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June 20, 2011
June 20, 2011
we miss u so much.Yesturday was so hard to try to keep busy so i mentally just didnt break again. I mean what i say at ur grave i cant wait to c u and be able to hold u again u made me a stronger person and i'm trying to hold on to that strength!!
June 19, 2011
June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day Dad!
Wish I got a chance to gets to no you. I sure enjoy my Grams & PaPa and my sis Paige & bro Austin

Love & miss ya! Kaylee Jo
June 19, 2011
June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day my friend and bro . . .know all of your kids, Mom, Jeff and Becky miss you on this special day . . .
May 31, 2011
May 31, 2011
Know you are missed by Mom, Jeff, myself and all of the kids in Mn . . .your dad was rushed again today to the U hospital with difficulty breathing . . . please watch over him bro . . . Your mom needs you to watch over him . . . luv ya always my frie
May 29, 2011
May 29, 2011
Well Ron, our son is now going to be 10 tomorrow, and were going to be spending the day with paige, maria, and your dad at fish lake doing what you 2 loved to do and fish. I know he is really thinking of you right now so please visit his dreams
May 1, 2011
May 1, 2011
Hey Baby we are out makin a fire and i'm missin u bad right now, 1st time this summer and our favorite thing to do. Randy is makin so many of your exspressions it's scary. We are all laughing but my heart is also breaking at the same time. I want to
April 25, 2011
April 25, 2011
Ronnie,I couldnt agree more with Becky,God had a special plan and place for u.Every single person that you love and care for will see you again when they are called home to God.Ronnie,sleep with the angels and take comfort in Gods loving arms.
April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011
sorry i havent been on here depression was trying to take over i miss and love you
April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011
well alittle more tears for you my baby boy i dont no how others do it
April 17, 2011
April 17, 2011
i miss you so much i wish you were here
April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
i love and miss you i think im losing my mind cant sleep and working and working trying to make ends meet this is hard ronnie i wish you were here.
April 8, 2011
April 8, 2011
they couldnt find a place for your dad up this way so hes in st anthonys hes eating and doing pt. you are the one man who i can count on besides dan rick and kevin ,kevin you are so wonderfull even if you arent hear
April 4, 2011
April 4, 2011
Ron's dad Jeff just called me, he is doing alot better, he is out of his chem induced coma and getting transfered in the next couple days to a rehabilitation center in Cambridge close to home. Thanks Ron for looking out for him
April 3, 2011
April 3, 2011
Hey Ron well Paige just left my house and had Peyton over as well, She had a blast and did not want to leave, she got to learn how to ride a dirt bike yesterday, you would have laughed cause she forgot how to turn, it was so you.
April 3, 2011
April 3, 2011
Austin is in a class at school for kids that lost a special person to them, they called, said they had a break threw with him, He was talking about how he tried to call the night you died and you did not answer,he cried uncontrolably, we miss you Ron
April 1, 2011
April 1, 2011
ronnie we need ur help again dad has turned for the worse again baby im cant let him go yet please help love and miss you momma
March 29, 2011
March 29, 2011
thank you ronnie for being the man you are. no one will know the talks we had they will go to the grave with me. your true feelings about things in life people places and things baby. i love you love mom
March 24, 2011
March 24, 2011
I used to be afraid of dying and leaving everyone I love behind. And it is heartbreaking when someone I love does pass away. But now I have something to look forward to when I pass on... Being able to hug you again!!!
March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
I love u...Rest in peace my love, they say only the good die young and god had a special plan and place for u, i'm jealous and i can't wait to be w u again, this world is just so crazy and u forgot to take me w u. Your a free bird baby.
March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
Hey ronnie :)I miss you. Can you come back from heaven to beat up someone for me again or maybe just haunt him? LOL I know you are watching over Jeff, your mom, Becky, the kids and everyone else in your life. Love you my friend!!
March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
ronnie you tell god to leave your dad here with me im not strong enough to lose him too.please baby watch over him and kick the docs in the butt and tell them to give us hope. i love and miss you    love ur momma
March 19, 2011
March 19, 2011
ok ronnie we felt you in ur dads rm and taking the pulser off was funny when i said ok ronnie ur dad squeezed my hand thank you our great angel son
March 17, 2011
March 17, 2011
ronnie ur dad is in a coma as u know i said ur name and he squeezed my hand keep a close watch over him please i cant give him up yet as selfish as that sounds knowing all the pain hes been going through, but i cant lose him yet
March 16, 2011
March 16, 2011
ronnie boy dads in the hospital but you probably know that please watch over him.i miss you so much i need me get them love momma
March 15, 2011
March 15, 2011
March 15th . . . hard to believe it's been 90 days since you left us . . . Some days it's really hard NOT to hear you calling to chat w/me . . .other days it's as if I feel your presence around...either way you know you ALWAYS had a friend& bro in me
March 14, 2011
March 14, 2011
i hate not hearing your voice . please ronnie help your dad jeff hes in so much pain i love you miss you
March 13, 2011
March 13, 2011
I hate the 13th, I hate seeing the number 13 on anything anywhere..U telling me its not just a superstition and memories of u hating it just run over and over in my mind. It feels like u have been gone for so long i want to see u so bad, I want to hug u and never let go NEVER. Half the time i dont know what i'm doing or how but i'm trying to function and do what i have to for the boys,but it hurts
March 10, 2011
March 10, 2011
wow i was looking for ur dads birth certificate and found ur footprints that day of ur birth i remember it all just like i remember earls. i love and miss u
                     love ur momma
March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011
its been a little bit since i wrote but i sure havent forgotten. ive been picking up days at work i miss you so much my ronnie i need to hear your voice and your laugh
March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011
Well baby u were probably up there just laughin at my moment at the cemetary..My sanity is really being tested, but u did always keep me on my toes lol. I was told today that we were very co-dependent on eachother so I'm getting why I feel so lost alone, I'm waitin for you to tell me whats next or what to do now. I'm Always goin to love u and be forever changed i know that for a fact. I love u
March 1, 2011
March 1, 2011
another day another memory of you that i cheerish. i miss you more and more it isnt getting easier. i was thinking of coming to you but you would never forgive me for that, but the pain is so deep it takes my breath away. i love you love momma
February 27, 2011
February 27, 2011
It's been a rough 2 1/2 months since ya left us bro but I have finally accepted that God had another plan for you . . . it doesn't mean I have stopped missing you or our chats.... I am finally starting to move on and resume life . . Love ya my brother ..someday we'll meet again buddy . . watch over Becky, the boys, your mom and all those who loved ya.. me included ...
February 27, 2011
February 27, 2011
your momma has been a basket case i miss you so much my heart is broke and there isnt any way of repairing it. till i see you my son watch over your dad jeff the only dad you knew and loved he misses your late talks
February 26, 2011
February 26, 2011
i miss you so much my baby boy , i wish i could have and should have protected you i will carry that cross again as time goes by i love miss you
February 24, 2011
February 24, 2011
I see more and more of you in randy everyday lol from the way he walks, his attitude lol...god i miss u and i wish we were doing and seeing all this together. Ilove u baby.
February 18, 2011
February 18, 2011
another day without you! but i know you are with us always. i thought i felt all kinds of pain but this is a pain that i can not explain, only a parent knows what i am feeling. i love you now and forever love momma
February 16, 2011
February 16, 2011
I have a hard time going to the cemetary right now because of the way it is and the snow, but i went yesturday and i know u were there w me. Right when i was goin to break i looked up and there was a bunch of beautiful little white birds it reminded me of the doves "soul-mates" that u wanted to get, it made me breakdown but w a sense of peace feeling u were w me. fly free baby. I love u Always!!!
February 15, 2011
February 15, 2011
miss and love you more and more everyday please guide your brother and help him with forgiveness love mom
February 14, 2011
February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day Honey... I know u already know how my dayhas gone i dont know whats going on anymore and hangin on the edge of caring, but i love you and god i miss you!!!!!
February 13, 2011
February 13, 2011
My heart sunk when I looked at my phone and saw the date this morning, its been two months but it feels like an eternity w out u, the days all just seem to blend now...I love u hun and miss u, I know u know that and u are still w us, I just wish I could see u, hear u, and feel u. We miss u babydoll!!
February 11, 2011
February 11, 2011
Hey baby,
  Ur babies are missin ya...I'm trying to do what they need and be there for them the best I can but I don't know if I'm doin good enough. Please ask god to help me and if u can please let them know ur around and it's goin to be ok. I love u and I hope and pray that u are happy, content, and at peace. You deserve that!!! I love u and cant wait to see you again and I know I will someday
February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011
i felt you here the last couple nights and there is so much i want to say but my anger and pain is stopping me and for that i am sorry. you were a great baby that even with all the pain you grew up with you turned into a great son daddy husband and friend. i miss hearing you say i love you momma.see you soon be there waiting for me. love momma bear
February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011
i thought as days and nights go by the pain would lessen but it doesnt. it seems to get more intense. but knowing you arent in pain is comforting. i love you my son
                 love momma bear
February 8, 2011
February 8, 2011
Hey my huney doll....Your steelers made it to the superbowl like u wanted we were all missin ya but we know u were right here w us!!! So many crazy things are happening baby its so over-whelming. I miss you alot and I know thats never gonna change, I just pray that your at peace and happy and that we will be together again soon.. I love u baby
February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011
Baby doll,
  O.k. I'm starting to realize this isn't going to get easier, I'm just goin to have to learn how to deal with it...If I'm not havin a moment one of the boys are or lil' mans hollerin for his dada and my heart just sinks again. I never thought I was weak but thats how I feel right now w no control over my emotions. I just want to go back in time, i want my life back, i want u back!!!
February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011
well my baby boy ur brother earl knows where u are please help him he needs ur guideness and forgiveness. i no u did forgive him but honey he needs u now. i love you my son
           love ur mamma
February 2, 2011
February 2, 2011
I think i'm movin backwards baby, i'm finding myself putting up more pictures and stuff holding onto anything i can to feel closer to u. I know i need to get a grip and be ok for our baby boy, u wanted nothing but the best for him. Please guide me and ask god to help me figure out the best things i can do for him, i wanna do right by all of them and I pray that I'm strong enough to do it. I love u
February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011
  They say only the good die young, YOU had a huge heart and always just wanted to feel loved, protected, and secure. There's alot of people that think they knew the real u with ur guard down, I was blessed to be loved by you and lost w out you. You always wanted us to hide away from the rest of the world, I wanna do that now....We miss u honey badly, I want my life back, and u in it...
February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011
Thinking of good times today.Thanks for helping me through a tough day bro.
January 31, 2011
January 31, 2011
To my Dad I'm sad I didn't get a chance to meet you! My big sis Paige said you're a great Dad! I had so many questions.
Miss you
Kaylee Jo
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