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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Peter Lieder. We will remember him forever.

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His Life

The Velasco's

September 2, 2018

Scott and Kristi have been a big part in Peter's life, they were the first ones to take Peter floating. He had so much fun that day that he was sick on the float before we even got to the finish line. We went floating every year with the Velasco's, but we did more than that with them, we did almost everything with them. They were wonderful friends to Peter, they left an impression on Peter. I can still hear Peter calling out Kristiiiiii and calling Scott Scooter never Scott. Thank God he brought both of them in Peter's life, there is so many stories to tell about them that I would be months on here, those will be the memories I will cherish most.


September 2, 2018

When we started at the trucking company we use to eat at Fritz's that across the street. We met the owners, Kim and Mike, and really enjoyed their company so we started going there more and more. Peter was not a alcoholic but he sure put a dent in some alcohol at Fritz's. He made a lot of friends there, not one didn't like Peter. There is so many stories from Fritz's. Peter and myself helped Kim and Mike remodel the bar, painting, cleaning, put in a new floor, repaired rotting flooring, a whole new makeover and we did it for free. Mike always said why would you do it for free, because that was the type of person Peter was, he would give you his last dollar and not tell you it was his last dollar. He did it because he wanted to prove that there is still good people in this world and money doesn't buy your happiness, good times with friends does, those are the memories you will always have. I thank God for all his Fritz's friends, especially Mike and Kim, they were the memory makers. Thank You Kim and Mike for everything you have done for Peter.

September 2, 2018

Peter was a loyal member of the Granite City Moose #272, he loved going camping and floating with ours friends and family, he did get the chance to take Ava on her first camping outing. His favorite place to eat was any steak restaurant, he had his teeth pulled and only had 7 bottom teeth and would not wear his dentures but he could eat anything you put in front of him. He would eat corn on the cob by scraping it on his bottom teeth. Peter was what you would call a scraper, he would scrap anything he would find, metal, things people left in their front yards, on the highway, if he could make a few dollars off it, he would pick it up. His friends use to call him Sanford from the show Sanford and Son. He loved going to auctions to get a deal, would I say he was cheap, no but he was trying to save a penny any chance he got. The most favorite thing Peter love was playing poker and slots, he got real good at the end, and of course scratch offs, he was so lucky when it came to them.  He loved to go to concerts, he went with me, Ava, and aunt Pat to see Rascal Flatts 3 days before ending in the hospital.

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Peter's Family

September 3, 2018

Pete loved his family dearly, especially his mom. We would go visit them in Florida just so he could have some of her homemade lasagna, or anything that she made for that matter. When she passed he was devastated, but I never seen him cry, but I knew he was because I could hear him sniffling and swollen eyes, but that was okay. He did the same thing when his sister Tammy passed away, he talked about her as if she was still here all the time. Pete would walk through the front door with his phone on his ear and I could just tell that he was talking to his sister Doris, they talked everyday. He would get off the phone with her and call Bruce, Duane, or Larry, he would try to talk to everyone at least once a day. He would always make time to call his dad, especially on his birthday, Peter would wake up early and tell me it's dad's birthday I have to call him. He loved talking on the phone to his family, he would speak to others in his family also, Mary Ellen, Angela, Casey, long lost cousins, etc. I know I will miss talking to him and I know everyone else is still waiting for their phone to ring and here "What's up, what you doing."

Our Family

September 3, 2018

This is one of the few pictures of us as a family. Peter and I decided to take the kids to the Bahamas for Christmas one year, he knew that was the one way to get everyone in the same place at the same time, he knew it meant so much to me and didn't care about the cost. We had so much fun there, and nobody got into too much trouble there. Pete was always grower closer to my children, he treated them the same as his own son. Ashley knew Pete was her stepfather, but she felt like he was her real dad. I can still remember him picking her up and dancing with her when she was still little. Derek was our little trouble maker, they butted heads a lot but Peter always was the first to give Derek a 2nd, 3rd, 4th chance. Nikki was the one that always stayed closest to us, moved in our home with her 1st husband, then moved only 10 minutes away. Peter always had some kind of joke for Nikki, she would take the joke wrong sometimes, but if Pete was joking about you it was his way of expressing how much he loved you without having to step out of his man boots. Nikki gave him the best gift ever, his first grandchild, Ava, because of that he would turn a blind eye to anything Nikki did wrong. Peter always wanted our kids to be good people when they grew up, so sometimes he nagged at them, but he was doing it out of the love he had for them. He did not have to love my children but he did, he was one of those guys that women are always hoping to find, a loving, caring stepfather.


September 3, 2018

This is Pete's son Matthew, he may not have told him everyday how much he loved him, but he did, otherwise he would have never called him just to bs about whatever, just so he could hear his voice, or constantly invite him over, Pete didn't like people in his house, only those he loved. I can still remember having conversations with Pete and Matt was in our daily talks. When Pete and I first married he would talk about how he regretted missing so much of Matt's younger life, because he worked a lot, and wished he could make it up to him. Then came a time Matt moved in with us, Peter was so happy that his boy was finally by his side, it let him know that his boy did love him, but as time went on Matt moved back with his mom and Pete really took it hard. We talked about Matt's moving out a lot and I always told him make sure you tell him "I love you", not to just assume he knows it, well we know how guys are so he didn't say it as often as he should have but he did love that boy so much. Pete and Matt look so much alike, I hope that Matt continues to grow up following in his father's footprints, to be the best, loving, and funny person that Peter was. Love you son, your dad would be so proud of you if he could talk to you today, and he would tell you how much he loves you.

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