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To live in the hearts, we leave behind...

is not to die .


This memorial website was created in the memory of our dearest loved one, Abhijeet Singh, 19, born on March 7, 1992 and passed away on August 10, 2011. We  miss you from  our life and the big vaccumm you have created can be filled by none.I wish you knew how much you were loved.

Abhijeet  was persuing Mechanical Enginneering  from Manipal University. He was a strapping young man, 6 feet in height and an endearing smiling face. He was gregarious, fun and outdoors loving person who just loved to be in company of his friends.He was fond of trekking,  mountain climbing, Squash, and football. He was also very fond of clicking photographs and getting clicked.He was very fond of gadgets and new gizmos like any other teenager.He was fond of all things manly like motor bikes, guns, tanks  submarines,  fighter lanes, and other military paraphrenalia.

 His passion was ' Flying.'.. fighter aircrafts... so much so that I assume that in his last incarnation he must have been a fighter pilot. His passion was to soar in heavens. His only aim in life was to join Indian Air Force after his enginnering degree.He would have flown Sukhois and that would have been the happiest times in his life. If only God willed...

Abhijeet was a caring  loving son and a great elder brother to Abhishek. He was a role model and an ideal for his younger brother. He is greatly missed as a grand son and nephew and  as a great buddy to his numerous friends.  Abhijeet had moved frequently with his family and had learned to make friends fast. Naturally humble, and blessed with a jovial personality and wonderful sense of humor, people were quickly drawn to him.Wherever he went, he spread good cheer and sprinkled life and zest with his great sense of hiumour.How polite, compassionate and incredibly funny he was. He oozed maturity way beyond his years.Never did he ever utter a disparaging remark or critical word for anybody. He was the most compassionate and nonjudgemental person I have ever known.

   As a tale,  so is life ; not how long it is , but how good it is , what matters. 

We lost Abhijeet on 10 August 2011. He had gone for a swim in the Arabian sea with his friend Jana Kish. Both of them entered the sea around 3.o clock in the afternoon, never to come out again. And we were left with this deep stabbing pain in the heart and a with a  big question in the mind for the Almighty to answer-WHY?

Why was life snuffed out of a person so full of life and love for life? Why one of us is taken while the rest of us remain to endure the pain? For there are just so many things that no one can explain. The most painful goodbye was bid to him on 13th August and up  went in flames our hope, dreams and future imagined for him.

Abhijeet,we have you in our hearts while God has you in his arms. You have left your footprints on our hearts , and we will never be the same again. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.


 Life is eternal, and love is immortal,and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

My son is not my PAST.HE IS MY FUTURE. We do not stop carrying those we love in our hearts and minds because we can't see or touch them. Their memories remain alive as an active part of our lives. Honoring memories is about preserving the gifts of love God allowed to grace our lives with on this earth. It's a holy love that dwells in the places carved inside our  hearts by love itself. It's part of the reason we are Who we are.

This  site is  still in the process of construction. Please visit  it  again soon. And please do write something to let me know you were here to celebrate the  living spirit of my Son.

June 19
June 19
Losing you is like having broken ribs
While Noone can see, it hurts everytime you breathe
March 7
March 7
Happy birthday dear Sonny boy . I raise my life energies to salute your joyful spirit. May you be surrounded by love and laughter always
March 6
March 6
Another birthday that we will not share . You live in me and qll your loved ones . 
I have decided to see you as a source of joy for 19 years rather than source of grief . I will always remember you witg a smile on my lips and even if a lump rises in my throat , i will let it pass with no resistance .
God bless you my child , wherever you are .
January 17
January 17
I'll Meet you
On the days I miss you most
I'll close my eyes and sleep.
I'll meet you in my dreams
in a moment we can keep.

I'll meet you with a hug
and with things I want to say.
I'll meet you under the sun
or a different place each day.

I'll meet you by the river
or back at our old home.
And at the times I cannot find you
In my dreams i shall still roam.

I'll meet you in the coffee shop
or at your favourite place.
I don't care just where it is
as long as I see your face.

I'll meet you at a park
so you can watch the children play.
You can take their laughter
back to heaven every day.

I'll meet you on each birthday
we no longer get to share.
I don't care just where it is
but I'll meet you there.

I'll meet you in the sunshine
or in the pouring rain.
I will walk through any storm
just to see you again.

I will meet you in my thoughts
a million times a day,
along with every memory
I am lucky to replay.
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
Happy new year my son . May you be as happy as a lark wherever you are . May your life be filled with joy and laughter wherever you are
November 29, 2023
November 29, 2023

Though you no longer walk beside me physically,
I see you in every memory.
I feel you in every heartbeat.
I hear you in every song.
I know you in every thought.
I laugh with you in every joy.
I cry with you in every sorrow.
For though you no longer walk beside me,
You have never truly left me,
For I feel your presence with me every step of the way
And you have never truly gone.
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
And in my dreams, I will find my way back
To you
October 30, 2023
October 30, 2023
I will have to endure of lifetime of What ifs and What could have been.
My mind often wanders to what you would have been today.
October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023
Thinking of you as always, Abhijeet, especially in these troubled times. So much evil in this world today. Look after your family, and your mum, from afar. It doesn't get easier with the passing years, it gets worse. No more new memories made. No milestones achieved and celebrated. Oh how much we miss our precious children. Perhaps you would have made this world a better place.

But your world, the one you live in now, is for sure a far better place.
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
Some days I messed up as your mom ,
Some days I did not have energy
Some days I didn’t show you any grace
Some days I simply let you down .
But , every day, my sweet child ,
Every day I loved you .
September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023
Whatever I do , Wherever I go , I always think - you should be here
September 5, 2023
September 5, 2023
I will always talk about you . You will always be remembered
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
Abhijeet, it is 12 years of this dreadful day . You will always live in my heart .
Wish you loads of happiness wherever you are . Peace and joy be yours .
July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023
Today is Guru Purnima . I bow to thee. You have taught me so much about living on even with a big bad bleeding hole in the heart and yet pretend all is well . You have taught me that life is ephemeral. Never to take one’s loved ones for granted .
June 30, 2023
June 30, 2023
Umr bhar chahe koi Pukara kare unka naam
Vo phir nahi aate

See you across the veil
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
I hold you close
I release you to be free
I am in you
You are in me
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
You will never be gone , as I will always think about you .
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
You made me a Mommy for the first time . The moment I held you , I knew that a part of my heart will always be out of my body in this bundle of joy .
Thanks for granting me motherhood. You gave me greatest joy by choosing to be born to me .
April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023
Dear Abhijeet, we have never met, but your presence is deeply felt. The unconditional love and emotion that emanates from your family for you is so palpable. It is an honour to know you from the eyes of your mumma.
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
Blowing birthday kisses to you dear Son .
Can’t stop thinking what would you have been today .
May you be joyful and blessed with long life and happiness and loving parents wherever you are . See you on the other side .
March 6, 2023
March 6, 2023
Happy birthday eve
I remember your excitement. I can’t forget the visit to the mall where you used to buy model planes and x box games and the books related to flying .
Flu high wherever you are
You are so missed. Soo deeply loved .
February 6, 2023
February 6, 2023
I am grateful for all the memories I have of you . Grateful for all the lil stories of you growing up . Grateful for the cherubic smile of yours and grateful for all the naughty ways of yours .
And much more
February 5, 2023
February 5, 2023
And, one day
I looked back for you
But you weren’t there anymore
A stranger did I see
Looking back at me
And, in that very moment
I did promise
That I would keep on looking back for you
As I know
One day
I will
See you again

Art by S. Hee
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Happy New Year Abhijeet. You are loved. You are missed. We count the days until we see you all again. The soul has gone out of this earth - there is not much left but disease, hunger, wars, greed, and catastrophes on an apocalyptical scale. I think the soul was sucked out of it when we lost our children, who embodied everything that was good in the world ❤
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Happy new year wherever you are . Have a whale of time with all your friends up there . Will join you sooner than later .
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Just wanted to say that you are so missed . The year end is a very stark reminder of life lived without you and all the time on earth that I will live without you . It is harsh and brutal to say the least .
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Another year gone without you .
Life goes on
Without you it is not easy .
You will be always loved and always missed
November 6, 2022
November 6, 2022
i remember
how joyful it used to be
to come home
and to find you there
waiting for me.

your face would light up
and you’d say to me
“i’m so glad to see you”
and hug me tightly.

how i miss those hugs,
and the tearful hellos
instead of the sorrowful goodbyes
as you had to leave.

but then i reflect on
how joyful it will be
to come home
to Eternity someday
and find you there
waiting for me

your face will light up
and you’ll say to me
“i’m so glad to see you”
and hug me tightly.

until Eternity,
until Eternity…

-Liz Newman
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Abhijeet.. Wish you did not go out on that dreadful day, even if you had to, wish you did not go to the beach, even if you went, wish you stayed in the sand and not venture in. So many ifs, and buts without answers.
Stay safe wherever you are..
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
Here is that dreaded day again . The day I lost you physically.
Your absence is always present in my life ., and you will never be forgotten. You are loved and will always be missed
Always .
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
Hey Baby
I love you so much
My heart aches for you
I wish to see you.
Plse look after your brother . Just make sure he keeps himself safe always .
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022
You and Kiru must be close friends just like me and yr momma hv becm
Stay safe..
No monkey business.. See if you can drop in smtm... Love you
July 13, 2022
July 13, 2022
Happy Guru Purnima
Your going has taught many lessons to me . So I bow to you .
You are gone from my sight but will always remain in my heart .
July 4, 2022
July 4, 2022
My child , my love ,
I will never let this world forget you . I will always tell your stories . Even if it makes people feel uncomfortable , let them be . I am your rememberer . You will be loved and talked about and remembered and missed .
June 9, 2022
June 9, 2022
I often wonder what would I say to you if I could see you one more time . And I have come to the conclusion that there aren’t any words in our language for that moment .
Maybe I would simply hold you tight and cry . Maybe I will whisper I love you and I miss you . I always have and I always will .
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Happy birthday to my Rockstar. You would have been married and well settled in your profession.
This day you made me a mom . The memories are precious and I would not trade them even in hindsight today . The things that I would have changed would have been - loving you hugging you more .
March 6, 2022
March 6, 2022
It is the eve of your 30 th Birthday.
It would have been a milestone.
Wherever you are. I send you all the love and happiness. Just keep safe in this birth and achieve all that you wanted to
Fly high my son
February 15, 2022
February 15, 2022
Missing you comes in waves .
Today I am drowning.
February 9, 2022
February 9, 2022
I love you more than you will ever know
February 6, 2022
February 6, 2022
I should have hugged you tighter when you were here . Sadly I didn’t. Wish I had one more chance
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
I know you are at peace
I wish I was too
January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022
Happy new year to you my son .
Wherever you are , may you always be loved and understood
Be joyful always .
November 4, 2021
November 4, 2021
My love
My heart longs to see you , hold you in my arms and never let you go .
Sending you all my love . May you have a great Diwali bash wherever you are .
May peace be yours .
November 3, 2021
November 3, 2021
Another Diwali without you .The pain gets unbearably sharp during festival time .
I send you all the love that I can hold in my heart . Trust me you are in a better place .
Hope to see you sooner than later .
August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021
Love is .
It remains
It doesn’t move on .
August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021
"Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin, you can’t have one without the other.

Together they come,and when one sits alone with you at your board remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.” (Kahlil Gibran)
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but your memories shall never pass away! Will always hold you in my heart forever
July 2, 2021
July 2, 2021
As time goes by , I have discovered my grief has changed .Your laugh sounds further away and your hugs are no longer fresh in my mind , and the way you lit up the room with your beautiful smile seems like a distant memory.
In some ways I miss you more now than when I first lost you .
It doesn’t get easier with time but the pain just looks different .
June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021
My handsome son ,
I will never not remember you .
Ever .
June 9, 2021
June 9, 2021
You are somewhere amongst the stars for sure
That is why on the hardest nights, they shine the brightest .
Page 1 of 21

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Recent Tributes
June 19
June 19
Losing you is like having broken ribs
While Noone can see, it hurts everytime you breathe
March 7
March 7
Happy birthday dear Sonny boy . I raise my life energies to salute your joyful spirit. May you be surrounded by love and laughter always
March 6
March 6
Another birthday that we will not share . You live in me and qll your loved ones . 
I have decided to see you as a source of joy for 19 years rather than source of grief . I will always remember you witg a smile on my lips and even if a lump rises in my throat , i will let it pass with no resistance .
God bless you my child , wherever you are .
Recent stories
July 28, 2023
There’s an order that life is supposed to follow.

An order of breaths we are supposed to take,
as if we are passing a torch from one generation to the next.

And our torch is supposed to go out before our child’s flame is extinguished.

We are supposed to watch them take their first breath.
But not their last.

We are supposed to hear the thud-thud of their heart when it starts beating.
But never the silence when it stops.

That heart that we once carried inside of us. That breath that we gave them. That life that we kept safe, protected.

So when the order of life is disrupted,
when their torch goes out before yours,
it is as if you too have been robbed of your breath
and as if your heart has stopped beating as well.

There is nothing that can make it less painful.
You would happily blow out your flame if it meant theirs could burn. 

But you can’t. Even though that’s how it should be.

So all you can do is carry them inside you - 
like you did once before. 
Except now they have to stay in your heart forever.

And though it hurts,
just know that they are safe there. 
They are protected.

Because a mother’s love is unending.
Because it burns forever with every breath you take and 
with every beat your heart makes.

Because a mother’s love
is a flame that can 
be extinguished.

Beautifully written by Becky Hemsley
September 24, 2021
— You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once —
You lose them over and over, 
sometimes many times a day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up, 
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home,
they are gone.

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken, 
so does your memory, 
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.

Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.

Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea, 
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realise,
they are gone,

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every day, 

for a lifetime.

August 10, 2021
 I  miss my son today. That goes without saying, I suppose, since I miss him every day. But on this day the pain is particularly sharp, the ache especially deep. I miss my friend, I miss my brother, I miss my protégé. I miss the son of my youth, the delight of my heart. I miss seeing him and hugging him, I miss teaching him and learning from him, I miss the sound of his voice and the cackle of his laugh. I miss having a son at all. I just plain miss my son . 

The time between now and when he went to heaven has passed so quickly, yet so slowly. It often feels like it was just yesterday that we received the phone call, just yesterday that we endured the cremation , just yesterday that we watched your body being claimed by orange yellow flames and the  pervasive smell of death.
 But at the same time it feels like it was a lifetime ago. We were different people back then, a different family with different desires, different assumptions, a different understanding of life and death and the God .
And just as the time between now and when my Son went to heaven has passed both quickly and slowly, I expect that the time between now and when I go to heaven will pass both quickly and slowly. This life is a dash, a blip, a vapor, yet just as truly a slog, a marathon, a long and wearying pilgrimage. I have often observed that while the brevity of life is best seen in retrospect, it’s the slowness of life that tends to be felt in the moment. It may be brief as we look back on it, but it’s long as we live it.
And it feels long today. It looks long today. It looks long as I gaze into the future and see a road laid out before me that may well lead through months, years, decades. It looks longer still as I consider the heavy burden of grief God has called me to bear. I am confident I can carry a great weight for a short distance, but far less confident that I can carry it for many miles or many years. I just don’t know how I will bear up under this sorrow if I have to carry it all the way to the end.
And just so, while God has called me to bear my grief for a lifetime, and to do so faithfully, he has not called me to bear the entire weight of it all at once. The burden of a whole lifetime’s grief would be far too heavy to bear and the challenge far too daunting to consider. But the God who knows my frailty has broken that assignment into little parts, little days, and has promised grace sufficient for each one of them. My challenge for today is not to bear the grief of a lifetime but only to carry today’s grief  that he has spread out before me.My  God-given task began this morning and extends only until tonight. Then, when I awaken with the dawning of a new day, I will awaken to new blessings, new strength, and new grace that will allow me to be strong  through that day as well. 

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