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His Life
January 12, 2015

My dad was the best man ever to live,he took care of his two children, DONNA AND BILLY, and his loving wife DORIS. He had a passion for baseball. He got to coach all of his grandchildren, BILLY, NICOLE, STEPHAN AND BILLY. He always was a fisherman, me and my brother Billy went fishing every weekend waking up around 5 in the morning to go to Margate to fish off the pier. Then we would go camping at my Aunt MARYJANE and UNCLE ALEX campground in JERESEY.Then he bought a house in Wildwood VILLAS.We had the best times down the shore. All our friends would come down, we had tons of parties, and my dad joined in all the time. He loved our shore house. He would always be running the lawn mower around 6 in the early morning, going by the bedroom windows when we were fast asleep, and of course he would wake all of us up