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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Aaron Elton, 60 years old, born on October 8, 1956, and passed away on July 10, 2017. We will remember him forever.
July 10
July 10
At this time seven years ago. I was holding you when you took your last breath. You went home to be with your dad and your brothers.
I am sure you are happy. You are not in pain.
I miss you all the time. I think of you daily.
It’s hard to believe you have been gone seven years.
We had our ups and downs. But the last two nights you were on earth. They were special. We spent your last days together.
Papa and granny are with you as well as Kenneth and Keith.
I made a big move this year. I moved into Mongolia Manor Indepent living. I have an apartment. I spent my first month going through things. I threw out all our old papers. I decided I no longer needed them. No one wants to have to deal with my things.
It’s lonely at times. I look back and I remember when we first met. You couldn’t wait to get to me on your days off.
I have my memories. I still love you.
Love Linda
October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023
You have been gone six years. I still miss you. You were the love of my life. I think of you often. Happy birthday in Heaven
Your loving wife
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
Today you have been gone 6 years. I have missed you. More since before Christmas. I think about you every day.
October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022
I couldn’t bring myself to come here on your birthday. A lot has happen. Your mother joined you and the family on February 2nd 2022. She got really sick after you died. I am sorry to say I wasn’t there. I didn’t know until later she had died. I don’t hear from LeAnne often. My sister Martha died September 7th2022. She also had cancer . I did leave a memory of you on your birthday on my Facebook page. I still miss you a lot. I will always love you. You have a special place in my heart. I love you.
October 8, 2021
October 8, 2021
Today you would have been 65, yes I was married to a younger man as you use to say. You married a old woman. I can't believe you been gone 4 years. I still miss you today as I did the day you left this earth. I never forget holding in my arms as you took your last breath. I tired to prepare myself, but you never prepare to let a love one go. I pray you are happy and shouting from the roof top. I am home.
I love you still. Love your wife LInda
February 5, 2020
February 5, 2020
Today was daddy's birthday, I honor him, talked to him, I posted many pictures of our family/
I miss you, you were a good husband, son, and father.
Who loved his family.
Loved to talk.
Those last two nights together. Were blessed, we talked for the first time in a long time, you told me you love me. Not just show on your fingers how much you loved me.
I miss you and I loved you
your wife Linda
January 5, 2020
January 5, 2020
I came across your profile tonight, I think about our life together, If you had just made it to Aug. we would have been married 14 years, We were together 14 years. You saw me, said I going to marry her. I thought you are crazy, get me home. you helped me moved. And about a month later you moved me again. I think of you often. I loved you, we had good and bad times. You wanted to die at home. You got your wish. We cared for your wishes out. I made sure you had what you wanted. I love you, your wife Linda
September 21, 2017
September 21, 2017
Well I made the move. I don't live far from Martha now. It a nice place. I think I will be happy here. I still miss you. Love Linda
September 10, 2017
September 10, 2017
You have been gone two months now, it is hard to believe. So much has happened since you have been gone. We are in a hurricane, Irma, she pretty bad, she down at mama lives. We are praying that they all will be safe. You are in heaven now watching over us. God is protecting us, it not bad here yet, it shouldn't get too bad we hope. Well, I am moving it time I move own. I am moving to Thomasville, to be close to Martha, I hope we can become close. I just want to know I miss you, but I'm okay I will make it, I try to stay strong, I got sick it set me back some, but I am better now. I miss you with all my heart. Love your wife Linda.
August 19, 2017
August 19, 2017
Well you have been gone a month,it is hard to believe you have been gone that long. ,And today Aug, 18, 2003 we were married, I had hope you would be here to celebrate 14 years together. But God needed a Angel so he choice you that day, I know you are at peace now. You are where you belong, it time I make so choices, they may not be easy, but I have to do what best for me now. I have been sick again, was in the hospital a week, Glad to be home, but it is not the same with out you. Taco finally coming back to our room and sleeping with me again, he won't sleep in here for a month. I just wanted you to know I love you, you will always have a special place in my heart. Love Linda
July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017
It hard to believe you have been gone a week, I still think of you in your chair when I walk into the room. You slipped away so fast. I know you are happy now, it make me feel better knowing you are in heaven. I still love you more everyday. I miss you and love you. You were my heart and sold. I still want you hear with me, to hold you and tell you I love you. I pray you know that I loved you. Miss you with all my heart, your loving wife. Linda
July 15, 2017
July 15, 2017
Karl it me again, I love you, yesterday we laid you to rest, it was hard not to be able to see you, I know your ashes were there, but it not like I wanted to see you. I can't believe you are gone, I can't sleep, you are on my mind, someone looks at me or say something to be, it make me sad, I know you won''t want me to, I'm trying hard, Your service was .really nice, Steve did a good job, your bible verse you wanted was read, I had a song I wanted played but they didn't get to play it, It was all I wanted played. LeAnne choice one, I like it also, it was beautiful, Alan Jackson sang precious memories, They did a video of your memories, it was really nice, I saw pictures I never seen of you. Some I didn;t know were taken, I saw your perm, there were a lot of pictures of you and LeAnne when she was little. Some of you and Nancy, ones with the boys when they were small, it funny seeing them that small, but they were in your chair with you. One of your birthday, pictures when you started your cemo treatments, the ones we had made when your mama turn 75. Our picture with Love was there, you and me when you were in service and my senior pictures, I found the one when we meant setting in the swing, I found our first Christmas pictures, our first year, when we went to Fla. So many memories of you, I wish we could have had more memories together, Thanks for taking me to see mama last year. Well you got your wish you want have to go back to Fla. It was special to me. I glad we went, we needed that trip together, I could keep writing, I'm going to see if I can get some rest, I can't sleep at night, I miss you so very much, I came to realize how much I really loved you. I just wish I had told you more, and that we should had always said good night before we went to bed, I wish I had done a lot of things different, If meant so much to me the day you told me you liked my top, I will always keep it, I bought Mary Janes today as a reminder when we bought them by the box, fir a memory of you. I'm going to close now, but I will be back to write you again, Love your wife Linda
July 13, 2017
July 13, 2017
My dear husband, these past few days have been hard without you. I walk into a room for you, I have to remember you went home to heaven to be one of God's Angels. We went and made your arrangement, you will be laid to rest on your daddy''s birthday July 14, 2017. I hope we carried your wishes out. I wanted you to have what you wanted. I THINK OF YOU SO MUCH. MoMo is with me now, I will watch over your little baby for you, she getting chicken nuggets like you gave her, She has looked for you. She looks at me like to say where did my granddaddy go. We were buddies, I could curl up in your shirt, you had my blanket next to your chair to keep me warm. But granny will look out for me now. She will make sure I get my chicken nuggets like you gave me. I'm resting on your side of the bed, to keep granny from being lonely.
You will be next to your daddy, and brothers, Your mama will be there one day, when her time comes. She misses you, LeAnne remembers how proud you were of her to have her business, I told her you would want her to continue to do what she loves.
I just can't believe you are gone. I am so lonely without you. I didn't tell you like I should have that I loved you. I wish I had, I remember the day we meet. I found the picture of us in the swing that day, as we waited for your family to get home and meet me. And get LeAnne approval, your mama said you were jumping the gun when you said you were going to marry me. You told my bosses that day, they would loose a nurse, because you were going to marry me. I didn't know what to think, I was in a daze, when I meet your family that day, I saw a family, one like I wanted to be part of. And I'm so proud that I married you and became part of the family. We had our up's and down's, but we worked them out. I have so much I want to say, I will come back often to write to you. In the mean time you take care of all of our love ones up there in Heaven with you. Good Nite Love Linda your wife
July 11, 2017
July 11, 2017
My dear husband, I want you to know I loved you with all my heart. I will miss so many things about you. I know you were in pain these past three years. You never gave in, it . like you told those Dr. No one would know when it was your time to die. You proved them wrong, you were with us three more years. As you said only one person knew when your time had come. Well he came and took you home. You are no longer in pain, You are with your daddy, and brothers now. My daddy there as well as Jim, and Faye, and Bryan You all meet up there. Tell them I love them. You were a special person, you loved your family and your family loved you. No matter how much it hurts, I can be at peace because I know you are at peace now. God loves you and will welcome you with open arms. One day I will see you again. You take care, Love your wife Linda Elton

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July 10
July 10
At this time seven years ago. I was holding you when you took your last breath. You went home to be with your dad and your brothers.
I am sure you are happy. You are not in pain.
I miss you all the time. I think of you daily.
It’s hard to believe you have been gone seven years.
We had our ups and downs. But the last two nights you were on earth. They were special. We spent your last days together.
Papa and granny are with you as well as Kenneth and Keith.
I made a big move this year. I moved into Mongolia Manor Indepent living. I have an apartment. I spent my first month going through things. I threw out all our old papers. I decided I no longer needed them. No one wants to have to deal with my things.
It’s lonely at times. I look back and I remember when we first met. You couldn’t wait to get to me on your days off.
I have my memories. I still love you.
Love Linda
October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023
You have been gone six years. I still miss you. You were the love of my life. I think of you often. Happy birthday in Heaven
Your loving wife
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
Today you have been gone 6 years. I have missed you. More since before Christmas. I think about you every day.
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