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How I met the love of my life.

September 5, 2011

Sam and I met February 23rd 1982. I was a single mum of three boys. Sam was stationed at RAF Greenham Common with the 501st Security Police Unit.  We met at a joint birthday party for Sam and his neighbours daughter Tina , one of my friends.

Tina was determined to get me fixed up with someone at her party. She decided almost two years on my own was way long enough to be single. So she enlisted the help of her husband Alan to make sure I didn't escape her plans.  Upon arrival at the party she gave me a rum and coke and introduced me to the man who was to become my husband, my best friend, my soul mate for almost 16yrs.

This charming American took me home that night. He was a perfect gentleman. He walked me to my door, took my keys from my hand, opened my door, gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. That I thought to myself is that. He likes me, but he does not want to deal with the baggage of three small children. I paid my babysitter and went to bed, thinking no more about it. 

At 7am the next morning I had just got downstairs to get breakfast for the boys, when there was a knock at my front door. Imagine when my surprise when I opened the door and there was my charming American on my doorstep. Not only was he on my doorstep, but he had red roses, a box of chocolates, and three tonka trucks !   He had come to take us all out to breakfast at Raf Upper Heyford. I was stunned ! He asked to come in and immediately took charge of getting my three small boys ready to go.  I was left to get myself dressed and since I had been raising them with no help at all it was rather weird to be alone in my room .. He took us out for a sumptuous American brunch buffet and then to the store where he bought more toys for three very happy little boys and then tried to gift me with jewelry.  I accepted the toys but declined the jewelry. His next words stunned me even further as he told me I would accept the jewelry after he had met my parents.

At the end of march he proposed to me after asking my dad for my hand in marriage. It was so formally done, my mother and I had to run into the backyard we were trying so hard not to laugh. Only after he had obtained my dad's blessing did he ask me to marry him. YES he went down on one knee in his class A uniform. ( He had picked up the boys and I straight from work ) . We were married at the United Reformed Church , Newbury Berkshire, on July 24th 1982. In March of 1984 just 3 months before we left for our new posting at Castle AFB, Atwater, California; my new husband formally adopted all three of my sons. The rest as they say is history !

Almost 16 very happy years later Sam passed away suddenly at home 9 days before christmas.

We love him very very much and not a day goes by we don't think of him or wish he was here with us to watch his grandchildren grow.

We miss you and love you


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