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September 11, 2011

my mum was one of the best women u could ever meet. allways had kind words to say about others, she was sadly taken from us at the age of 28 years old, forever young, she touched so many hearts leaving the way she did, it will allways seem unfair loosin her the wa we did but deep down i no one day we will be together again an all this heart ach will fade love u so so much mum u was an amazin lady as ur friends keep reminding me how loved u actualy are, an how pritty u was things like these keep me goin as i just cant except uve gone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

meet me in my dreams mum, and take away my pain, since youve gone things have never been the same. facing life without you is so very hard to bear and loosing you the way we did will allways seem unfair. ive been left with precious memories that make me laugh and cry but the love you left in my heart no millionaire could buy........<3 <3 <3 <3 misss u so so much mum xxx sleep tite an shine bright xxxxxxxx gbnf

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