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April 25
The House of Clergy Diocese of Minna, Anglican Communion has much to testify about your legacy in the Diocese of Minna and other Anglican Dioceses in the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion and Ecumenical bodies. You were a good shepherd of the Flocks, which the Lord committed, into your charge. You fought a good fight of faith through turbulent waters and weathers of this earthly life and finished your race triumphantly. Rest on faithful soldier of Christ; until we meet at the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ to part no more.
The House of Clergy Diocese of Minna (Anglican Communion).
April 25
Farewell to a Devoted Shepherd and Leader
In loving memory of our dear bishop, Rt. Rev'd (Rtd) Nathaniel Yisa, a cherished pillar of faith whose profound impact reached far beyond the walls of the church. With unwavering dedication, he nurtured souls, lifted spirits, and led by example, embodying the virtues of compassion, wisdom, and grace. As we bid you farewell, we are reminded of the countless lives you touched and the countless hearts you uplifted. Your tireless devotion to spreading love and understanding transcended barriers, united communities and fostered a deeper connection to the divine.
Though you have now embarked on your eternal journey, your spirit remains ever-present in the lives you touched and the lessons you imparted. We will carry forth your teachings with reverence and gratitude, knowing that your memory will continue to guide and inspire us in the days ahead. Rest peacefully, dear Bishop, knowing that your legacy of love and faith will forever endure in our hearts and in the fabric of the church you served so faithfully.
Ven. Jacob Jiya Kolo
District Chairman
Anglican Diocese of Minna, Field Base District Church Council
April 25
On behalf of the brethren at All Nations Christian Assembly (formerly Kaduna Christian Assembly), we give thanks to God for a life well lived by Papa Nathaniel Yisa, who committed his life to Christ Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, and served Him in His Church and humanity. We specially praise God in memory of Papa’s faithful and inspiring service as an Elder and Trustee of All Nations Christian Assembly since the church's inception till his home call. He was a diligent missionary. He served as a Travelling Secretary of the Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS), after which tenure he continued his service for the Lord Jesus as a Minister in the Anglican Communion. We commend his family to God, praying that the Lord will strengthen all of them to continue in the service of Christ's glorious Gospel, knowing that the labour of His servants is not in vain in the Lord. The grace and comfort of God shall be multiplied to you continually (1 Corinthians 15:58; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18). 

Yours in Christ,
Johnson O. Akinwale
(Trustee Secretary) Signed:
Anietie Jones
(General Secretary)
April 25
I write this tribute, Baba like Apostle Paul says: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will give to me on that day, and not only me, but also to all who have loved His appearing 2Timothy 4:7-8 (RIP). Ven. & Mrs. Felix E. Nwoke. Paiko D.C.C
April 25
Papa Yisa was like a father figure to most of us when I was in Bida. He was a man of principle Anglican to the core. He was a dedicated man of God. He started ECWA in his living room at Bida with just handful of people, of which Mary ( my sister) and I were some of the early members. Then when the living room became too small, he put up a building next to the house. We finally go a land to build the Current ECWA church. He had a lot of opposition because he was an Anglican from the beginning. But was a man who was willing to bring gospel to Nupe land . An exemplary father and husband. I still have his memory cooking in the kitchen with mummy. Not too men I had seen doing that. I thank God for touching my life and the legacy he left behind. May the Lord comfort the family. Alice Khasar (Majin)USA
April 25
Baba, you are gone but the values and virtues you instilled endure within us, guiding us on life's journey. We miss you today and always.
SAYI LAZHIN BABA! Grace and Ezekiel Jiya.
April 25
Late Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa was one man of God who was selfless, spoke frankly and preach the message of repentance and deliverance with passionate emphasis. He indeed fought a good fight, and now at God's own time has been called home to be with his Maker. Your life on this side of God's creation will continue to inspire us in our journey. Rest on Baba Bishop! Evang. Dr. Francis Gana
April 25
"Nma Nata", as we called my uncle was pivotal in every aspect of my physical and spiritual life. He was indeed a patriarchal blessing to both The Church of Christ and family. His moral benevolence and intercessory prayer saved my mother ( his sister)'s life from the abridged pregnancy which led to my birth (without Surgery) after about 11 months stay in the womb . A testimony which perhaps impacted the course of his life forever, Baba became in every respect, Paul's letter to Timothy (1Tim. 3:1-7). RIP, my Lord Bishop.. Uriah Majin (Nephew)
April 25
A legend. You were a humble man full of love, strength and encouragement to us. In life and now death you wouldn't want us to focus on the sadness and sorrow but to continue to love and support each other no matter the situation. Your warm smile taught us that love reigns supreme. This is what those who were fortunate enough to know you will remember you by.
April 25
We can't lose the people we love, not even to death. They continue to influence our everyday decisions, and their love leaves an indelible ink in our memories. It is an honour for our lives to be enriched by such souls. R.I.P BABA.... TIMOTHY MAJIN
April 25
Baba Bishop your home call is a gain to heaven but a pain to us for losing you in person.Right from the day you were elected as the Bishop of MINNA Diocese you let 1 Corinthians14:40 "LET ALL THINGS BE DONE DECENTLY&INORDER"be your guide and light to your path ( text of the sermon taken at the inauguration of MINNA Diocese by late Bishop T.E Ogbonyomi.You kept the faith to win the race on the truth regardless whose Ox was gored.Sleep on Rt.Rev.Nathaniel Yisa OFR.We shall meet again at the feet of Christ our Lord& Saviour.
April 25
Baba you have gone to rest with the Lord God Almighty. You have finished your work here . Till we come to meet at Jesus feet. May the good Lord comfort the family, the Church and all friends.
Baba sayi yi ga be. EVANG. MRS. LOIS N. KOLO
April 25
Baba Minna, Baba Bishop Retired as fondly called.
Your faith in Christ was great. You always call on death to leave the younger ones alone, but it should come and take you home to rest. God has finally answered your prayers. Baba rest on, till we meet to part no more.
Evang. Z.B.Gana & Family.
April 25
Baba Bishop, your life mirrored that of St. Paul in remarkable ways. As FCS Travelling Secretary, you embarked on missionary journeys akin to Paul's. Despite facing challenges, God's grace sustained you, much like Paul's "thorn" in the flesh. Your selfless dedication, akin to Paul's pouring out his life, was evident in your tenure as Lord Bishop and Diocesan. Your battles and teachings, reminiscent of Paul's epistles, are documented in "Shepherding the Flock." Like Paul, you fought a good fight. The Scriptures promise a Crown of glory for you. Your humility was profound, epitomized by the sight of you, a Bishop, pushing a stalled car at the Cathedral in the mid 1990s. I was surprised. Your legacy lives on through the many Priests you mentored, now Bishops themselves. Rest in peace, Baba. -Evangelist Prof. Wole and Mrs Kemi Morenikeji
Barr (Dr) Abraham N Yisa (MoN)
April 24
April 24
Tribute by Barr. (Dr) Abraham N. Yisa (MoN)

Rt. Revd Nathaniel Yisa, affectionately known as Baba Bishop was more than a figure in the ecclesiastical realm; he was a beacon of unwavering faith and dedication. His life, spanning eight decades, was intertwined with the melody of hymns, echoing the sentiment:

“ I Must have the Savior with me,
For I dare not go alone,
I must feel His presence near me,
And His arm around me thrown.”

Our paths first crossed in the early eighties, amidst the shared embrace of Christianity. Our connection, rooted in familialties, blossomed through mutual respect and a shared commitment. Rt. Revd Yisa's journey progressed amidst the intricate fabric of the Anglican Church of Nigeria, where his influence rippled across missionary dioceses, particularly in the predominantly Muslim North.

In the dawn of the 1990s, as the Anglican Church embarked on a decade of Evangelism, Rt. Revd Yisa's leadership burgeoned. Amidst the creation of new missionary dioceses, he emerged as a stalwart, shaping the nascent Diocese of Minna with fervour and fortitude. It was during these formative years that our paths converged more intimately, as I stood by his side as Chancellor, navigating the uncharted waters of diocesan establishment.

The legacy of Rt. Revd Yisa transcended mere administrative roles; he was the epitome of a shepherd, guiding his flock with wisdom and compassion. His tenure as Bishop was marked by challenges, yet his unwavering dedication and spiritual guidance propelled us forward. Together, we confronted obstacles head-on, buoyed by the resounding mantra: "If you make God's business your business, He will make your business His own."

In the trial by fire of hardship, the essence of Rt. Revd Yisa's character shone brightest. He was a man of God "inside out up side down," embodying virtues of dedication, transparency, and humility. His words, like golden threads, wove through the fabric of our endeavours, inspiring us to emulate his unwavering commitment to the divine calling.

Beyond the pulpit, Rt. Revd Yisa's life was a testament to love and companionship. His marriage to Mama of blessed memory, a union of Nupe and Plateau origins, exemplified the harmonious fusion of two souls into one. Together, they radiated love, sincerity, and discipline, embodying the essence of partnership and familial devotion.

As I reflect on my journey alongside Rt. Revd Nathaniel Yisa, I am reminded of a man who not only preached the Gospel but lived it. His legacy transcended the confines of time, echoing through the corridors of the Church of Nigeria and beyond. In him, I found not just a Bishop, but a mentor, a friend, and a paragon of faith: a man married not only to his earthly spouse but to the Church of God itself!
April 24

It was a great privilege for me to know and serve as a Priest under the Episcopal oversight of the Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Yisa. I had the opportunity as a Priest to serve under five wonderful Bishops in the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).

Bishop Nathaniel stands out among these five Bishops we were privileged to serve. Many people might not have found Baba easy to work with because he was a perfectionist, very meticulous, very principled, and very firm. Many saw him to be very strict but No; Baba was not strict but wanted the best in everything.

Again Bishop Nathaniel hated wastage and carelessness – the tap must not be running when no one is fetching the water, the light bulb mustn’t be on in the afternoon, you must not spend more than three minutes on the phone when you are not the one paying the bill, you must not dish out the food you cannot finish in an occasion and you must not be late to any meeting and keep people waiting; especially as a leader.

Baba was also a disciplinarian, yet a father to all, and a great servant of God like no other. He was only a Bishop while in the church service, but as soon as he takes off his robe, he sees himself like every other person. He was always available, always reachable, always admirable, and always playful.

My closeness with Bishop Nathaniel made it very difficult for me to work with other Bishops when he (Nathanael) retired. In fact, any Clergy who worked with Bishop Nathaniel will find it extremely difficult to work with any other Bishop because of his openness and fatherly disposition to everybody. Baba would sometimes ask his Clergy whether they wanted to be transferred, and which parish or Archdeaconry they would like to go. He would also call a clergy or his wife to ask how they were feeling where they are working.

At a point he introduced what he called kitchen allowance for Clergy wives. Indeed, a leader of no comparison. In Baba's time in Minna Diocese, the term, ‘My Lord’, ‘Your Lordship’, ‘Lord Bishop’, was not very common. All we knew was ‘Daddy’. Nobody visits his house without eating or drinking something, at least groundnut and a hot cup of coffee. Baba was not just a leader but a father, a brother, an uncle, and a friend. Above all, he was a Christian, a child of God indeed, a true church leader, a detribalized Nigerian, a man of high integrity, an epitome of love and compassion, a man with a very large heart, kind-hearted, classically humble, and a friend of all.

Nobody can say it all about Daddy Nathanael, but I won't stop without mentioning that Baba was so free, close, and friendly with my first daughter, Marvellous at her infancy, that she called everybody with white hair, Bishop, because Baba would always allow her to play with His grey hair while He sang the hymn:

Marvellous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sins and guilt,
Yonder on Calvary Mount outpoured,
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilled.
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sins.

Daddy, it is needless saying that all who knew you have been missing you since your retirement, not to talk of now you have gone to be with your creator, a thing you had for a very long time desired. As you enjoy the eternal kingdom bliss, don't forget to pray for the church you so much loved and labored for. Pray also for the leadership of the church, especially the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), because things are falling apart and the centre is no longer holding, despite the efforts of our leaders.

Adieu Baba Minna! Adieu Daddy!! Adieu Man of Principle!!!


Till we meet on the resurrection morning at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. SLEEP ON GREAT CONQUEROR

+Dan and Regina Olinya
Bishop and Wife, Eha-Amufu Diocese.
Dr Dado and Dr Minrod
April 24
April 24

*Testimonies from Kaduna on late Baba Nathaniel Yisa*

1.To God be the glory for a life well spent.
My first and last meeting with him left an eternal mark in my life.
He was the main speaker during the FCS State conference in Teachers College Yelwa - Bauchi in December, 1982, where I took a final decision and handed my life to Jesus.
Oh, it was so exciting and memorable experience. The theme of the conference was: "As in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the son of Man"
It was a glorious experience. I left school in Kaduna State to visit my elder brother in Bauchi during the Christmas holiday. Through God's Providence, I found myself in the hall of the conference on the second day of the conference in the evening. He was speaking on the theme when I walked in. What I can remember vividly was that I found myself in the front with some people praying with tears and confessing my sins. I had a great joy that I had never experienced after some time of prayers.
Oh is quite sweetening, remembering this experience through the labour of this God's servant, Rev. Nathaniel Yisa.
I also remember that he was there with his son who was in Govt College Kagoro whom I tried to befriend.
When we meet in heaven, I will appreciate you before Jesus and all other saints including my biological father. Untill then, *Rest on my Daddy*
Dr Noah Dado
Kaduna state college of Education

2.Bro Noah, not only you, oh. In 1977, he was our Traveling Secretary, and we had a conference in GSS Minna. In one of the days during the conference, we fasted, and in the evening of that day in the dining hall, all standing, we took a vow never to live Christ as our Savior. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Engr.(Dr) Musa Nimrod
President Nigeria Volleyball Federation
April 21
April 21

Standing tall with a rich and unique voice while wearing his cassock, he stood for what was right. He preached the word and sang beautifully and is a big part of my memories of growing up in church. He rests with Jesus now. Adieu Sir. Our loss is heaven’s gain.
April 21
April 21

Bishop Yisa, your devotion to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was unmistakable. You were a man of humility and grace. God has called you back home, and we rejoice because we are convinced that you are resting at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ.....
April 20
April 20
Daddy! Daddy!!
A True Soldier of Christ who never left his duty post.

Your absolute, unshakable faith and devotion to your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I admired greatly.

Your intelligence and meticulous nature as well as your melodious voice I will miss very much.

I wish you could stay with us a little longer but God saw you getting tired, He put His loving arms around you and took you with Him.

Now you can sing with the angels wearing your Crown of Glory.

Rest on beloved Daddy, till we meet at the feet of the Master.

April 20
April 20

"In loving memory of my dear brother, Rt. Rev’d Nathaniel Yisa, a man of unwavering faith and the guiding light of our family. As the eldest sibling, he led with grace and compassion, touching the lives of all who knew him. His love for flowers mirrored his nurturing spirit, always blooming with kindness and beauty. Though he may have left this earthly garden, his legacy of faith and love continues to flourish in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear brother, your memory forever cherished."

Amb. Solomon Adama Yisa
April 20
April 20
Rt. Rev. ( Nma) Nathaniel yisa knew me since life, because he was the immediate younger brother to my mother, Late Chief (Mrs) Lydia kaka Majin ( nee Yisa).
He took interests in my education, and upbringing.
In the mid- 60s, Nma took me along with him to Kaduna, but had to return in the wake of the Nigeria- Biafra civil war to complete my primary education back in Gbadafu, from where I started.
He was very close to my mother, and took special delight in education/ progress of her children.
Some of Nma Nathan's legacies include his love to serve God, good singing, sincerity, firmness in upholding the truth, and to do what is right at all times.
Nma ( uncle) was involved in tracks distribution, open air crusades aimed at saving & winning souls.
Nma, became the Traveling secretary of the FCS, northern Nigeria in the 70s. He always looked out for me when at our college during his numerous visits.
Through him, many students ( boys & girls) were led to Christ.
His spondolysis ailment which led to multiple surgeries might not be unconnected with long sitting, and fatigue.
Nma, may God grant the repose of your gentle soul, and comfort us.
So long!!.
Majin of Essan- Patigi/ Essan kingdom.
Samuel Tsado Majin (JP)
April 20
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labor…” - Rev 14v13. Baba led me to the Lord. He is truly my spiritual father for this reason. I am glad that he has fought a good fight and finished his race. May all his family and loved ones be comforted. Till we meet again, Sir. Adieu!
April 19
April 19
Baba Kaduna, Baba Jos and eventually Baba Bishop, the name kept evolving but you remained consistent. Your deep belief and convictions in God shaped your interactions and rubbed off on us your children. I fondly remember you as a consistent lover of God, a man of integrity, firm and a disciplinarian, my first teacher who was endowed with so many skills that I'm yet to meet someone who is an embodiment of a variety of skills as you. Like my father (Baba Yakashi) would often say, you knew how to do everything and you would jokingly answer, except to slaughter a man. You taught us the virtue of hardwork, you said hardwork doesn't kill, only indolence does. You taught us contentment, very often emphasising that we should be mindful of the grass that looks greener on the other side of the fence as it just might be artificial grass. Baba we enjoyed and cherish your sacrifices for us. We firmly believe you are finally home to rest. Rest on Daddy.

Prof. Ezekiel Salawu Yisa
April 19
April 19
Baba was a soldier for Christ who never left his duty post, baba was a true epitome of knowledge,wisdom,love and discipline. I will forever miss you as my birthday mate and as a mentor. Rest on Baba.
April 19
April 19
Good night fearless soldier of God. Rest well with your creator whom you loved and served .
April 19
April 19
Word may seem hard to describe you, the humility I remembered in my grandpa Late Bishop James Aliu Yisa also your predecessor I also saw in you, I was also privileged to be confirmed by you, you have been a pillar in minna diocese, God has decided to call you back home, we will miss you greatly though we rejoice cos we shall meet again at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

Adieu Grandpa Nathaniel
Yisa James Aliu and Mercy James
April 19
April 19

I am eternally grateful to God for giving me a spiritual father and ministry mentor in Baba Nathaniel Yisa. A tribute in this space is necessarily constrained by many factors, but there is the consolation of many other facets coming from several respectable personalities.

I first encountered him in the late 1970s at an FCS conference, and in subsequent years, in his different roles in the FCS circles. In each case, he came across as a wise, focused and practical Christian.

The beginning of a more personal relationship was when he assumed pastoral responsibility at the Church of St Piran on the Plateau, in Jos, where I had been previously introduced by the Oladipos. His need for an assistant brought me into his ‘radar’, for I was identified for that role. I cut my teeth in ministry under him when I left my job at ECWA Productions/Challenge Publications in 1989 to become his pastoral assistant. He therefore became my first theological school, for he instructed me on different aspects of the pastoral ministry and made his rich library available to me. His vast experience in many other ways came handy and he was a man who justified more towards responsibility than privilege or selfish gain. In handling church property, his approach was that whatever could be repaired should not be discarded, and whatever he could provide, the church purse didn’t have to spend on that. These were foundational principles for my own ministry.

He was an energetic evangelist and clear-eyed apologist - proclaiming and defending the gospel with all boldness and unashamed conviction. He brought everything into the preaching of the gospel – poetry, hymns, anecdotes, wit, personal experiences (and there were many), shrewdness, bluntness and compassion. In a setting like ours, he was a completely detribalised man. He certainly exhibited a rare combination.

He prepared me for Confirmation which I had been reluctant to go through in earlier years, took our premarital counselling, travelled all the way from Jos to Lagos to preach at our wedding, served as Godparent to our first child, provided a harbour when, down the road, my ministry ran into stormy weather, and prepared us to move on. Trustworthy counsel and personal father-son sessions and conversations that have shaped my values are the legacies that will outlive him in my heart.

By this exit, I have lost a most worthy father whose impact is unquantifiable and beyond words. With Mama Ruda – who went ahead some years earlier, we thank God for giving us the best possible parents in this ministry that anyone could wish for. Rather than mourn, we celebrate an outstanding disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ who must be Heaven’s joy of another completed project of grace.

Emmanuel and ‘Biodun Egbunu,
with CinwonSoko, CincinSoko & TunciSoko
April 19
April 19

The Right Reverend Nathaniel Yisa was a lot of different things to many people.
He was a bridge builder and I mean it literarily too. He was part of the team that built the Wuya Bridge which still stands today.
He was a saviour of some sort, yes, a saviour. He saved and protected many people in his house in Kaduna during the period leading to the civil war. He told us stories of how some were caught and killed in his presence and how he himself was almost killed because the mob thought he looked like an Igbo until his neighbour, an Islamic Scholar saved him by identifying him as a Northerner.
He was a Master Mason, who with us his children built his first house in Bida, at Dokodza. A place where the Bida Psychiatric Hospital was located and so dreaded by all who passed there. On the completion of the house, he moved us out of boarding school to live with him.
He was a carpenter extraordinaire, a plumber, an electrician, a mechanic and even a singer!. How do I know all these? He made all the doors for that first house I told you about. He did the plumbing and wiring with assistance from us, his children and consultancy from those he felt knew better. About his being a musician, he played the guitar and keyboard at home and during church services. If anyone ever sounded like Jim Reeves and Loius Armstrong, my uncle was one! He loved music and those two were his favourite artists. Oh, and Nat King Cole!
He was a farmer of poultry, rabbits, vegetables, maize, yams, potatoes, etc al within the large compound of our home at Dokodza. Whatever we could not farm in that compound came from the village. He learnt to be a marksman when a big python kept attacking our chickens and eating up the eggs. He got a double barrel from Late Inspector Soje and shot the snake to our excitement. He created safety for us to tend to the poultry after that.
He was a health worker who took care of all our minor bruises and extended his loving and medical care to our mother, his big sister, whom he loved so very dearly. We all called our Mother Yakaka because that was what Nma Nata called her. We knew her as a sister and never called her mother because our Uncle named her “sister” for us. He saved our mother’s life and ours too, many times. Of note is those of Uriah and Timothy my brothers. Uriah’s pregnancy and labour was so bad that it was a miracle, our mother, his sister survived. He did all he could to get her to Tungan Magajiya, near Kontagora for specialists to attend to her. After that, he warned, begged, cajoled, and threatened never to help again if Yakaka didn’t stop at Uriah. Then came four more children after him! That was a point of stress in the relationship between our father and our uncle. He did not want to lose his precious sister. He lost her eventually but not in those dreaded circumstances.
Many of these attributes rubbed off on each of us his children. Our career paths were formed along one of these attributes and talents which we learnt through him. He taught us with love and firmness. He believed in excellence and integrity, and he instilled it in all of us. A firm disciplinarian and a dogged fighter for justice and fairness.
I remember particularly, when I was going to secondary school in Suleja, then Abuja. His sister was naturally worried since it was my first time travelling that far. He simply told her to calm down and told me how many towns the vehicle will get to before Abuja. It was very easy for me to recognise my destination. He was well travelled and, in the process, made a lot of friends and acquaintances.
He was an evangelist, a pastor and eventually a Bishop of repute. Yes, of repute. When I was going to get married in Warri, Delta State in 1996, The Lord Bishop of Warri Diocese, Bishop Nathaniel Enuku (As he then was), solemnized the wedding himself because he knew my uncle and wanted to honour him. There was no mobile communication then but he believed me and asked his Viceroy to arrange the wedding at the All Saints’ Cathedral in Warri. He said to me, “Your father is my very good friend”. He didn’t bother himself with the surname because he said he saw the resemblance.
My uncle started his career as a man of God long before he started the house fellowship in the same house in Dokodza. However, it was during the fellowship and the number of attendees that kept increasing that it became certain that he was destined to be a great man of God. Our prayer times at home every evening brought the angels down! We always went to sleep happy and spiritually uplifted with beautiful songs rendered in sonorous and beautiful voices led but my uncle and Mama Sunday (God bless her soul).
He loved to serve the Lord and he never ceased to remind us and anyone who came close to him. It should not be a surprise, being the son of an Evangelist, Pa Joshua Yisa, whom I and my late cousin, were named after. Thus, he called us Joshua Gbangban and Joshua Tetengi.
I remember his cardinal song and the chorus in Nupe “Be la nyagban we ya Jesu, wun ma boweya. Etun nya wun manyi loma, wun ma de lada”. Kindly take the first and last stanzas of the hymn, please.
Adieu Nma Nata. You have run a good race, you have fought the good fight, the crown of glory and your mansion of rest awaits you.

Your most Senior Son
Joshua (Gbangban) Majin
April 19
April 19
A rare gem has gone home, an embodiment of grace and humility. We won't mourn as those without hope, heaven has gained. Jesus be glorified. Baba, Sleep on till the Resurrection morning, good night sir.

For: FCS Kadpoly Alumni fellowship
April 18
April 18
In the quiet corners of my heart, where memories linger like cherished treasures, there's a special place reserved for you, Grandpa. You were not just a grandfather but a beacon of strength, kindness, and wisdom. Your gentle smile could light up the darkest of days, and your words carried the weight of a thousand lifetimes of experience.

You taught me the value of hard work, the importance of kindness, and the beauty of simplicity. Your stories were not just tales but life lessons woven with love and honesty. Every moment spent with you was a gift, shaping me into the person I am today.

As I bid farewell, I find solace in knowing that your legacy lives on in the hearts of those you touched. Your love was a guiding light, and though you may have left this earthly realm, your spirit remains a source of strength and inspiration.

Thank you, Grandpa, for the love, laughter, and lessons. Your presence will be deeply missed, but your legacy of love will forever illuminate our lives.

Rest in peace, knowing that you are deeply cherished and will always be remembered with love and gratitude.

Dayo Ejiwunmi
April 18
April 18
I am close to tears. How much we miss in not making more of men like this just because they are not noise makers.
May his legacies - human, material, and physical, - endure.
Thanks to all those who responded to my request. I am humbly delighted. Thank you very much
Dr Johnkessly Azu
April 18
April 18

18th April, 2024.
Family of Rt.Rev. Nathaniel Yisa.

Dear Sir,
We bring the Fellowship greetings to you in Jesus Name.
We are saddened by the news of your beloved Fathers Home call and wish to identify and condole with you and your family at this trying time.
The loss of a loved one is always painful but we are not to sorrow like those without hope, hence the encouragement in  1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him (KJV). Let us console ourselves with these words.
On behalf of the Staff, Associates and Students of the Fellowship, we sincerely sympathise with you and encourage you to be of good cheer, knowing our Father is in a better place.
May Gods comfort continue to be with you and the entire family in Jesus Name.

Dr. Johnkessly Azu
Director of Admin and Finance.
For: National Director

Ven. Prof Timothy Gyuse
April 18
April 18
A true Saint has gone home.

Nat lived a simple God fearing life in all the years I knew him, beginning with my first contact ( I went with his younger brother, Ambassador Solomon Yisa who was my classmate at St. Paul's College, Zaria). That was in the 1960s when he was working with Rev. Pipgrass (?) Followed and worked alongside through FCS, St Pirans and Minna. The last time I saw him bedridden in Jos, his voice was still strong...we sang in NUPE and English worshipping God our Saviour. He is at rest. May God comfort the family and the children (incidentally I am Godfather to all of them). Tim Gyuse
Prof. Mrs Elizabeth Gyuse
April 18
April 18
I knew uncle Bishop Nathaniel Yisa in diverse dimensions: I first met him in Jos with FCS as Travelling secretary and General secretary, then as my pastor at St. Piran's church from where he moved to Minna as Bishop. He was a hard working, honest, friendly, practical and godly man. We are close friends with the family -- his younger brother, Solo, is Timothy Gyuse's classmate at St. Paul's College, Wusasa and Tim is god father to his four boys: Nathaniel, Amos, Benjamin and John. That Bishop Yisa chose to clear all pastors' salaries' debt in his new diocese before embarking on any other project, is a thing of joy to all who knew him. Last August we stopped to visit him on his sick bed in Jos at Benjamin's house and found out he could no longer recognise Tim & Elizabeth, I was so alarmed I decided to sing him one of his favourite Nupe songs -- Nda Soko yi jin yebo. Sure enough, he came alive and joyfully sat up and sang with us. We were delighted. We are happy to know he is at rest now with the Lord whom he served faithfully, joyfully and consistently. We will miss him here but heaven is rejoicing to welcome him home.
Uncle Dan Obaka
April 18
April 18
Our brother has gone to rest with the Lord and he is awaiting to join him.

Ruth and I had fun memories of this great Saint of God.

When Ruth and I wanted to reconnect with Ruth’s Muslim parents in Bida after 7 years of hiding from the home, our 12 months old daughter then in 1977, Esther, and us stayed a night in Bishop Nathaniel Yisa’s pastoral home in Bida.

He prayed with and for us for God’s usual unique intervention.

And the Lord answered his prayers for us. We were not only happily reconnected, but we were also reunited to begin to play our roles as members of the family.

Baba (Ruth’s father) died as a believer and Mama who died only 5 years ago at the age 104 also became a believer in Yesu. 

Because of that singular act of faith by Nathaniel, all our brothers and sisters now seek counsel from us and we believe that some of them are secret believers in Yesu.
The Church of God will miss him and his legacy of sacrificial service.
Uncle Inuwa Bahago
April 18
April 18
I Inuwa K Bahago first met Bishop Nathaniel Yisa in 1966 at the School of Agriculture Samaru Zaria. He was there as a student studying Agriculture Superintendent Course. I went for Agriculture Assistant Course. He was our FCS leader which I cannot forget. Later in the late 1980s when he was FCS Staff and I was in the school, we met when he came for school visitation. I'm not giving his profile as requested above. It is Mike to do that. I just gave my recollection of this Man of God, who has gone to be with his God whom he loved and served with his whole heart.
Hon. Justice James Ogebe
April 16
April 16

16th April, 2024.

He was senior advisor to several branches of the Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS) before he took appointment as FCS Traveling Secretary 1975 and traveled the length and breadth of former Northern Nigeria. The roads were narrow, full of potholes and dangerous then. Bro. Nathaniel endured them all to reach the students. He was an embodiment of diligence.

When Bro Emmanuel Oladipo left FCS as General Secretary to take up promotion with SU African Regional Office in Nairobi Kenya, Bro. Nathaniel succeeded him as General Secretary from 1981 - 1982. He did the work excellently until Anglican Church took him away from FCS for clerical duties.      

He was a dedicated servant of God and served God in FCS as one of the founding fathers with utter humility.
Bishop Nathaniel continued to work with FCS, although an Anglican Bishop till the Lord called him home.

On behalf of FCS Board of Trustees and the FCS Family, I express our profound gratitude and appreciation to God for the life of our departed brother. May the Lord comfort and sustain his immediate family and the larger FCS family. 

Hon. Justice James Ogebe,
Chairman, FCS BOT.

Emmanuel Oladipo
April 14
April 14
Uncle Nat promoted to glory

Nathaniel Yisa is one of the most gifted, one of the most industrious, and one of the most godly people I have ever known.
Nathaniel could have made a successful life as a carpenter, a mechanic, a farmer of poultry, pigs, rice or sheer butter, or a truck driver. When he took his Driving Test in Kaduna, the VIO who tested him was so impressed he gave him a licence to drive not only private cars but commercial vehicles! Nathaniel practised what he preached; and his life as a husband and as a father is a remarkable example to all who knew him.
He was one of our FCS Senior Adviser for students in their Bida until he answered the call to join the staff. It was at the time students were running riot on the question of Baptism of the Holy Spirit; and his level-headed, common sense practical theology was used of God to bring sanity to many explosive situations. We worked together for several years, and he replaced me as General Secretary when I moved to Nairobi. We were sad to lose him when he was called into ordination in the Anglican Church. I was not at all surprised that he went on to become bishop of the Diocese of Minna. Young people asked me why other clergymen were not like him!
Nathaniel’s quiet determination and leadership qualities came to the fore in an unusual event. The Niger State government was treating Christians as an irrelevant minority. Nothing they requested from the government was being granted. They called for a three day fast to be ended at the Stadium. The use of the stadium was denied them. They opted for the Anglican cathedral instead. The bishop led them on a day of silent protest. All Christians in essential services reported for work, but no one else. Minna came to a grinding halt. All the Ibo traders closed their shops. There were no taxis or buses to take people to work, because nearly all drivers were Christians. The bakeries did not sell bread. Most petrol stations were closed. Even road side mechanics were not available. That governor learned his lesson the hard way!
I can say many more things about this outstanding man of God, but I will close with this. I praise the Lord for making Nathaniel a gift to His church; and for bringing him into my personal and family life.
May his tribe increase!
Olukayode Adeluyi
April 14
April 14
Tribute on our Baba Rt Rev Nathaniel Yisa.

Baba Yisa was an embodiment of compassion, courage resilience and prayerful encouragement. I recall my last two visits to him as I led the Members of the Board of the St Piran's Schools Board to visit him when his daughter-in-law died and when he was taken ill. His strong belief in God's control over the affairs of men ended up encouraging us.
Baba has gone to rest in the bosom of Christ whom he served faithfully while on earth.

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