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Blissie Blair's Doggerel

December 6, 2013

This was written and presented by Blissie Blair on the occasion of his 80th birthday. I've kept it ever since. Thank you Blissie for this wonderful tribute!

Horray, horray for Bob's big day
all cheer on this occasion
From coast to coast, from hills to bay
all send a loud ovation

Bob roams the world with skill and style
He makes us laugh most hearty
For friends he goes the extra mile
He's the toast of every party

Oh Bob can shoot and Bob can fish
He proved it so abroad
And all the Brits most ardent with
Was not to feel so awed

He charmes us with his story telling
His loyal friends are countless
Judging wine and food, excelling
Kudos, cheers are boundless

He knows his art, his music too
and far excelled at Wharton
His tastes are chic, he is most U.
He's Athens more than Spartan

THere's much to say about his works
His role with Pub TV impossible to follow
Community he never shirks
He's good and great, our own revered Apollo

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