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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Tekau Rasayon, 17 years old, born on July 23, 1994, and passed away on March 28, 2012. We will remember her forever.
July 24
July 24
Hey Boo, yesterday would have been the 30th Solar return (B'Earthday) of your incarnation. There is a portrait of 'Buddha' flanking your pictures on my stairway to buffer the pull of energies fluctuating in this sphere. Avatar has one too! However, his 'Buddha' is above his photo, just like you, his choice to transcend the domain of ignorance and petty emotions became amplified to align with the ESSENCE of Tekau Turiya. Obviously, it is apparent that my person is disinclined to pen thoughts here. So much has transformed since your elevation to join the Chorus of Ancestors. Other than the daily Mantra to resonate words & thoughts to affirm eternal serenity to evoke the perpetual echo that binds your SOUL to the Spirit of your Brothà -- I avoid intruding upon your tranquility with the mundane matters of where I navigate "LIFE". Existing in this world without you present literally became that -- EXISTING. Living on this level had reached an impasse for Avatar, particularly - when I moved into my home away from the house both of you found residence.  Had my thoughts not shifted to this level there would be more reflections penned to rekindle memories of your PHENOMENAL person who chose me to be a co-conduit of your visit to this plane. I now have 99% percent clarity on why you and your brothá left this dimension. If this medium was paper - the pen would capture the sporadic blurry words altered by the random tears that slowly cascade as gravity and my head tilt adds that reminiscent signature of being the dad of Two of the most WONDERFUL manifestations of human life in the history of this biosphere called Earth.
Asanté Sana, Tatenda, Merci, Shukran, A'he'hee (THANK YOU) for bestowing upon my heart and memories - thoughts, that I was granted the supreme opportunity and experience of being the Dad for Two Wisdom Walkers.
(I will attempt to upload the Buddhas for both of you.
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
         Hapi B’earthday and a Perpetual Nirvanic Ascension
Hey Boo, Thank You for choosing me to be your Dad. My person is about to share a commentary that is literally “out-of-this-world.” 10 solar cycles ago, precisely 10.358 since you embarked on ‘The Journey’ to realign with the ANCESTORS revisits me with challenges to listen to “I Was Here.” A timeless Impeccable lyrical dance recorded as a tribute to the souls ripped from the planet during the 9-Eleven Tragedy, written by Dianne Warren and brought to Beyoncé's attention by Jay-Z. This song was dropped on her 4th Album, which was released on the 11th of June 2011, which was 278 days before (your) Tekau’s Ascension to crossing over on the 28th of March 2012. Numerology translates those days into (2+7+8=17) the number 17, which represents her 17 years on the planet, and 17 in numerology is an 8, recorded as 1+7 equal to 8, which represents INFINITY. Beyoncé's vocal range in that song covers 2- octaves, which is 2x8 representative of infinity - above and below, and it is the eleventh (11) track on her 4th CD-album. (The strings and humming sounds reminiscent of Bee’s and one’s heartbeat are thematic harmonics of the song). Eleven is SPIRIT recognizing the material world as a conduit for a Spirit to manifest. Some of you may recall that Tekau was born with her eyes literally open … (yeaaaa, I am familiar with the Eurocentric “science” which suggest newborn babies are unable to see).

You may also recall that I watched her pupils dilate when her last waves of energy left her person. Why am I penning this narrative? Days before and the day of her crossing over, my middle Daughter later discovered in her mobile phone – Tekau was incessantly playing” I was Here" ad-infinitum, as if that song was the only repeated and noticeable one on her playlist. In short, she consciously acknowledged that she was informing all who knew and know her -- that she was eloquently telling us that she was leaving this world (dimension), and SHE KNEW IT! More importantly, two of her classmates Told Me, and later escorted me to the place where she collapsed on the ‘campus track’ (athletic field) that she had begun to hum before the EMTs arrived – Later, I managed to piece together that the sound was/is from a Buddhist Mantra (which begins and ends with Aum/ (aka as Om).

In simple terms, this is my fourth human conduit visited through the womb of her mother whom I am No Longer connected to ~ Ma’sha’Allah. Twenty-eight years ago, this Phenomenal, Lovely Intriguing Beautiful representation of Spirit saw my person by making Eye-contact. She eased from her mother’s womb with opened eyes as I cradled her tiny slippery warm body in my palms and arms. Know then, that it is fitting to share that the Heart Chakra ❤️ takes 28 years to fully mature before the voice of the Soul has total control. Tekau Turiya (which means to see clearly 10 vibrations across 4 Dimensions) concluded she had seen enough of what this world had to offer. "So, Re-member when you put her person back together in your memories of her - It will be easy to Re-call -- throughout Time that she was here! Now, she is every where you are in MEMORY) So, as her "Daddy," I want the WORLD to KNOW, That I AM CERTAIN and CONFIDENT that  ~~~~~~
                    TEKAU TURIYA RASAYON
                      IS In a MUCH BETTER PLACE as a Wise Ancestor -- fully aligned with the Akashic Records.

A few Lyrics from the song
"I was Here"

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time
Know there was something that meant something that I left behind
When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won't forget
I was Here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``
March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
Honey, that which incarnated as the spirit of your 'Dad' on the 28th of this western calendar month (March) will be 87,660 hours minus 20 days and 21 hours observed your pupils fully dilating, as a reference to you undulating from your physical form. Accounting for the wobble on the planet and the extra hours for 2-leap years with respect to days, these metrics juxtaposed on time are 99.5% accurate. Why the details? In simple terms, I rubbed my special blend of 6 oils on your sternum creating a "Y" along your sternum to cradle your heart. I Know you waited for me to reach you, as your iris opened to relax one last time - capturing and signaling the final wave and encoding of light as you ascending from this world. For that sacrifce - I am profoundly and ETERNALLY grateful. During this forthcoming TEN-YEAR period. There is a 99.5% chance that I will No longer come to your bedroom to observe the perpetually illuminated Pink light I burned in your room since you crossed over. Because, before this year of 2022 ends - I will no longer sleep in this house, which was a Home -- Only when you were here.
Mahalo, Setem Na' Ausar Auset. Daddy -- Navigating the Circle of Life
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
With you all remembering this beautiful light. In God's love, Josie
July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018
Hey Boo, I remain reflective on why I miss you, because I can feel you every time I hug or kiss your picture. At times, I even kiss Dollbaby who sleeps next to Christopher. ~~~~BTW, I have something, I took from your room. Ideally a dream will guide me in what to do with what I feel like you asked me to choose. Each day I make Salat in Amira's East room, I plea to Ausar-Auset - Allah and the Ancestors for your Soul & Spirit to be at Eternal Peace.
Love You more with each breadth & thought - Dad
March 28, 2015
March 28, 2015
Just remember that while we rightfully mourn the passing of our friends and or loved ones, others are anxiously waiting to be reunited with them "Beyond the Veil"! Also, be reminded that she said in a vision that she'll meet you at the top of the stairs! She's alive and well!
February 16, 2015
February 16, 2015
Hey Boo; I am certain that the observation/comment you shared is embedded in the Akashi Records of the universe. ~~ One of your unique Anime movies ~~~ 'some little bright eyed female character - was lamenting with profound despair, by the bedside of a beloved friend', who had managed to survive a very violent attack . . . and I recall you saying or quoting this remark to her Sistah/Friend, who was totally consumed with GRIEF. ~~ "But, did you die!!? ~ Did you?! Did you die !!? . . . so, live, just live, and fight another day . . . You have NO IDEA of how much I MISS your passion & words of wisdom. Wish I had hugged you more ~~~~~
Love you. I kiss your Portrait every day (when I'm clean), and no one in the house can see me. Daddy
March 30, 2014
March 30, 2014
Always a bright heart that the veil cannot shadow. Josie and Sam
March 28, 2014
March 28, 2014
Beyond The Veil

There’s another whole world unseen by eyes,
and it’s just beyond the veil;
where our loved ones go and forever reside,
in God’s arms Beyond The Veil.

No sorrow there, no more tears to cry
over there beyond the veil;
always hello’s-no more goodbyes,
only joy Beyond The Veil.

Beauty untold-more than the eyes can behold,
waiting for us beyond the veil;
where we’ll never get tired and never grow old,
forever young Beyond The Veil.

An existence more real than we’ll ever know,
it’s just hidden beyond the veil;
escorted when our race has been won here below,
to this world that’s Beyond The Veil.

Our friends, our loved ones wait for us there,
anxiously beyond the veil;
and God himself relieves us our cares,
as we join Him Beyond The Veil.

Author Curtina Clark

Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain,  for the old order of things has passed away.
February 2, 2014
February 2, 2014
The more time goes on, the more i need u. u the only one who could open my heart nd truely listen. sadly no one else ever will.........
March 30, 2013
March 30, 2013
It has been over a year since God brought you back to heaven. We think about your grace and love that you expressed to everybody everyday. Tekau I miss you and will always love you. I know that you are watching over your friends and family with that bright smile of yours. Don't ever stop smiling Tekau. Cause that is what gets us through the tough days. We miss you and love you!
March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
Tekau I miss you so much I always find the urge to always want to speak to you cause you were always just a phone call away Im so glad that I met such an amazing person you left such an impact in my heart no words can explain I miss our daily convos and your laugh that was so contagious... I miss you so much and I still grieve your absence but our memories give me comfort. Love you Tekau!
November 30, 2012
November 30, 2012
This is a lovely tribute to Tekau's life. I'm glad we have a way to share ongoing memories with each other. Tekau--soaring among the stars and forever will you be missed.
September 13, 2012
September 13, 2012
I never really knew what to put on here. I couldnt find the right words. We weren't the closest of friends, but you had a special place in my heart. I remember when you would try to be sneaky and Sgt.D would catch you eating twizzlers :D and when we talked about the movies we watched as kids. You barely knew me yet treated me like family. And for that you are my dearest friend. I love you
August 29, 2012
August 29, 2012
I know you are here with me Turiya.I was laying down tonight and when I was just nearly asleep my laptop that was turned off started playing I Was Here I know you are my beautiful sister.I know you will always be here for me.Even though you see me cry when I speak to you i need you to know something. I cry because it assures me that you really are a truly special girl to me. I Love You! :
August 29, 2012
August 29, 2012
I miss you so much. You were the only one that I ever let call me hun, baby, babe.It was just one of those simple subconscious things that makes you the amazing best friend you are.You always told me how you wanted to be a tv star I just wish you weren't chosen to be a star in this way.I want you to know that I will always love you and that we will meet again one day my Lady Hornet Angel.
August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012
You inspire and have influenced me to be a better person.As I go back to Towson,I will carry a piece of you in my heart to keep me motivated to strive for success.I believe it was going to be fun having you as a roommate lol.I had picked out all the good "vegetarian" eating places on campus we could eat.Just to let you know,I miss the hugs you use to give me when you saw me at the school<3
August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012
I was told in a church service that I was going to meet great people.They were right!I didn't know it when I first met you but I do now.You were a dear friend.I don't know how to explain it but you greatly impacted my life in a positive manner while you were with us and still after you have gone.It tis bitter sweet but tis good to know that you r in a better place <3 u 4evr
August 2, 2012
August 2, 2012
So I saw the poem I wrote for you in the year book and the page looks so pretty its pink and got pictures of you around it and it was so amazing to see something I have done be made so beautiful for an amazing soul like you.
July 26, 2012
July 26, 2012
Turiya ! From the moment I met u in 9th grade I fell in love with ur beautiful attitude, ur uniqueness, & mostly ur name ! Such a beautiful spirit to match a beautiful face ! I miss u grabbing my hand & making me go somewhere with u...I miss u stopping by my locker to try & steal my clothing or shoes, lol...I miss ur smile... I miss u "Hunni Love" z =)
July 25, 2012
July 25, 2012
Tekau your finally 18 baby girl Me yu shay and Lena we miss yu so much it's not the same without you
July 23, 2012
July 23, 2012
Happy birthday beautiful angel! We miss you so much!
July 23, 2012
July 23, 2012
i just wanted to tell you happy birthday hunney i really miss ur joyful spirt and i will always keep you forever ingrained in my heat. i love you kayla
July 23, 2012
July 23, 2012
July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012
Tekau..if only you knew how much I truly miss you..I remember the last time I saw was at the Tuskegee Convention, we had so much fun that day..dancing and just roaming around lol I think about those days everyday and I just want you to know that I love you and miss you so much ! I have your picture on my wall so your always with me..just know that I love you always ! <3
July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012
Last time we talked we were in Sgt.D's office talking about how you were going to come back with an Asian boy just like the one's in the video..we laughed for hours as you braided Amanda's hair... then i said bye to you after NCOA.... I love you soooooooo much and i really hope you know that.
July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012
when i heard what happened i never cried so hard but as time goes on i remember more and more of all the times you made me smile. you dancing at practice, doing catwalk and just being happy.
July 17, 2012
July 17, 2012
We were never close friends, but I cried when everyone was wearing pink the day after your death. It hurt to know how a person like you was gone, you were full of happiness and love. And I wish to Thank you, because even if we never had a conversation but exchanged did make a difference in my Brothers life. You made him happy. May the Lord Bless your Family.
July 14, 2012
July 14, 2012
It's crazy to even contemplate the thought of you being gone.. We weren't very close but your lose was still hard on me cause ever since I met you through shaina you were always so sweet and so warm to me. To not know me all that well you treated me as if I was your best friend.. But I guess that was your style wasn't it? With Much love Tekau. I know I will see you again and see that smile
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Well I remembered becoming close to you and you always wanted to understand why i was so distant. So we talked one day and I told you things it took me years to tell others. Through I was hurting, I watched you cry like these problems where yours. You told me I was strong and though I became distant again I never forgot. I love you dearly. <3 *secret tennis racket hand shake*
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Tekau i miss you, our friends miss you, everyone misses you and we all love you and know one day we will be able to see you again, reunite and catch up on everything you've been doing up in heaven :). You left a mark on your legacy and a little piece of you in all of us. To us You are like our "One piece" that treasure we all wanted in our lives whether it was a friend, bf or much more <3.
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
You were like our naruto always so hyped and different from others but always helped your friends and others. You were like our ichigo from bleach you always cared for us as we cared and treasured you. I am glad i was able to meet you and be a good friend to you, i still wish i couldve got to know you better but i guess that can wait till i join you up there one day huh lol :)...
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
because of you and that little piece you left in me i plan to do my senior year with some spark, just be me even if it means being different from everyone else just like you, and you never cared, and that's why people liked you so were unique, you will never be forgotten bud, cause this isn't a goodbye, its like what we all agreed on for you, its just a see you later. Love You <3
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Tekau, words alone can not express how much you mean to me. I love you beyond words. Each day I look up at your pictures. Admiring your beauty and the good times we had together. One memory in particular stands out. One day after school, we sat in front of my locker for hours just talking about life. I miss you more and more each day. Cant wait to see you again. Kisses Babe. Muah!
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Tekau what can I say you are the most wonderful and most spirited person that I have ever meet in my life! We meet when I was in ninth grade starting in ROTC and we bonded from there and our friendship really meant alot to me from you always telling me to put a smile on my face and giving me hugs and telling me everything was gonna be okay in life. Tekau you meant alot to me and I love you
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Tekau I really miss you and wish you was still here everyday but God had a plan for you and only you knew it and instead of me being sad I cherish your life and legacy and how you meant so much to me. I promised you that I would do everything possible to be what you said I would be and I wanna thank you fo believing in me when I didn't believ in myself so thank you! Don't Forget Me Love U!
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
You can remember her only that she is gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her, or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
I didn't know you long, but in that short time, I came to love you. Just like everyone else you met, i fell for you bright inviting smile. You will forever live in our memories and in our hearts. R.I.P. to Surrattsville's Angel
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
It's been u & I since the fourth grade & I never imagined u would leave me so early. U are my heart and my absolute best friend. I have nothing but great memories with u and so happy that u decided to share ur friendship with me. U got me thru so many hard times && I thank u for that. Gonna miss singing all our Naruto songs together =)) U are the best part of me I live u && miss u everyday
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
I Love You Tekau You Are An Inspiration.You Taught Me Everything I Needed To Know About ROTC & Whenever I Felt Like I Couldn't Do It You Always Said 'Ive Seen You Command BISHOP You Are Like That' I Wish U Were Here But I Know God Taking Care Of You I'll See You Upthere Later On.Don't Forget Me Gurl I Love You Tekau
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
Ray of sunshine you were. I miss you more and more T.. I know you're enjoying your time up there. I'll see you on the 29th for your celebration! I love you forever! <3 :)
July 11, 2012
July 11, 2012
"I love you and miss you soo much, your smile and your laugh, the best play aunt ive ever had, always knew what to say :)" <3
July 8, 2012
July 8, 2012
We love and miss you, and will always remember your laugh, your smile and your life with love and happinness. <3 :)

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July 24
July 24
Hey Boo, yesterday would have been the 30th Solar return (B'Earthday) of your incarnation. There is a portrait of 'Buddha' flanking your pictures on my stairway to buffer the pull of energies fluctuating in this sphere. Avatar has one too! However, his 'Buddha' is above his photo, just like you, his choice to transcend the domain of ignorance and petty emotions became amplified to align with the ESSENCE of Tekau Turiya. Obviously, it is apparent that my person is disinclined to pen thoughts here. So much has transformed since your elevation to join the Chorus of Ancestors. Other than the daily Mantra to resonate words & thoughts to affirm eternal serenity to evoke the perpetual echo that binds your SOUL to the Spirit of your Brothà -- I avoid intruding upon your tranquility with the mundane matters of where I navigate "LIFE". Existing in this world without you present literally became that -- EXISTING. Living on this level had reached an impasse for Avatar, particularly - when I moved into my home away from the house both of you found residence.  Had my thoughts not shifted to this level there would be more reflections penned to rekindle memories of your PHENOMENAL person who chose me to be a co-conduit of your visit to this plane. I now have 99% percent clarity on why you and your brothá left this dimension. If this medium was paper - the pen would capture the sporadic blurry words altered by the random tears that slowly cascade as gravity and my head tilt adds that reminiscent signature of being the dad of Two of the most WONDERFUL manifestations of human life in the history of this biosphere called Earth.
Asanté Sana, Tatenda, Merci, Shukran, A'he'hee (THANK YOU) for bestowing upon my heart and memories - thoughts, that I was granted the supreme opportunity and experience of being the Dad for Two Wisdom Walkers.
(I will attempt to upload the Buddhas for both of you.
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
         Hapi B’earthday and a Perpetual Nirvanic Ascension
Hey Boo, Thank You for choosing me to be your Dad. My person is about to share a commentary that is literally “out-of-this-world.” 10 solar cycles ago, precisely 10.358 since you embarked on ‘The Journey’ to realign with the ANCESTORS revisits me with challenges to listen to “I Was Here.” A timeless Impeccable lyrical dance recorded as a tribute to the souls ripped from the planet during the 9-Eleven Tragedy, written by Dianne Warren and brought to Beyoncé's attention by Jay-Z. This song was dropped on her 4th Album, which was released on the 11th of June 2011, which was 278 days before (your) Tekau’s Ascension to crossing over on the 28th of March 2012. Numerology translates those days into (2+7+8=17) the number 17, which represents her 17 years on the planet, and 17 in numerology is an 8, recorded as 1+7 equal to 8, which represents INFINITY. Beyoncé's vocal range in that song covers 2- octaves, which is 2x8 representative of infinity - above and below, and it is the eleventh (11) track on her 4th CD-album. (The strings and humming sounds reminiscent of Bee’s and one’s heartbeat are thematic harmonics of the song). Eleven is SPIRIT recognizing the material world as a conduit for a Spirit to manifest. Some of you may recall that Tekau was born with her eyes literally open … (yeaaaa, I am familiar with the Eurocentric “science” which suggest newborn babies are unable to see).

You may also recall that I watched her pupils dilate when her last waves of energy left her person. Why am I penning this narrative? Days before and the day of her crossing over, my middle Daughter later discovered in her mobile phone – Tekau was incessantly playing” I was Here" ad-infinitum, as if that song was the only repeated and noticeable one on her playlist. In short, she consciously acknowledged that she was informing all who knew and know her -- that she was eloquently telling us that she was leaving this world (dimension), and SHE KNEW IT! More importantly, two of her classmates Told Me, and later escorted me to the place where she collapsed on the ‘campus track’ (athletic field) that she had begun to hum before the EMTs arrived – Later, I managed to piece together that the sound was/is from a Buddhist Mantra (which begins and ends with Aum/ (aka as Om).

In simple terms, this is my fourth human conduit visited through the womb of her mother whom I am No Longer connected to ~ Ma’sha’Allah. Twenty-eight years ago, this Phenomenal, Lovely Intriguing Beautiful representation of Spirit saw my person by making Eye-contact. She eased from her mother’s womb with opened eyes as I cradled her tiny slippery warm body in my palms and arms. Know then, that it is fitting to share that the Heart Chakra ❤️ takes 28 years to fully mature before the voice of the Soul has total control. Tekau Turiya (which means to see clearly 10 vibrations across 4 Dimensions) concluded she had seen enough of what this world had to offer. "So, Re-member when you put her person back together in your memories of her - It will be easy to Re-call -- throughout Time that she was here! Now, she is every where you are in MEMORY) So, as her "Daddy," I want the WORLD to KNOW, That I AM CERTAIN and CONFIDENT that  ~~~~~~
                    TEKAU TURIYA RASAYON
                      IS In a MUCH BETTER PLACE as a Wise Ancestor -- fully aligned with the Akashic Records.

A few Lyrics from the song
"I was Here"

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time
Know there was something that meant something that I left behind
When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won't forget
I was Here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``
March 1, 2022
March 1, 2022
Honey, that which incarnated as the spirit of your 'Dad' on the 28th of this western calendar month (March) will be 87,660 hours minus 20 days and 21 hours observed your pupils fully dilating, as a reference to you undulating from your physical form. Accounting for the wobble on the planet and the extra hours for 2-leap years with respect to days, these metrics juxtaposed on time are 99.5% accurate. Why the details? In simple terms, I rubbed my special blend of 6 oils on your sternum creating a "Y" along your sternum to cradle your heart. I Know you waited for me to reach you, as your iris opened to relax one last time - capturing and signaling the final wave and encoding of light as you ascending from this world. For that sacrifce - I am profoundly and ETERNALLY grateful. During this forthcoming TEN-YEAR period. There is a 99.5% chance that I will No longer come to your bedroom to observe the perpetually illuminated Pink light I burned in your room since you crossed over. Because, before this year of 2022 ends - I will no longer sleep in this house, which was a Home -- Only when you were here.
Mahalo, Setem Na' Ausar Auset. Daddy -- Navigating the Circle of Life
Recent stories

Avatar's Buddha

July 24
This Buddha evokes
the Spirit of Consciousness
linked to Avatar

Tekau's Buddha

July 24
This Buddha evokes
the Spirit of Consciousness
linked to Tekau.

Thank you for giving me your last dance.

March 28, 2014

Sorry Boo,
Daddy intended to upload this on Wednesday. The actual day of the week.

Yes Mam, I am really - really Motivated. So, to honor you in a manner that observers may easily read the words around the 'HourGlass' in the sands of time. I am posting the prose here.
                                Two Years Ago ~~ We Danced

Phases of the moon and the day of the week, rather than the date of the year govern time. The Latin word Kalandae, referred to by Romans as calends, designated the 1st days after a new moon when bills were due. Soon Roman Emperor's disfavor to honor the cycles of Nature became true. One tradition, Judaic 'Christians' managed to preserve, Easter, which is always embraced with verve, after the first full moon of spring, is observed.

The season of Aton's returns remains with us still, as Ra embarks a radiant heavenly trek to remove winter's chill.  Bathing the Earth in the divine warmth of Life & Love sunbeams that turns snow to showers to give birth to flowers. 

So, it is fitting that on this Wednesday, rather than the actual calendar date, that the moon reckons the face of time, of the Soul incarnate, whom I am  privileged to honor as Tekau Turiya Rasayon comes to mind.

My Dear Wonderful Daughter, with an Impeccable SMILE & a Heart to Grand for flesh. I am told; she gracefully turned around, as she fell to the ground - chanting a humming sound.

On the 28th of March 2012, she elevated & ascended from & among us, on the First Wednesday of spring, between 14:00hrs & 14:45hrs, as my person peeked at her pupils dilated & fixed, shocked, lamenting & cursing of how dare the divine order offer "my child" this Bull called eternal peace.  And for a brief moment,  I whispered in her ear, its OK Boo - Daddy 'gon stop trippin' - before a final Mantra of release.  I felt the warmth of her spark cool, as her temple rest limp in my arms, in Southern Maryland's Hospital ER. Within seconds, I rubbed my oil on her sternum mixed with my tears, helplessly pleading -- that who touched her next, treat her like divine eyes were near.


Tekau, I Salute You!!! I honor you!!! I Thank You!! for giving me, the most prized gift & illusion in the known Universe, the right to be recognized as your father first.

For 17 years & 88 days, Tekau, you allowed me to believe, feel and Think that I was your father. The Parent, The Moor, a melanin-dominant hue-man & the arrogance of a doctor covertly rehearsing tapes in my mind - scenarios of her scripts - "now Daddy - when I get a 'boy-friend' ... don't scare him ... trip him out . . ." with that SMILE that could turn the darkest sea & murkiest water to a glistening Oasis --

Realize, no man - woman or child knoweth the hour - when your True Father, calls you home.

Beloved child, do you know - the depth - the abyss - of how I miss you? Yet, I know, you are not alone.

So, in those moments of privacy - I continue our dance, at times in tears.  --- It is for certain that I will always

dance with you, caressing your picture to my chest, until I too - am laid to rest ~ 

Know then, that none among us controls the sands of time, for the rhythm of life answers only - to the Divine.


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