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March 22, 2019

Zachery I just want to tell you that I miss you so much. You are missed by so many people especially me there isn't a day that I don't think about you I think about you every single day. I can't wait to see you again someday. I just wish that you weren't taken so soon you were way to young. You had a lot ahead of you in the future. RIP beautiful eyed angel till we meet again ❤️

Love n miss you buddy

June 5, 2020
You were only a 16 yr old boy that got taken from us to soon. You knew how to light up a room how to make people laugh n smile. You were such a great kid and i miss u dearly. I look at ur picture everyday on my tv stand along with the fish pendant I got for your ashes n ask God why? Why? Why take such a sweet innocent boy from us. I will always cherish our memories together till my last breath n even in my after life when i get to see ur face. My boys loved u dearly and they miss u as well. I remember our weekend trips fishing kayaking etc. You were always a happy out going kid. You will always be in my heart forever n we miss u so much. Love u buddy rest in paradise our blue eyed angel till we meet again. 

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