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1st Father’s Day without you daddy

June 19, 2022
Happy heavenly Father’s Day daddy today is the first Father’s Day without you here I can’t come spend time with you and surprise you with a gift from your little girl anymore and it is really killing me inside what is life without you it’s constant pain that runs through my body everyday all day some know we weren’t always close but even than you would show up for me.. and for the last 5 years we have rebuilt our bond as it was when I was younger and that’s what hurts more I needed more time with you just so we could sit in the living room and watch an old mash rerun or some more of your show storage wars.. daddy everytime I needed you you would stop whatever you were doing to come to my rescue remember I would try to pay you when you fixed my car (many times) and you would yell at me saying I don’t want that money you said the thank you was enough payment ♥️ I will always cherish everything you did for me because in the whole process you were building me up to be able to do it on my own and people always joke saying mechanic Trish to the rescue I don’t know everything but daddy you taught me enough to be able to figure out what is wrong Thank you daddy for always being in my corner I’ll always be your baby girl Hope you enjoy your day in heaven with momma love y’all forever

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