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Happy Fathers Day to the best Daddy ever! Miss you.
Love, your baby girl
May 26
May 26
Hi Daddy! Just stopping by to say hello! Tomorrow is Memorial Day. I’ll be working and you’ll probably be fishing. I miss you. I wish we had just one more day together….id make it the best day ever! I love you. Your baby girl
August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023
10 heavenly Birthdays in Heaven, your dear friend Marty Carlson is up there with you now. I am sure that you 2 found each other. Not a day goes by, without me thinking of you. You are missed everyday here on earth. ❤️❤️❤️
August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023
Happy Birthday Daddy

Miss n’ love you!
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
And just like that 10 years…I wish I knew then what I know now. Love you forever & always Daddy Rick️
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Hi Brother!!! 
I can't believe its been almost 10 years since God took you home. There isn't a day that goes by without my brain bring up our memories we shared in our lives. You and I had a bond that not many men share. We could finish the others sentence cause we thought alike.
I still think about our times we went fishing together on Cass Lake where we both lived. You will always be known to my friends as a Brother from another Mother. Keep watching out for all of us. Sending you a big Brother hug.  
April 29, 2023
April 29, 2023
Hey Babe,
I am back to writting and with May sneeking up on me, I wanted to share my thoughts in my writing with you, As Angle said,,, 10 years is coming up, it just seems time flys by, with thoughts of you seep in when I think about writting.


Would you travel to the moon and back
   for the one you love so dear
   Knowing the road is not guaranteed
   and its path not very clear?

Would you travel to the moon and back
   assured you have the fuel
   Would you chance the fate of being stranded
    in a journey that could be so cruel?

Would you risk it all begin the trip
   without the needed tools
   To rescue you along your way
   stranded with other noted fools ?

Take time and prepare your journey
   know the route to take
   Cutting corners in loves embrace
   could lead to an awful fate.

Decisions Made

You ask as I make my journey,
As for your love has brought me back.
You shared there is no guarentee,
but clarity it did not lack. 

Yes I will make the journey,
  feeliing so rest assured,
  with your love surounding me,
  my fate I can endure. 

I would risk it all,
for the tools I would carry,
of knowledge and your presence,
For my love will not wary

In preperation I stand before my self,
knowing the route to take,
No cutting of the corners,
for today I have chosen my Fate.

Missing you today,,

April 29, 2023
April 29, 2023
Next month it will be 10 years. It’s hard to believe how the time flies when your older. I know your watching over me. I miss our talks and I just miss you. I wish we could go back in time cause I would definitely of found a way to spend more time with you. Off to do nothing on this rainy Saturday…except love on my pups. I will talk to you soon. I love you daddy. Your Angel
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
Happy Veterans Day daddy Thank you for your service. I love you♥️
November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022
Hello Daddy Rick…sorry I missed your Birthday…Happy late Birthday It’s a beautiful fall day here in NY. And I was just thinking about you. I don’t think I ever told you Thank you for adopting me and treating as your own. I will never forget those Christmas boxes showing up before Christmas. All my Barbie goodies lol and dollies. Anyhow I miss you…sometimes I just wish I had you here on earth to talk too when I’m feeling down. But I know you’re with me. Gotta run…and feed my pups. You’d love them. They are big goof balls. I talk to you soon. Catch some big fish I love you, Angel
August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
Rick I thank you for being with me when I am doing projects and ask you for help you get me through my projects miss you buddy
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
Today and everyday your in my thoughts. Your missed on earth, I can still hear your laugh, til we meet again in heaven ❣️
August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
I miss you. Words can't explain the bond and the love I have for you except to say that you lifted the trajectory of my life and I'm not sure if I ever told you how much I really appreciated you and how lucky I feel to have had you in my life.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Hi…I missed writing on Veterans Day to you…but just know I was thinking about you. You will always be my favorite Marine. You have no idea how much I wish we could have spent more time together. But living apart it was nearly impossible for us. I hate not having any parents to talk too. Sometimes I just want my mommy or my daddy. Ya know? It sure would be nice to talk to you again. Anyhow…i have to snuggle my pups. Just wanted you to know I think about you often. And you will forever be in my heart daddy. I love you ♥️♥️♥️
July 11, 2021
July 11, 2021
Hi daddy…not sure why I started thinking about you tonight. It’s 2am and I’m never up this late. I started thinking about our fishing adventures when I would go to Michigan. Like when I was swinging my fishing pole towards a dead fish floating and you kept saying your going to get your hook caught and I would say no I won’t. And sure enough I eventually did. And like a good father you took that stinky dead fish off my hook for me. All a while shaking your head. Lol And how you made the best scrambled eggs I had ever tasted. I will never forget those eggs they were so soft and buttery. I still have never duplicated those dam eggs. Anyways just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I miss you and I love you very much! And Thank you for everything you did for me growing up. I know it wasn’t easy. Good nite daddy
Love your baby girl,
August 19, 2020
August 19, 2020
Hi Babe,
I realize I am a day late in getting on here, It's been crazy with all the new things in my life... I was just thinking yesterday as I was setting every thing up for the virtual e-learning that we now have to do , since covid is still keeping us from returning to our classrooms.. The year you turned 60ty.. I had just started to go to work from being off through the summer,, Frank had sent us a gift card for your birthday where we went out to celebrate your birthday..
I believe that may have been the only gift card you ever claimed since after you went to your heavenly home, as you called it... I found close to 75.00 pluss you had not used. Today I thank you for those as I share this memorie with you..
Im planning on retireing this year and moving to Sebring... You would enjoy it there.. A great lace to ride out in the country and its closer for to have gone to Coco beach.. We spoke about going up there and taking a trip up through 27 .. there is not much traffic up threw there.. I hope to be settled in by Feb, 2021..
It will be an adventer and yes Im on the move again...
Miss you and knowing that we will see you when I come home as well..
Love is the healer and one that takes me here to there..
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
We are still stroking along with our grading angle Above thank you for looking out for us this yearv above thank you for looking out for us miss you in many ways
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
By now we would be well into retirement. By now we would be enjoying that fishing pole I dropped over the side of the boat. By now we would be complaining that this stupid virus is just away for the sanitizing companies scamming the public seeing that their sales have been bad and created this to make money., By now making plans to head north for a few weeks..By now I would be on your nerves and you would be sending me NORTH...
Today is your Heavenly Birthday
enjoy take that ultimate motorcycle ride threw the clouds.
Your true friend and companion
August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019
Miss you forever and always thanks for being a good angel to me
August 18, 2019
August 18, 2019

Today I would be getting a plant or flowers, yes you would celebrate your birthday the way you lived, giving and enjoying others..
Your so much still a part of my thoughts my friend...
Happy Celebration Day..

One More Day.. Would that be enough?

Diamond Rio – One More Day Lyrics

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me,
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you


One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl
Then I'd unplug the telephone
And keep the tv off
I'd hold you every second
Say a million I love you's
That's what I'd do. With one more day with you


Leave me wishing still for one more day
Leave me wishing still for one more day
Share lyrics

May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
I still think about you everyday my brother. I miss all the laughs we had together. I honor you in so many ways these days. You fought for our country and you worked so hard to raise your family. Your heart was made of GOLD and so many of us knew that for a fact. As the days and years goes by my memories of you and I get stronger. I love you and miss you Rick. As the days goes by I will keep remembering you just as much. Take care Bro!!!
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
Hard to believe it has been 6 years! I still think of you often. You my friend will always be a special memory. Til the 3 stogies meet again. Semper Fi! RIP my friend, you are missed!!
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
The days have gone by and the weeks turned into months, the months into years. Yes my friend, my love 7 years.. I experience certain reminders so often that your close by. The thoughts are those of joy as the humor of your words make my heart smile.. Time has a way of healing and making the memories a delight rather than a sadness.. I celebrate your life today with those memories...
The time we went to Sis and Steves house for Christmas.. We had the boys with us "Just-in-Kase".. You always played Santa Clause, and with bags and bags of goodies going into the house, you must have locked the door to the jeep, next thing we know , the jeep is running , but with the boys are in the jeep, and it is locked.. Steve had to drive you back to Waterford to get the extra key ...It was then that Sis said ...This is something we wont forget she said " there is a memory being made" as for the rest of that day we laughed and enjoyed a great day... BUT yes "Yup this one was on you "
Memories continue to remind how important you were and are in my life, what you gave and shared.. The strength you had and determination. The passion for other people and family, the importance of your world. You gave and enjoyed..
Today we would be on our way to the Keys on the bike, it is a beautiful Sunday May 19, 2019.. leaving about 6am. We would enjoy watching the sun come up as we would head on out, We would stop for breakfast in Homestead and continue towards Key Largo as we did the first time we went that way on Christmas 2006. We stopped for Christmas Dinner, thinking how weird it was that we were sitting in Islamorada on Christmas Day , while our family were in Mi. with the snow...That was the first big trip we had with the bike.. and after that, we would choose a new place to bike off to on Christmas every year.
I'm remembering the last trip we made back from there. Heading back from Key Largo,handing me your wallet as we entered Card Sound Rd. I was removing a 1.00 for the toll when your entire contents of you wallet went flying out , resting along the side of the road. It was not until we had gotten to the gas station in Homestead/Kendell, that we had noticed your entire credit card collection was gone.. having had a friend pay for our gas , we sped on down card sound Rd. to find what had blown out.. Other than your temper towards me... OK this one was on me...
Ok ..I understand that it could have been much worse, but making memories that left impressions ..It made it worth it..
Yes exactly 7 years today we were at your side and holding your hand as you went home.. Yes it seems we have come full circle...Its this day of the year I seem to continue to celebrate your life and hold every memory as one would hold their most precious diamonds.. Its your memory that helped me heal, and my memories with you, that only continue to give, as you had always given to those in your life.
Thank you for the Memories and all you gave,
Love you always
April 5, 2019
April 5, 2019
I never met Rick; I only knew him from tech support at Ross Video. I just found out about his passing today and it's all I have thought about. The last email I sent to him I told him how great it was to hear him at the other end of the line when he called. Always upbeat and positive. My condolences to all of you who were part of his life.
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
You were always a brother to me. We shared so many great times together. I couldn't of asked for a better person to come into my life. Ever since I saw your blue boat at your dock on Cass Lake and you were off on business. Too bad it snowed 6 inches of snow in it. I wondered who was the nut that would put a boat in the water when it was still winter. Glad we became brothers and shared so much. Enjoy your birthday in Heaven.
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
To think it has been 5 years since we laughed, held each other and shared those special memories, I still see you light up and hear that laugh when I would do some thing silly.
Kase passed Jan. 29th 2017. He went to you with such comfort and joy..I miss you both very much but the joyful memories hold such delight in my heart, that I giggle and it makes my heart smile to recall them. I am so blessed to have had both of you in my life, your love and devotion of friendship brought so much to my life, filling it is not has not been possible. Today we would be out on the motorcycle and taking that ride down to the Keys to celebrate. But again you would order me the flowers and have them there on our return..
Miss you all so much...
August 18, 2017
August 18, 2017
Remembering you on your birthday, ahh!, but how could I forget since you do share your birthday with two of my families members my father Richard may he rest in peace and my niece April. Rest In Peace Rick, Your still in my thoughts, Kathleen
August 18, 2017
August 18, 2017
Happy Birthday daddy! I love and miss you!
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
the other day i was driving down the road, and i swear you were driving the truck next to me. was a strange yet wonderful sight to see. second glance it was not you but sure put a smile on my face. then boom reality. your missed everyday. Hugs and Love, I miss you
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
Love u daddy...miss u always. Your baby girl Angel
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
Hi Babe,
I know you have company now,
Kase has went home to be with you, He joined you on January 28th.. You both are there with each other to play and enjoy while life keeps me busy here, He missed you as much as I did and now I know your both content.. just about 4 years after you left. I had planed another spring with kase but I see he was waiting for you ... Miss you both so much...I have so much to share with you both one day...I still have days where I think about things I have heard or funny memories and every now and then ..... I still hear that giggle.
I have great memories, those that will last a life time...
Enjoy your flowers..MY LOVE.
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
It's been 4 years for you and my mom, I miss you both and you both are in my heart forever. Rest In Peace Rick...
August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016
I still can't believe your not with us any longer. I thank God for my wonderful memories we had together. We laughed so much we both would get tears in our eyes at times. I am so glad you came into my life. You helped me be the person I am today. You kindness to others was one of your best qualities. May you R.I.P. in Heaven. Oh and say Hi to my older sister Judy Weiler.
August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016

You visited me last night and brought me a bouquet,
You filled it with memories of all our past days.
You reached for my hand as you all ways had,
Told me you were peaceful and not to be sad.
You encouraged me to continue to let go,
And that you would see one day, when I come home..

I took your bouquet and your gentle kiss,
the sound of your voice I will all ways miss.
I felt serene and joy in my heart,
for the memories of you will never part.
Rest my love and I know you will,
For those who loved you, Your love did fill...

Today is a new day for us to love those around us.
as we were loved in Ricks life time..
Rick knew how to love and care for those he knew
Happy Birthday My Love
May 20, 2016
May 20, 2016
No my Dear... Rick would say.. You would not let me forget.. Your like a buzz around my head..
3 years and it still feels like your right here.. So many words, so many expressions come to me on a daily basis..
And yes I will never forget, You will live on all ways in my thoughts.
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
To my daddy...the only daddy I've ever known. Thank you for always taking care of me. Thank you for my happy childhood. And thank you for always giving me everything I ever wanted. I could never have asked for a better daddy. You certainly were the true definition of a GREAT daddy.
Miss n love you, your baby girl Angel
September 29, 2015
September 29, 2015
You were the best friend a gal could have. I'll cherish our memories for the rest of my life. Until I see you again rest in peace Rick.
August 18, 2015
August 18, 2015
Today I would be receiving Flowers, I would say " But it is your Birthday" Than I get to do what I want to do today, you would say.
Never had there been a birthday gone by when it was I that was given flowers or a token.

Today I get to do what I want... Enjoy your Flowers as we did when we walked together. I cant wait to see you , so much to share.
Your missed today , yesterday and tomorrow.
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
Another year passes and I still miss the good times with you R.i.p Buddy
May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015
Well my brother I can't believe it's been two years since you went home to be with your Mom and Dad. I think about you daily and last night I had a breakfast dinner. It was scrambled eggs with diced ham in with it. You turned me on to that years ago and when I eat it I always look up and say thanks brother for teaching me something new. I can still hear your voice and laughter in all my memories of you and I being together. We were a real couple of nuts for sure back in the day but we were cool together. I will never let you leave my heart and someday I will join you again for a great fishing trip. We'll take your boat "the Southern Belle" I always love that boat. God bless you and we will talk again all the time. I love you my brother from another Mother.
May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015
Here we are my Love,
Another year has gone by and it seems that you were here only yesterday. When things have changed in my life the first one I think about telling is you. I say boy you would not believe what I saw today or who I heard from and if you could only see her now. I think about the changes that have taken place. I say " Well they finally opened that road that they worked on for the last 4 years" I think of all the things I am going to share with you when I see you again.
Your forever so much alive in my daily thoughts Love you still
August 23, 2014
August 23, 2014
A day does not go by that your voice is not heard. I walk out of the room and hear you tell me " pick up that glass, It does not live on that table" and when I leave a room " Is that light going to turn off by it's self"
I hear a joke and I look to share it with you or on sunday when NAS CAR races comes on..I have yet watched them. The shows that you prerecorded that I did not remember to do, are still there.. and yes your right .. I had to learn to use the TV controller. Every Sunday I still wake up to the sound of the motor cycle.. only it is now some one else .. You gave me so many memories and with each one I cherrish and hold onto. Kase walks from room to room and every once in awhile I swear your talking to him. Your deeply missed and loved still.

Kase and Kris
August 21, 2014
August 21, 2014
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you!! I miss you Ricky Lee, I thought of you all day on your Birthday, Happy Birthday my Brother til we meet each other again in Heaven!! I MISS YOU!!!
August 18, 2013
August 18, 2013
Happy Birthday Brother!! We all miss you very much. My heart still hurts just as bad as the day you became an Angel. Days go by too quickly. We have learned a good lesson from you to cherish everyday as it comes. I have learned to thank God for everyday I have on earth. You showed me that dying is good when you are following the path of Jesus Christ cause he will guide us home again. xoxo
June 9, 2013
June 9, 2013
From the very beginning, to the final end, You've Always been my "Little Brother" Forever my friend. You will always be in my heart, i am so glad that i had those final moments with you to kiss your forehead and tell you i love you one last time. Your Big Seester, Virginia
June 7, 2013
June 7, 2013
I sit here and read some of the wonderful things people have said about Rick and it helps me cope with our loss. Rick was my best friend and we were brothers but just from a different mother. Rick, when every you and I got together it was like we became one. You and I were the best of friends and we have had such wonderful memories together. I will always have a tear in my eye for you.
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