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Share a special moment from Pvt Jeremy's life.

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The Garden

June 24, 2013

When they were younger, Jeremy brought a pepper in from his grandpa's garden and told Ryan, my son, it was a carrot so he tricked Ryan into eating it! Ryan cried for the longest and could not stop drinking water lol.

Fun Times

June 24, 2013

Jeremy, Jessica and Amber loved coming to spend a week or two at my house every summer when they were kids. We would stay up late playing cards and monopoly, going to the pool, Jeremy learning to drive, around in circles (man that was scary lol), and going through 3 or 4 gallons of tea everyday (he was sugar deprived at home lol). Or the wrestling matches i had with him. One time i had him pinned down with my legs and he couldn't get loose. He was dragging me around the kitchen floor. He finally bit my big toe just to get me to let him go.

The Dance

June 24, 2013

Just 2 months before he passed away I seen him at a nightclub. Why I do not know but out of the blue he came up behind me, picked me up off the stool and put me on the dance floor and made me 2 step with some little mexican that none of us even knew lol. He was laughing the whole time.


June 24, 2013

A few of Jeremy's favorite movies when he was little was Weekend at Bernie's, Tango and Cash, Tremors. When he was about 4, we would always watch Tango and Cash (he loved watching it over and over). We were outside playing one day after watching it and out of the blue he looks at me and says f**k it Cash! I hollered JEREMY ANDREW! He said "that's what Tango says" lol


June 24, 2013

When he was about one, I was babysitting him late one night. He was lying on my chest and I was trying to get him to go to sleep. I had my headphones on him. He loved a song by Paula Abdul, when it got to the part, all he would sing is bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye lol. It was so cute. When I hear that song, I have always thought of that. I wish I remembered the name of the song.

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