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June 22
My day with you has ended as it began…listening to Andrea Bouchelli sing the last song you and I sang together before you passed away. Your hallucinations of death were terrifying you and were only stopped by my rocking you and singing your favorite calming hymn “ Ave Maria.” I turned the camera on my cell phone which I was able to hold in my left hand as I stroked your arm with my right hand. I was able to
record you mouthing the words of the hymn as I sang it, thus dissipating your horrific hallucinations of death approaching. Love does change everything even conquers death! You are my forever love. Goodnight my someone, good night my love, your star is shining so bright tonight,
I can rest as you too rest in peace….Goodnight
August 8, 2018
August 8, 2018
Jim and I have such wonderful memories of Steve because Steve was a wonderful person. Besides being a devoted father, stepfather, and husband, he found joy in the little events that make up our lives. He loved to laugh and had an infectious laugh. When we think of Steve we immediately think of his love of tennis, "Law and Order," and shopping at Costco. He always found a nice way to say something about something or someone he did not like. If I were to write his resume for a job, I would give him 5 stars for his people skills. Always a positive person, the world has lost a person with an ethic and approach to life that we all should aspire to. Even as he passed from this life to the next, he wore that frequently present smile. We are thankful for the times we spent with him.
November 7, 2017
November 7, 2017
Hi Gracie,

We're so sorry to hear of Steve's passing, may he rest in peace. It was a shock. We didn't know Steve all that well, but what we did know of him, he was a really friendly guy. Sending our deepest sympathy to you, Gracie. You are going to miss him so much, may the Lord keep you in his loving hands during this difficult time.
November 6, 2017
November 6, 2017
Dearest Daddy,
I went to Laughflin recently and thought of you as I choose my keno numbers. Because you taught me fundamental math like algebra and more progressive math like logistics. I could play a variety of casino games. Further more I was able to understand the stock market in algebra two trig geometrics and other gateways to math. I love you so much and will miss you forever.Your teaching skills that turned into my math skills I will benefit from always out in the big world of math...
Lots of love and hugs,
Your daughter Marianne
October 29, 2017
October 29, 2017
Sweet, Sweet cousin Gracie,
Even though we didn't see you both often, I have such fond memories of you both and your girls. Steve was such a special soul full of life ad laughter. You and Steve were always so charismatic and loving and fun to be around. My prayers are with you at this most challenging time. Sending you big hugs and lots of love. Lillian
October 29, 2017
October 29, 2017
What an amazing person! I feel so lucky to have known Steve and his kind heart and contagious laugh! My heart and prayers are with you Aunt Gracie and all his girls. Sending many hugs!

Michelle, Martin, Jack & Andrew
October 29, 2017
October 29, 2017
Aunt Gracie & Girls, Our hearts, love and prayers are with all of you, we so wish we could be there to hug and support all of you. We know you will find strength in all the wonderful memories Steve gave to you. He was such a wonderful person always so happy and loving. We could see how happy he made you Aunt Grace which in turn made us happy. We are so honored to call him Uncle Steve and to have him as part of our family and lives. Tom & Barbara
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
Steve , when you married my Aunt Grace 23 year's ago . I really didn't know you vary well , even that first time you came back to Scranton and to see Aunt Grace's Mom . It was a couple of year's when Aunt Grace would call Mom and I would talk to her and she sounded happy and she would talk about you with great joy and every time you would come back home I saw how happy Aunt Grace was with you . Then you became Uncle Steve . Uncle Steve we'll miss you , But you'll never be forgotten . Aunt Grace , Lisa , Michelle , Lori , Lynne and Marianne . Our hart felt deepest condolences to all of you . We wish we could be there for all of you , to help support all of you and to do stuff for you . Our thoughts and prayer are with you all at this time of need . We love you all .
October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017
Grace, My heart is with you. I know its not easy to negotiate the road of life after losing such an important part of your life.
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
I didn’t know Steve or your family personally but wanted to share some words of encouragement. From your comments I can tell he definitely had an impact on many people’s lives. His life is proof of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 7:1 that a good name is important and the day of ones death is better than the day of ones birth just beacause a person has accomplished a lot by the time of their death. However death is still hard to accept. We look forward to the time when Revelation 21:3,4 will be fulfilled and pain, tears, and death will be eliminated. Until that time deep sympathy— Julia
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Your love lives on in the little things you shared, in the moments we will always treasure, your infectious laughter which was contagious, the way you looked at us out of your sparkling hazel eyes and your smile that lit up the room even at the moment of your death. We will see your
face every time we look up at the bright stars in the night sky. The memories of the special love you shared will return each day to bring comfort to our broken hearts. Even death won’t part us now!
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Thank you for being a gentle man, a joyful Carpenter. You added good to the world, something all of us wish to emulate. Much sympathy to your wife and children who will miss you most of all.
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Dear Steve was my favorite cousin and always there for me in an emergency, even when we were children. It was so nice having someone older than me around to pick up the torch and lead everybody in a fun game or adventure! Thank you, Steve, especially for welcoming into your home after my cancer surgery. Peace be with you.
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Steve just laughed and laughed, even if it was at his own jokes.
His big smile was omnipresent. I used to play tennis with him
and he graciously aimed the ball right in to my racquet. He took pride
in his appearance and always looked dapper. Grace & Steve were
lucky to have each other. I will always remember you Stveve.
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Steve was a wonderful man who was always very kind to me and my family. We lived on the same street when he was living on Regis Way and always remember him as a friendly, nice neighbor. My condolences to your family. He will be missed. xo RIP Mr. Carpenter
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Grace, While I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Steve, I did lose my mother to Alzheimer's three years ago and know the extreme love and devotion you needed to pull from to bring you through the years. My heart is with you as you experience grief and eternal love in all of its forms. A big hug, Mary
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Steve, One thing I will always cherish, and miss about you, is your kind heart and big laughter :) I remember your kindness when you drove your old ford to northern California to help me and your daughter, ex wife Marianne, God bless her, when we really needed help and needed another car! Memory is a lovely lane, and there is a beautiful road called remembrance, always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts, may God bless you and rest in peace.
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017
Steve was a beautiful man. I realized that men can be beautiful when my father passed. Steve and dad were a lot alike. Steve was very sweet, loving, kind and giving. He was a GENTLEMAN! He was fun, funny, and sometimes thought he was funny. :-) I'll miss that beautiful man; however, I am all for loved ones resting after a long journey. See you later my friend...
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017
I will miss seeing Steve out in front of his house. He always gave me a friendly greeting and a wave. Also the " care packages " from Steve and Grace when Gretchen was so sick.

Fondly,Mark Uslander
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017
Steve always had a smile on his face. He always pitched in in helping setting up events such as the July 4th picnic. We remember Steve walking around our neighborhood and always ready to start up a friendly conversation. Such a nice guy who we will miss.
October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017
I remember my cousin Steve as fun-loving, kind, wise, and generous, and so pleasant to be around. He was a good example of what this world needs more of. Rest in Peace, Steve. You lived a good, full life.

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