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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Shirley Niemeyer, 76 years old, born on April 29, 1943, and passed away on July 12, 2019. We will remember her forever.
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
Good Morning Beautiful,
What a Blessing to have you born to this world on April 29th. I wish you were still
here with us. I know your spirits continues on through your "girls", through Stories continue to be told of you and your beautiful ways and through them, your sparkling blue eyes shine in our minds and somehow your sweet voice is echoed through our souls. You are still with us, in so many ways. Happy Birthday sweet lady. Now that Lou has joined you and all those we Love and miss, we definitely know we are guarded by an army of Angels. Always with Love.
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Hi Shirley,
It has been a rocky year this year as you know. However, with you in our memories and souls, life is somehow made simpler knowing that you had been down much rockier roads. You continue to be a stronghold to life and reality and for that we will always reflect. Hug Rita and Bob for us and know we keep you forever close in our hearts. BTW, your resilient daughters are striving and thriving and making you proud as you well know. Always in our prayers and hearts. M & K and Family
July 15, 2022
July 15, 2022
We sure miss seeing you on our vacations and i no you are looking out for the girls. If you happen to see my dad up there can you give him a big hug for me? You will forever be in our hearts and loved , until we see you again my sweet mother n law. Fly high .
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Always missing you mom. Yesterday was a hard day. Will always be a hard day.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Thinking of you today. Always knew Nancy and I would be without all our big sisters someday, but there's no solace in that thought now. I would love to have one last party with all of us together. Love you Sis!
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My thoughts are with your Girls and your Loving Family today. It was a sad
day when you left. You lift my heart with your legendary sweetness and disposition. What an awesome role model. Loving you.
May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday , we miss you and will see you again some day . Love you Sandy and Bob
April 29, 2022
April 29, 2022
We miss you and pray wherever you are is calm, pain free and joyous with Dad, your sisters, brother and friends. We still feel you here sometimes. Happy Birthday Mom.
July 12, 2021
July 12, 2021
Always thinking about you and miss you very much. We miss seeing your beautiful face while in Florida with the girls. They are doing well and you,d be proud of them both . You are always in our hearts and prayers always .We love you sweet Shirley but god has you now and you are at rest and piece .
July 12, 2021
July 12, 2021
Thinking of you today and often. You have left your mark on all of us that knew you and carry you in our hearts every day.
July 12, 2021
As time goes by I miss you so much more than before. How I wish I could sit down beside you and hold your hand and be with you just one more time. Today celebrates the 2nd year since you've left us. Lessons continue and I see you more and more in Karin, myself, my husband, others who are loving and kind and all I become, touch and see. The pain of your loss remains bitter sweet. The tough times you and I had with our differences and likenesses still remain in memory, but now in a better place as I grow and learn what I didin't know then. We managed to get through it all with love and come to a peaceful place in time to share many wonderful times together. I still look back and as I live this life I realize more and more. There was so much more I wanted to share with you, show you, say to you and learn from you. How I wish so much you were here today. I feel your gentle guidance in so much that I do and surrounds me. So many quiet moments are yours. I hope you feel all the love we have for you and know just how much you are missed. We hope you are with Dad, family & friends that has passed and that you both are free of pain, full of love and in a peaceful place. I love you!
July 12, 2020
July 12, 2020
Shirley, I just took a walk with you, seeing all the touching photographs your
daughters and family so thoughtfully gathered. You and your Family were in my heart through the journey of viewing those pictures. Truly a wonderful
view of a wonderful Family.
My you are a beautiful woman, always dressed so nicely with that beautiful sincere smile. I just want you to know, that I see your values and style and sincerity being carried on through your Girls. They are as precious now as
they were in those precious photographs of then. Please watch over all of us
sweet soul and say hi to your sweet friend, my Mom Rita. I Love you and miss you. Look forward to seeing you someday again my sweet friend. 
July 12, 2020
July 12, 2020
Nancy and I talk about you all the time. You were so blessed to have two wonderful dedicated daughters and thanks to them we had you longer than most would have lasted with all your unfortunate health issues. You were a fighter and from that strength and determination, Nancy and I will try to do you proud! Always I our hearts Big Sis. ❤️
July 12, 2020
July 12, 2020
You,.ve been gone a year now and we miss you dearly , went to FL and it was so different you not being there . Always in our hearts , Heaveniversary to you Shirley , the best mother in law ever. Missing you and thinking of you today and always. Love you and miss you
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
Sweet tears, smiling sadness, loving thoughts and missing you so much. I pray you are somewhere beautiful with dad, your family, friends and animals and that I'll see you again. Miss you so much everyday! I go to call you all the time or start to head over to you and realize you're not there. I shop and put items in the basket for you only to realize again you're not here. The world feels emptier and more cold & a million things remind me of the beautiful woman you were. Love you mom
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
Happy heavenly birthday my sweet mother n law. I sure wish you were here . I miss you. Sandy and Bob

April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
Hit me odd this morning that today is your 77th birthday....Mom died in ‘77. I hope you can feel our love for you and know today we are thinking of YOU! Happy Heavenly Birthday....your baby Sis!
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
Happy Birthday Angel Shirley. I can just imagine what you would have to say about the world's predicament right now. Truly miss you.
August 9, 2019
August 9, 2019
Written 7/11/19
Shirley, I wish I had met you sooner, so I could have known you longer.
I met Shirley at Angela and Lou's wedding in 2013. I remember first of all how simply charming and sweet this beautiful Woman was, the sparkle that she carried within her. It was quite refreshing to see how very attentive and Loving her daughter's Angela and Karin were toward her, always right there anticipating her every need. What Love and respect they showed for her then and throughout my knowing her. Her two guardian Angels. As time allowed and through Shirley's girls and their delightful way of always making life fun and active. There were gatherings and outings and celebrations with Family and Friends. Our Friendship grew, our Families grew. Shirley and my Mother Rita met at one of these gatherings and instantly became friends. There were a lot they had experienced in life and so much in common, likes and dislikes and not being afraid to speak up about either mind you. They had also both been Girl Scout leaders. Their wit and humor were tireless, their laughter contagious. Those blue eyes would sparkle and express such joy in the short time they had to share together. The 2 of them were like peas in a pod. God Blessed them with that short Golden friendship.
Shirley visited my Mom with Angela often during my Mothers journey here
at my home under Hospice care. Shirley always put a smile on my Mothers
face with her visits. I will always remember Flamingo Gardens, Angela and Shirley met myself and my Mother Rita there for an afternoon of sunshine and lovely sites and sounds. A beautiful memory to cherish forever. 

Shirley's years of being a Girl Scout leader had rubbed off for certain. Both her Girls were Always prepared! Shirley, always so graceful, grateful and Loving to those around her. Her Girls were her treasure and they reflected her Love on a daily basis. Her sweetness and genuine, sometimes blunt honesty in matters I will miss. She was so delicate, self conscious and humble, always caring about others well being no matter what havoc was going on within her own mind and body. Her lively soul would shine through and twinkle in those sparkling sky blue eyes of hers.

I smile when I think that Shirley and my Mom Rita are now giggling and solving the worlds problems from a different view. And...if I close my eyes
and reminisce, i can still hear the music of her laughter. Shirley, I know how very proud you are of Angela and Karin and will always remember how you expressed your Love for the both of them and how your treasured and shared your concerns that they needed you, everytime I saw you. In your
last few days, I do believe you came to peace knowing that they will be alright,
you did an incredible feat at being a Survivor, a Mother, a Sister, a leader, a volunteer, a role model and a True Friend. Thank you for sharing with us, the gift of you.
I will miss you so.... Until we meet again. Kathleen
Our Loving Condolences to Angela and Karin and Nancy, Her Family and all of those who Love her. May God give you comfort and Peace.
August 1, 2019
August 1, 2019
Shirley was a friendly, generous, smiling happy soul, who's sparkling blue eyes will be missed, and fondly remeberred like a welcomed candle flame to otherwise dark surroundings.
             Rest peacefully.
August 1, 2019
August 1, 2019
Oh my beautiful sweet mother in-law , we didn't get enough time with you . I miss you when we aren't there. We will see you again one day momma . Bob and I are so sad ,but we no you were tired and ready to be with the Lord . You are truly an Angel. Fly high sweetheart, tell my father in-law hello from us both .we love you momma Shirley ❤️❤️ many prayers for the family , now she can rest . I'll never forget how kind you have always been to us ❤️❤️
July 29, 2019
The most spiritual and loving woman I've ever known. Our mother, Shirley Niemeyer, whom I miss more than I ever knew possible. Wherever you were, was home. You were all about family all of the time. When you were so sick that life made no sense and we prayed for you to go quietly and painlessly, Hospice stepped in and helped us all through. Thank you Trustbridge and special thanks to Stoney and Pat. We were finally ready to let go of you and God gently took you from us with a gentle breath.

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May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
Good Morning Beautiful,
What a Blessing to have you born to this world on April 29th. I wish you were still
here with us. I know your spirits continues on through your "girls", through Stories continue to be told of you and your beautiful ways and through them, your sparkling blue eyes shine in our minds and somehow your sweet voice is echoed through our souls. You are still with us, in so many ways. Happy Birthday sweet lady. Now that Lou has joined you and all those we Love and miss, we definitely know we are guarded by an army of Angels. Always with Love.
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Hi Shirley,
It has been a rocky year this year as you know. However, with you in our memories and souls, life is somehow made simpler knowing that you had been down much rockier roads. You continue to be a stronghold to life and reality and for that we will always reflect. Hug Rita and Bob for us and know we keep you forever close in our hearts. BTW, your resilient daughters are striving and thriving and making you proud as you well know. Always in our prayers and hearts. M & K and Family
Her Life
Recent stories
August 1, 2019
Shirley Niemeyer, born Shirley Marie Sandrell 4/29/43 in Loretto, Tennessee passed peacefully in her shared home with her daughter Karin Niemeyer in Tamarac, Florida 7/12/19. Declining health from Lupus, COPD and then eventually Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Mesothelioma with Dementia over a 26 year battle of ill health,  while surpassing her husband Kenneth by 11 years died in the loving care of her daughters, Angie & Karin and sister Nancy Langley with the help of Hospice and a few close friends. Shirley was born into a rough childhood of alcoholic parents as the oldest of 6 siblings and being responsible for raising the others until she was 17. She was always very religious attending Catholic school and studying to be a nun until she met her now deceased husband Kenneth Niemeyer while working at the White Castle hop in St. Louis, MO. She asked her mom & the priest for the right to marry Ken and soon she left her siblings in the care of the next oldest sibling, her sister Bobby, and began a life with Ken. They worked the carnival traveling around together until they made their way to Hermosa Beach, California. Ken worked odd jobs to support them and attended computer school while they had their first child, Angie in Redondo Beach, California. Shortly thereafter moving to San Gabriel into a rented home while Ken climbed the ladder in the computer industry, Shirley concentrated on the family. In 1967, 10 years after meeting and marrying, they moved with Angie to Arcadia, California and 3 years later had their 2nd child, Karin Niemeyer. They enjoyed neighbors and a few close friends, The Scalas and Hallocks while living there. Ken & Shirley applied for a childcare license to start up a child babysitting care business, but we don’t recall that happening. Shirley stayed at home with us girls until each of us was old enough to enter school. Shirley continued her Catholic upbringing by raising us girls by God and living for her husband and her family. Early on, Shirley’s brother, Charles stayed with us and once he entered the Marines, he would bring a few of them back with him to spend Thanksgiving with us. Once her first, Angie had entered school, Shirley went to work selling Mary Kay cosmetics for a time and then worked as a Bra Fitter for May Stores later after her 2nd child Karin entered school. In 1970 Karin was born. We had learned that our father Ken had married before Shirley and that he had two sons. Ken & Shirley tried off and on unsuccessfully to adopt the sons and still sent alimony to the first wife. Later they took in Charles, Kenneth’s oldest for a very short time to try and turn him around, but he could not get it together enough to stay. Shirley and Ken remarried in the early 70s by the church this time.  Shirley became a Girl Scout Leader with then friend Pat Hallock, while Angie was in scouts and Karin was young.  An active troop involved in all kinds of efforts and events brought honors to the leaders and much joy to the scouts and Karin. While Karin was a small child, Shirley’s sister Nancy came to live with us in Arcadia before leaving to marry her husband Randy a time after. Seems our house was always full, with family, friends, and happenings. Ken and Shirley decided to move their daughters out of the suburbs of L.A. to get back to their country roots when they landed in Homer, NY in 1978. Shirley & Ken met their new friends Tom & Lou Nutting through their daughters' friends Michelle and Maria. They joined the bowling league their friends the Nuttings were on. Shirley went to work with Lou at TOPS Supermarket while husband Ken joined the fire dept. with Tom and Shirley joined the Fire Dept Auxillary. Ken continued to work in computers for a time. They then moved to Horseheads, later Big Flats and then Erin NY all the while Shirley remained on all of the Fire Dept Auxillarys. They returned to Missouri in 1996 when they moved next to Shirley’s sister Nancy and family at the lake in Dittmer. They joined the Board and began to look after the lake. They loved living there, but Shirley’s health continued to decline and Ken was diagnosed with cancer and in 2004 husband Ken suffered a traumatic brain injury in a head-on car accident. Shirley found herself with the daunting task of having to take care of Ken, while sick herself. They then moved to Tamarac, Florida into Angela’s home with Karin, retrofitted by Louis Falletta to accommodate Ken’s new needs, so that the family could help Ken recover and assist mom with her illness and care for Ken. Family together again. Shirley met Gloria Diaz who became her dear friend that continued to visit and call her weakly until her passing. With Shirley so sick, Louis took Ken back and forth to radiation in Miami while Angie attended school. After losing Ken to Cancer in 2008 Shirley re-joined the gym, Lou hired her a trainer and she tried to regain her health, but slowly she was declining from weakness from COPD with pneumonias and broken bones from years of prednisone taken for her Lupus. She enjoyed living with her girls and gaining a son in law, Louis Falletta in 2013. She enjoyed her friendship with Kathleen and mom Rita Rigolizzo. Shirley gave away Angie with son Eddie from her first marriage on the Lady Kathleen in Ft. Lauderdale, FL with some of our family and friends in attendance. Shirley showed us girls a bruise on her breast that we thought was just from sleeping funny just prior to the wedding. Within 2 weeks she had 2 bruises and by the time the medical field diagnosed those bruises with inflammatory breast cancer, Shirley’s right breast was covered with these bruises within a month and a halves short timing. Immediately Shirley started chemotherapy. Remission occurred after only 2 treatments, but therapy needed to continue for life as this Stage 3C breast cancer is a deadly form of cancer doubling in size every 2 weeks. Louis and Angela put off any idea of a honeymoon and stayed to care for mom with Karin. Pretty much any time Louis and Angela had planned a trip before, it had to be canceled as some emergency with mom would always occur. In 2014 Shirley wanted to make sure Karin was alright and together they bought a house to eventually be Karins where Karin had chosen in Tamarac, FL. Shirley had fallen at the hospital and broke her hip and the title company had to come to the hospital to finish the closing with Karin. Only a year later Shirley was diagnosed with Mesothelioma and another chemo was added to her regimen. Surgery was not an option for either or Shirley would have opted-in. Insurance dictated that a nasty cheaper drug be used for her breast cancer and after 2 treatments, added neuropathy to her troubles creating difficulty in feeling her feet to walk and her hands to feel and continued her weakness with dizziness. She took it all well, but suffered cases of pneumonia and falls leading to major bone breaks and further weakness. Shirley was strong in her will and fight to live and she had her daughters & Lou & friends by her side to help. The dementia was further complicating life and she was needing extra care beyond what her girls could give her alone as she needed someone with her 24 hours a day. For Lou this was extremely hard for him to bear as he lost his parents and brother having Dementia on board. We brought in friend Sharon Khan to assist mom early on through her first large bone break. Nancy came to stay with us for a while through those insults as well. After recovering from this bone break, a year later another, and another. Nancy came back down again for a time. When Shirley recuperated from these insults she reluctantly agreed to join a senior center, as she really had no choice as she could not be left alone. She joined Amazing Age, in Margate, FL by being told she would be working there. She loved to go and enjoy new friends, spiritual connections and new crushes and of course work. This was one amazing place owned and operated by Peggy and a few very special women. Shirley would then begin to take a handicap bus into the center on her own with Dementia which made her feel independent. We then hired another friend, Norma Benford where we enjoyed the closeness of friends with us caring for our mom. Although Shirley fought hard against having anyone have to look after her, all of us remained strong in our will to look after her best we all could while her sundowners took hold and gave us another Shirley. Her and Karin’s home remained a loving home throughout all of the pain, suffering, arguments, derailing dementia and decline. We were blessed to have a helping and loving Lou, her sister Nancy’s help and the assistance of friends and new friends as well. Special thanks to Kathleen Rigolizzo and Jen next door. Karin and I were so blessed to have all of you by ours and mom's side through all of this. We will never be able to thank you all enough as you have all become our family and Shirley’s as well throughout Shirley's illness. As Louis and Angela now tend to Louis’s illness they are blessed to have such a family that continues to check-in and bring supportive love. Thank you, Nancy Langley, for joining us again through this sad loss of yet another sister so soon after losing your husband. You stood here for the sisters and brother who couldn’t and most lovingly. Thank you to Lou Falletta for his amazing support and understanding and many of times taking a back seat in life to this care we all provided Shirley. You were one amazing mom, friend, sister, wife & spiritual leader and you will be missed more then we could have ever thought. We will continue to honor your life by living our life as full and loving and spiritual as possible and to carry that spirit of you and dad with us in our daily lives. We’ve learned that home is in our heart and wherever we go it will be whether it be with a husband, friends or close family home will be in our hearts. Thank you for giving us home, family and life. Love you forever and more.

A Friend She Will Surely Be Visiting Now

July 20, 2019

Mom with friend Rita Rigolizzo just before she passed. I'm sure they're hanging out somewhere looking over us here.

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