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The Art of Shadows

January 11, 2017

"I was trying to photograph the little branch of flowers growing from the right of the trunk of the tree, barely noticeable here. I am amazed and intrigued by the shadows that are the center of this pic." - Toni

Toni sent EGGdish many pictures of her crabapple tree, a natural work of art she appreciated from inside her home. When you can't get out much, it does help to learn to appreciate what is on hand, near.

She came to find art in all kinds of shadows, even the darkest shadows of life, personality, and behaviour, and how they mix in interesting shapes with the light.

Her photograph and words about trying to see one thing, one detail, but finding an amazing big picture, will be an reminder to me to keeping changing my focus to far enough back to see the Art of the Shadows.



Our Shining Smiles with Purple and Sol

January 5, 2017

Here we are with beaming smiles, NoVA CFS/ME/etc support group co-facilitators Toni Marshall in purple and me, Elly Brosius, with a shining sun on my shirt the color of space. We are at the March 2009 support group meeting in Chantilly, VA. This was a favorite meeting for its high attendance of friends and members and for the great speaker, Peter Rowe, MD, of Johns Hopkins, who taught us so much about orthostatic intolerance. 

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