he is in a better place.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Yo!! Peter Man... I had plans man.. I had plans for us Bro... guess God had his too... rest in peace mate..
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I am still asking myself, “Really?” “Why?”. It's so strange, seeing how "is" has been replaced with "was" in all the nice things everyone has written, but I can't use "was" Peter, I can't.
Ajoke's baby brother -  you smile too much...
“Peter, abeg I wan fly private...”
“Peter, see your two left leg....”
Peter, you can't be just a memory tho, you are bigger than that. Maybe I'm in denial, cos I’m hoping for something, anything , a miracle.
Sleep on brother, because I will never say “Bye Bye”.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I am broken and devastated its too hard for me to believe you are gone. We were besties right from secondary school days. My heart bleeds Peter am short of words to write. Rest well I love u forever
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter, waking up today and still knowing this is how it's going to be is so hard to swallow. I am honoured that I at least was able to know you and be a friend of yours while you were here. I remember when you told me of how you just quit your job and went to learn to fly, I was so proud of you man, you inspired me in ways you'd never know, to chase and grab your dreams by the balls, to live, to enjoy life.

Last time we saw was in 2012 at Niyi's birthday in Manchester, we had a great night then, dancing, sweating and all. After then we spoke about creating a portfolio for myself and you offered to help along with a discount. Never got to doing that eventually.

Yesterday I had a trip to Bonga and while flying over the lagoon I couldn't help but think of you and try to imagine what might have gone on in your head during those moments. So sure you were determined to land that chopper and keep everyone alive, so sure of that.

I hoped that one day I will be a passenger on a chopper you fly.

My friend you will be missed, you would never be forgotten.

You live on Peter, in our hearts.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
We are not promised tomorrow, so we live each day like it's our last. You've shown this great example by your enthusiasm towards work and life. I pray your heart finds rest and I pray you are in a better place. Rest on Peter Bello...
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015

As we look back over time 
We find ourselves wondering ..... 
Did we remember to thank you enough 
For all you have done for us? 
For all the times you were by our sides 
To help and support us ..... 
To celebrate our successes 
To understand our problems 
And accept our defeats? 
Or for teaching us by your example, 
The value of hard work, good judgement, 
Courage and integrity? 
We wonder if we ever thanked you 
For the sacrifices you made. 
To let us have the very best? 
And for the simple things 
Like laughter, smiles and times we shared? 
If we have forgotten to show our 
Gratitude enough for all the things you did, 
We're thanking you now. 
And we are hoping you knew all along, 
How much you meant to us. 
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
We weren’t close but still I can’t stop crying, being so sad.
It just makes me wonder how much more your family and friends.
May God grant them the strength to go through this all.
The day we met was really cool..I can literally remember me thinking how cute you were and me being so shy to actually take good pictures and then you started teasing me and teaching me what to do and I kept laughing all through.
I never thought we would see each other again but you reached out somehow.
Our not so little friendship, I cherish. That I never saw you not smiling, I envy.
From the few encounters we had, I realised how down to earth you were.
The pictures from our shoot is a little piece and reminder of you I would keep forever.
I’ve come to learn more about you now that your gone and it hurts...
It hurts even more cos I wish I knew you more.
I know there’s a reason why this has happened and as much as it hurts, you’re in a better place.
I’ve had a refocus on my life and thought about the kind of person I need to be.
Rest in Peace Peter…
…and Thank You.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
The world has lost a great STAR.The kind words and smiles you have left in the lives of those who knew you forever remain the symbols of who you were.You lived a life of purpose.R.I.P. my brother.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
I have struggled to articulate my thoughts Peter but if i don't i will be dismissing the memories that we had. So today i'm going to say thank you.. thank you (and lateef) for selling me that purple TM tie in uni and i still have it by the way, although i think you over charged for it. Thanks for always being respectful and the banter of 'senior thompson'. Thank you for that picture you took of me misbehaving at Nosa's wedding. Met you a few months ago so full of life at the bachelors eve. You definitely inspired a lot of us. Thank you bro. RIP Peter.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Your demise is nothing but a shock.
Your departure is like asking the sun not to shine on a bright day.
Your charisma can never be overemphasised. Till we meet to part no more.
Adieu Peter Bello! Adieu(Jr)!
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Dear Peter,

If tears could build a stairway and thoughts a memory lane,I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.
No Farewell words were spoken.
No time to say good-bye.
You were gone before I knew it and only God knows why.
My heart’s still active in sadness and secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose a friend like you, no one can ever know.
But now I know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times life still has much in store.
Since you’ll never be forgotten, I pledge to you today, A hallowed place within my heart is where you’ll always stay.

God knows why, with chilling touch,
Death gathers those we love so much,
And what now seems so strange and dim,
Will all be clear, when we meet Him.

God bless you and keep you in his care till we meet
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Peter Bello! Love him or hate him, he always left an impression wherever he went. All he wanted to do was live life. This one shouldn't have gone. I hope to God that he is smiling at us and saying "if only y'all know how cool this place is". RIP Peter...keep smiling
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August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023
Gone but never forgotten… Soar higher Peter, we will always keep your memories alive…

August 12, 2023
August 12, 2023
Continue to rest in God's loving bosom, my brother.
You will never be forgotten!!!
August 12, 2023
August 12, 2023
God bless your soul Our beautiful boy! Your memories will live forever.
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Forever in our hearts!!!

August 12, 2021
Today we are reminded of your beautiful soul. Still can't forget how the news got to me and I broke down for I knew that someone great and awesome had been taken away into the heavens. I know you are being celebrated amongst the angels .
Continue to rest in peace my koko . You will never be forgotten!!

Exceptional Gentleman

July 4, 2021
You are greatly missed. Keep resting wth the angels Capt

You always remembered peter

August 12, 2020
Peter your thoughts will never be erased and do keep brightening heaven up! You always remembered

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