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Public Visitation: Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 1-4 at W.E. Lusain Funeral Home Chapel, 233 6th Avenue SW, Birmingham, Alabama 35211.

Funeral Service: Friday, August 20, 2021 at 1pm, W.E. Lusain Funeral Home Chapel, 233 6th Avenue SW, Birmingham, Alabama 35211.

Professional Services Provided By: W.E. Lusain Funeral Home Chapel, 233 6th Avenue SW, Birmingham, Alabama 35211.
October 14, 2022
October 14, 2022
Missing you baby brother… Life is not the same!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️
September 27, 2022
September 27, 2022
Hey Bubba, well Sunday was the wedding, we know you were there in spirit but I would have given anything for you to be with us physically. You were a big part of the upbringing of LeVonte’, and grew to love Tab, they definitely included you on the memory table. We all love and miss you so much. LaBarron, Jamal, JJ with his family and Mayah all came, I was truly happy to see them. I know you are resting and for that I am grateful, you deserve it, keep resting. Tell mama I said hey, tell her we all love and miss her too!! See you soon!!⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️
September 27, 2022
September 27, 2022
Hey, paw! Yesterday was Vonte and Tab’s wedding, & it was beautiful. We joked about how you would’ve cried. It was a good moment for everyone to get together, definitely full of love and memories. I love you. As more events come to pass, I hope & believe your presence will fill the room. Love you and miss you the most!
September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022
Brother dear, this is a very exciting time for us, I absolutely hate that you, Gan-Gan and Ms. Candy will not be here to celebrate physically with us. Please show us a sign that you are there, we miss you so very much!! I love you dearly, tell mama, I love and miss her, I know she’s happy that her baby boy is there with her, free from pain. I love you ❤️!! Keep resting!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
September 18, 2022
September 18, 2022
Missing you so very much!! I hope you are resting and enjoying your mama, you were calling for her!! I hate that you are not here with us, I am glad that you are so much better off than we are, I miss you though!! Keep resting, tell mama, I love and miss her so very much!! Love y’all so much!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️
September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022
Hey brother, we are sitting here planning a wedding without you being here physically, this just does not sit well with me. I miss you so much dude, you really really broke my ❤️!! I want you back so badly!!⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️Miss you!!⛄️⛄️⛄️
September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
you got me crying at work paw, I just can't stop thinking about you. I've told so many people about you and how amazing of a person you were. I have endless amounts of stories that I love to share and reminisce on. I remember when we stayed in Louisville and we went on our first daddy-daughter date at DQ, I wish we kept those as a tradition. But nonetheless, the simple memories of watching Judge Judy, sitting at the dealership with me for hours to buy my first car to playing concentration or hangman at the hospital were so pure and loving. Just know I love you the most.
September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
I love you so much daddy, you broke my heart. I wish I could see you, hug you, talk to you, put grease in your hair, rub your feet or some thing lol. I miss you so much. forever us!!!
September 10, 2022
September 10, 2022
Tim Harper...Hey! Just thinking about you...Whenever I feel down or I'm in deep contemplation of the woes of the world, I think about you & thoughts of you lift my spirits up...You were so carefree & laid back...Even when people, places & things got to you, you just kept it moving...You were of flesh with feelings & emotions, but you never wore your heart on your sleeve...I admired you so much, your strength, resilience & endurance...Keep resting Dear Brother, you most definitely deserve it...I miss you & love you⛄️❤️❤️❤️
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
Man... I could've never imagined a life without you, and I guess that's why I'm taking it's so hard. This can't be real! Nothing but memories left and that hurts the most because the more I remember the more I want to re-live... Until we meet again pops I love you!!!!
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
Not one day passes baby brother!! I miss you so much!! Tell mama I said hi, remind her of how much I love and miss her too!! Keep resting, you deserve it!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Tim Harper...Another Sunday & I still wait by this phone hoping that you will call...I know that it's fruitless, but nevertheless, I still do it! I think about you often & I laugh & smile to myself...I walk down the street & receive stares because I'm laughing out loud, thinking about something I remembered about you...I know people think that I'm crazy (LOL) I'm not!... Just missing my Big Brother...Tell Mama, Sistah Amy & Kelly, that I said Hey!...Bet cha' didn't know that I had the biggest crush on your best friend Kelly...But he paid me no mind, he would punch me in the arm & pull my hair just like u would, like a big brother (LOL) I know that you all are rejoicing & cutting up in heaven...I Love you, I Love you all!❤️
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Missing you…. Not one day passes with warm thoughts of you!! I hope you have adjusted well to heaven, I know being with your mother has helped. I love you so much baby brother. Tell mama I said hello and I love and miss her!! Keep resting, until we meet again!!⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Hey baby brother, you are heavy on my mind. I miss you so much Tim, things are just not the same!! I’m glad that you are resting. Tell mama I said hello, tell her I miss her dearly!! Keep resting you two, I love you!!❤️ ⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
August 20, 2022
August 20, 2022
Bae I been thinking all day about it's been a year now since you were laid to rest but I understand that's just your earthly / physical body Your spiritual/soul is with the LORD
I think about you so much I cry laugh sometimes just thinking about us Bae/Tim
our love/years we shared I love you and I miss you so much!!!!!! Nothing will ever change those feelings You truly were an amazing strong brave and wise man Just wanted to tell you again Thank you for being such a wonderful caring and loving husband and protector to me
You'll always be loved and missed by me!!!
My Bae 4 Ever And Always!!!!! ❤❤
August 20, 2022
August 20, 2022
Tim, my baby brother, one year ago today we said “see you later” to the physical part of you. We know you are still with us spiritually but it still hurts to the core. It’s kinda ironic, we celebrated you on this day one year ago, we laid you to rest then we partied so hard I’m sure we woke you up, mission accomplished, today we are celebrating LeVonte’s and Tabitha’s new beginning together, we will miss you terribly not being here in the flesh but we know you will be there… we all miss and love you so very much Tim, I pray to God that you knew that!! Keep resting, I love you so!!❤️ Tell mama, we are missing her so very much, we wish she was here too, tell her “Knot” is getting married, Wow!! Love you two!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
August 16, 2022
August 16, 2022
I am still missing you so!! I love you so much baby brother!! ❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️ Tell mama I love and miss her dearly!!❤️❤️❤️❤️You two keep resting, you deserve it!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Tim Harper...A year later & this "thing" still hurts! I have went over & over in my mind, what could I have done better to keep u here?...I should’ve done more, I should’ve been there more...but then I realized that, I did exactly what I should’ve done...I just wish you were still here, but God knew what he wanted for you!... It was not my will but God's will! I love you & miss you so much Tim❤️❤️❤️
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Thinking about you… Le’Asia started her sophomore year, I know you would be so proud. You never ever didn’t remind us of how much you loved and cared about us all!! We all are still in a state of shock with you not being here with us. I love you so much baby brother, keep resting!! Tell mama I said hello and that I love and miss her so!!♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
365 days, it’s been 365 days baby brother, I can’t believe it’s already been a year. They say there is a reason, they say time will heal, neither time nor reason will ever change the way I feel. I should have hugged you tighter, I should have hugged you longer the last time I saw you!! Since you have been gone, life hasn’t been the same, the times we spent together meant the world to me, I’m so grateful for the years we had and the closeness we shared, it meant more to me than you will ever know. I love you so much, I miss you every single day of my life!! You will ALWAYS be remembered, NEVER forgotten!! My ♥️ has been left broken, but I know you are whole. Keep resting my awesome baby brother, you deserve it!! Your sister Lecole loves and misses you so!! Tell mama I said hey, tell her that I love and miss her so very much!! Keep resting ⛄️!!! ♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
Mr.Harper My Love ❤ Today makes a year since you transition from your physical body to be with the Lord It still doesn't seem real to me no matter what I tell myself or do I still have so much pain  It was sudden You was doing good then all sudden everything changed so quickly I miss you so much!!!!!!
I do wish you was still here with us I had to remind myself God did give you 7 more years after your transplant and I'm very thankful to God for those 7 years That you had more time to spend with us You had plan so much for us to do but I know you was tired Bae You had been telling me for awhile you was getting tired and God freed you from it all No more pain or worries I can truly say that I know we loved each other and gave our all to each other I will always always and forever love you Tim We was together for a decade ❤❤❤ I wish longer Continue to rest in peace Bae Holding on to the memories we had forever
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
1 year.. this still hasn't gotten any easier. I still vividly remember those last days with you and just wish I would've known ❤️‍ I miss you everyday pops
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
Tim Harper...Today marks 1 year since you have been physically gone from us & these have been the hardest 12 months without you...I've gone through the (5) stages of grief, but I'm still somewhat stuck at the final stage of ACCEPTANCE...Some days I still believe that you are gonna call me on that phone & say "What Up Toe-Nette"...Some days I still believe that I will see you sitting in your chair playing candy crush or you watching & whole heartedly agreeing with Judge Judy(LOL)...I'll just continue to hold on to the memories I have of you. I miss you, I love you & I know we will see each other again❤️
August 3, 2022
August 3, 2022
It’s still no easier! I miss you so!!♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️
July 31, 2022
July 31, 2022
Missing you and mama terribly!! Y’all keep resting, you deserve it!! Love you two!!♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️
July 30, 2022
July 30, 2022
Hey baby brother!! I’m here at work with you heavy on my mind. I still can’t believe that you are no longer on this earth, you are not here to continue this journey with me. I miss you so!! I am excited knowing you are safe, you are not in any pain, you are with your mama. You fought so very hard and long… thank-you!!! I chuckle when I think about your jokes, your remarks, you were one comical dude. We all miss you so much!! Keep resting, tell mama I love and miss her so much!! ♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
Hey brother, I continue to think and miss you so much!! You are always on my mind!! This year has been a world wind!! Keep resting dear brother, I know you know that your sister loved you so much!! Keep resting!! Tell mama, I said hello and that I love and miss her so much!!♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
Tim, it’s been almost a whole year, it hasn’t gotten any easier. I hate that I can’t come to Birmingham to SEE you, to VISIT you, to make sure you are Okay. I know that you are getting your best rest, I am happy about that, I miss you so much though!! Keep resting, I love you. Tell mama, I love and miss her so very much!! If you see Levi and Mr. Bennett, tell them I said hey and that I love and miss them too!!⛄️⛄️⛄️⛄️
July 19, 2022
July 19, 2022
Tim Harper...Happy Taco Tuesday! You enjoyed yourself some tacos, WHY???... IMHO, they are so messy (LOL)…When I get to Birmingham, I'm gonna buy a taco, come to see you at your marker, eat the taco, dedicate it to you & just talk to you like old times & always...I miss you, I love you & I'll be there to visit you soon!❤️
*The Guard-Mother*
July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
Hey brother, it’s Asia’s birthday, I know how you loved her so!! She’s missing you so very much too!! Keep resting, we love you!♥️⛄️♥️⛄️♥️⛄️
July 10, 2022
July 10, 2022
My brother, I am so hurt that we a planning a wedding and you will not physically be there, I needed you there, Vonte’ needed you there, we know your spirit will be there but what a joy it would be to have you there!! I miss and love you so much!! I want you back so badly!! Things are not the same, you are no longer on this earth and it’s heartbreaking!! You bounced back so many times, I needed this to be one of those times. I am so glad I was able to be there with you, I would have done absolutely anything for you!! I love you so much!! Keep resting!! Tell mama I said I love and miss her too. ❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
July 8, 2022
July 8, 2022
Hey brother dear, I’m just stopping by to remind you that I love and miss you so very much!! I have a shirt with your picture on it, as I walk by it so many thoughts run through my mind. I know God knew what was best, he knew that you had fought so very long, he knew, he knows, my God knows Tim, I may not know it all but he does. I glad there is no more heart aches, no more pain, no more. You are rejoicing in heaven, back with your mama once again. I miss you so much though, you were my right hand man!! I will forever cherish our talks, laughs, your advice, your help. Wow!! You are missed!! Keep resting, tell mama I love and miss her so much too!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️
July 8, 2022
11 months too long!!!! I miss everything about your presence dad. Stuck wishing that this was a dream is now my reality every time I think of you and that's the worst part cause it seems that way. As I cleaned off your headstone the other day I would've rather been "cracking your toes" lol or even running to get you some ice water a thousand times again. I'm not ready to let this first year past without you, but time must go on. Just know your name will live on through me and my kids, and the ones who loved you most!
July 4, 2022
July 4, 2022
Happy 4th of July Tim Harper...I know that you are looking down on us...I am taking your advice so seriously..."Just Do You and Keep it Moving"...It is so freeing & liberating...I miss You...Continue to Rest In Power, Dear Brother❤️
July 3, 2022
July 3, 2022
Hey brother!! You and mama are forever and always thought of and missed!! I love you two!! Keep resting!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Keep resting!! I love you!! Tell mama I love her!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Happy Father’s Day to one of the best!! Not only were you a father to yours but a father to so many more, I know I appreciate all the help and support you gave me with mine, we all love and appreciated every single thing you did, the advice you gave, the laughs you gave us, dude you did it all. We are surviving from memories and knowing you are in great hands. I can’t thank-you enough!! I love and miss you so much!! Tell mama I said hello, I love and miss her too. You both keep resting, I love you!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Happy Father's Day daddy, I love and miss you so much! Thank you for being the great teacher you were to me and my siblings. You did you're job. Well done.
June 11, 2022
June 11, 2022
They say with time, it will get easier, nope it hasn’t. Something about you, my baby brother not being on this earth, it doesn’t sit right with me. You are my baby brother, the little brother. It’s been 10 long months without you, 10. When I think about that it’s still hard to believe. I miss you so much, I miss everything about you. I know you asked your mama to come and get you, I know you were tired, you fought for so very long, I know. You definitely put up an awesome fight too, whew if you look up hero in the dictionary, your picture will be there. I pray that you are at peace, I pray that you are resting because you truly deserve it. I love and miss you so much, keep resting. Tell mama I said hello and I love and miss her too!!❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️⛄️❤️
June 8, 2022
June 8, 2022
Tim Harper...The Guard-Mother checking in again (LOL)...Today marks the (10th) tenth month anniversary since you left us in the flesh & we are missing you tremendously...We appreciate all that you have given us, while you were physically here: the love, the laughs, the smiles, the conversations, the advice, the physical assistance & the occasional monetary assistance (LOL)...JOB WELL DONE MY BROTHER...May you continue to Rest In Peace... We love you Tim❤️
June 3, 2022
June 3, 2022
Tim Harper...The GUARD-MOTHER checking in (LOL)...Just stopping by to let you know that I'm thinking about you & missing you...Not a day passes by, not one single day!...I LOVE YOU⛄️❤️
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Happy Happy Sunday baby brother!! Dude, you brought tears to my eyes this morning, I just can not wrap my head around the fact that you are not here on this earth, it is all an absolute blur, I was there and I still just can’t believe it!! Lord knows I wish you still here, I’m glad that you are not suffering, no pain, you are there with your mama and daddy.. wow!!!! I know they are taking good care of you, along with so many others. It’s not the same here without you, things are forever changed. You bounced back so many times, I was expecting this to be one of those times too, God had bigger and better plans for you though. I love and miss you so much, keep resting. Tell mama I said hello and that I love and miss her, I love and miss you!! ❤️☃️❤️☃️❤️☃️
May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022
Hey baby brother, I’m just stopping by to remind you, you are loved and will never ever be forgotten!! We love and miss you so very much!! Tell mama, I said hey, and that I miss her!! Love you two so much!!❤️☃️❤️☃️❤️☃️❤️☃️
May 27, 2022
May 27, 2022
Tim Harper⛄️...Guess what I just recalled!?...You & I were having a conversation concerning a few of our many nieces & nephews...I said to you, "Well, I'm gonna call them up & tell them XY&Z"...You then said to me, "Who do you think you are? THE GUARD-MOTHER"...I then said to you, "I don't have any God-children!"...Then you said, "No! not the God-Mother, but the GUARD-MOTHER, just thinking you can guard & protect every damn body" (LOL)

I laughed back then when we had that conversation, but today, I hereby appoint myself the HARPER family’s official GUARD-MOTHER...I will try my best to fulfill my family assignment, because you have endorsed & legitimized my position (LOL)...Continue to Rest Easy Dear Brother❤️
May 25, 2022
Still hard to believe this is our new normal sometimes... no matter how bad we wish for a redo it will never happen. Until we meet again daddy. I'm not ok, but I am happy knowing I will see you again. I love you!!!
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Recent Tributes
May 24
Gan-Gan❤️…Tim Harper⛄️…How will I ever catch-up? (LOL)…What is it now? about 25 to my 0…I gotta amp up the pressure & the nagging (LOL)…It’s ok, as long as you two are watching over us, we are continuously blessed! You two just continue to rest in power & know that you both are sorely missed…I love Y’all❤️
May 16
May 16
Keep resting mama and my baby brother!! Not one single day passes without fond memories and thoughts of you two!! We are missing you so very much on this earth but I’m so glad you are safe and resting, you both endured so much, so keep resting, keep watching over us!! I love you both so very much!! ❤️⛄️
May 12
HAPPY HEAVENLY MOTHER'S DAY GAN-GAN...I know that you & Tim will continue to watch over us all. You two continue to rest easy...I miss you & love you both❤️
Recent stories

A Brother's Love

June 24, 2022
Hey Tim Harper...Just sitting here, thinking about you & missing you terribly...I was just reflecting on how you were a male that was raised amongst mostly females (mother, 4 sisters & 1 brother)…You rarely had any fatherly influence, direction or guidance...As you grew up, you learned & taught yourself how to be a man & what that entails from your perspective, with the knowledge that you had & sheer, pure love for your family navigating you...You NEVER forsaken your children or any family members & was a father figure & role model to us all...Were you perfect? No! Did you make mistakes? Yes!, but we all do, that is the process of growing, living & learning from life lessons...Countless times, I would pick up the phone & ask you for marital and/or relationship advice or just advice on life in general...In all actuality, you were the only constant man in my life...You would sit on the phone with me for hours making me laugh, when I wanted to cry...A few times I did cry to you & you would assure me that everything would be alright...One of the very last thing that you text message to me was to "JUST DO YOU AND KEEP IT MOVING" A few simple words, but they are so powerful, inspiring & motivational, coming from you...Moving forward I will live my life by this phrase, because I know that you will always be watching over me..."I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER, BUT HE REALLY KEEPS ME" I love you Tim & we all know that you loved us.

I've Been Changed

March 21, 2022
Hey Tim Harper...The mind & the mentality of it, is a wonderous thing. Just 2 months ago, back in January, I was doing a little research on the renowned gospel singer Lashun Pace. I even uploaded her most known hit song, 
"I Know I've Been Changed" right here to your memorial page. She piqued my interest at the time because she was suffering from kidney failure & had been on dialysis treatment for the past 5 years & was awaiting a kidney transplant...Today, Ms. Lashun Pace, passed away, due to organ failure, at 60 years old... You too were suffering from kidney failure & on dialysis...My heart is heavy & also relieved that you are no longer going through this...You were going to dialysis 3 times a week, 4 hours per session. We would text each other back & forth, sometimes during these sessions & I never heard you complain...You would even drive yourself to these sessions & back home. Just the thought of that makes me cry. You were the epitome of strength & independence...You never asked, requested or expected assistance, but it should've been given voluntarily because of who you were & what you meant to those closes to you!...You no longer have to rely on anything or anyone, anymore!...Tim Harper, continue to rest easy my dear brother...I miss you & love you.

An Amazing Brother

March 14, 2022
Tim Harper...You were such an amazing brother & person...You kept all of us laughing & entertained...I remember when we would have church/worship services in our living room...We even had a lil family choir & Big Sister Lecole actually wrote a song for us called "Lord, I'm just a baby" (someone later stole that song & recorded it) We would sing with Lecole leading us, while we played tambourins & you would accompany us on the bongo...You would place that bongo between your knees & play the hell out of it, but basically had the same beat for every song we sang (LOL)
I don't know if many know this about you, but you could also dance! You would dance your ass off! (LOL) You would pop-lock, cabbage patchsnake, even got on the floor & did the worm (LOL) I remember when you & Kelly would walk into any house party that we would be attending & set the party off! Every one would just be sitting around talking until y'all would just bust up in the mutha, dancing all of the latest dance moves, but pop-locking was your thang (LOL)  
I have such fond memories of you. My Dearest Big Brother Tim...Love you❤️

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