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September 23, 2011

Hello My Darling Sweet Angel;

I don't have many stories of you, as our time together was short. I do however have some rather funny and sweet ones.

Like when I went out to dinner with Daddy and Uncle Tim and you made Mommy sick from the smell of food, and when Daddy and I fell asleep holding my stomach where you slept.

I remember Aunt Ashley, Aunt Amanda, and Aunt Megan so excited to have you in their lives. Altho brief I know they will never forget you.

I remember Grandma Roni taking me shopping at Wal-Mart and helping me find stretchy clothes for when you got bigger in my tummy, and going out for lunch with her, only to realize that you don't seem to like Chinese food either.


I love you my darling baby, and altho you are not with us now, that love for you only grows stronger. I hope you are at peace and full of love.

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