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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Adrian Dunn, 39 years old, born on December 22, 1976, and passed away on February 27, 2016. We will remember him forever.
July 20
July 20
Hey dad, how you been, i hope you been alright. I miss you, i want you here, right now. I dont know how to feel right now. I feel weird. Like i cant breathe sometimes. I hope you know what i mean. This is gonna be a short one but just know i love you pops, i started talking to mom again, its weird, it doesnt feel like im talking to my mom. Anyways im gonna go, love you.
April 13
April 13
Hey dad, sorry i haven’t written in a while, i miss you, i was in juvie for almost a year, im sorry i disappointed you, i messed up, really bad, i havent talked to marcella or tony in almost a year, i miss them a lot, i cant stop thinking About how my life would be different if you were still alive, i know you would be there for me, but your not, your gone. You left me when i was just a kid, i wish you were here, i feel so shitty all the time, i cant stop getting it out of my head, i can’t remember your voice, i only have a limited amount of memories with you, dont worry there all good. I love you -jonny
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Hi dad, i havent written in a while but ive been doing pretty good, i got into skateboarding and i made a lot of friends from it, i met so many amazing people doing this. I havent been in the right mindset in a while, i just been making it through cause of my friends and skating, i miss you lots. I been feeling really alone lately, i dont know what it is but i just been out of it, you know what i mean, i just feel so crappy all the time and i feel like ive forgotten your voice, i try to remember but its faint now, i miss you dad, i love you lots.
January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
Hey dad, havent wrote to you in a while, i miss you, miss uncle flip, aunt onowa, preston keeps showing up in my dreams and i cant stop thinking about you, i cant talk to ken or maria, they say im doing this for attention and that im only doing this so people look at me or feel bad for me, but i dont care, 2 and a half more years and i can leave and go do something with my life, love you dad
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
hi dad, sorry i havent written in a while, i hope your doing good, i miss you. schools almost over, yay i guess, i wish i could see you. i hope your okay. i just feel bad for anthony, he never really got to know you, but hes okay i promise. after you died it scarred marcella and I, i looked up to you and marcella, all she wanted was to see you and its still hurting her. she doesnt like seeing me sad, she very responsible, but she hides her feelings and i dont like that, its tearing her up inside, still that little girl inside but shes become to tough. i just really dont get why our life had be so tough, its become a lot better but those 9 years of my life did a total on me.

love migiizins
May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021
hi dad, sorry i haven't written to you in a while. i just want to scream, just let it all out, let everything go. i want to take out all of sadness and anger. i miss you so much, i miss hanging out, playing the game, eating weird food, and just talking. i want to cry so much, but i don't want mom and dad to hear. i feel alone sometimes, like no ones there to talk to, and schools getting kinda hard again, math is getting confusing, i'm getting stuff done in science, all the things in social studies is hard because i have to remember a lot of things, and language arts is the only class i'm good in. i want to do good, i dont want to do the stuff u did, the stuff u did ended up killing you. i forgive you for not letting me have a father to love, to care for, to look up too. i'm sorry i wasn't important to you enough, i know you loved us but you didn't love us enough to think about when you died that day. i dont blame you for abandoning us, i dont blame Liz, i just wish you thought of us before you did that. i just wish you were still here, i know u could've stopped, i know your okay now, your free, i just hope your doing good up there, say hi to preston for me, please

love, your third child, migiizins
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
hi dad, i cried last night, i miss you and Preston so much, i listened to voice messages from Preston yesterday night i cried so much, i wanted to scream until i couldn't breath anymore. i'm trying to stay strong, but its getting so hard, having to keep these feeling bottled up like this, it hurts so much that i'm not going to be able to see you and Preston again. i just want scream and cry until i cant cry anymore. its been getting really hard, i miss Marcella and Anthony, schools getting really hard, i have to keep all these feelings bottled up, i don't want to stress out mom and dad, i feel like i'm all alone and i cant escape these feelings, no matter how many times someone tells me that they're here for me, i don't believe it. people only say that when they see i'm not doing okay, but when i do something they don't like, they abandon me. i'm trying dad, i really am, i promised to stay strong but its like everything adn everyone is just trying to strike me down.

love migiizins
April 19, 2021
April 19, 2021
hi dad, i miss you everyday, i got a couple friends now, i had a lot last year but they weren't the right friends though. i wish i could go back to when there was no building everywhere, no pollution, and we could speak our own language. i want to go home. i love San Francisco but its just not for me. Anthony has gotten big, hes in the 1st grade now, Marcella holy crap, shes a mother by heart, shes very responsible, she would make you very proud, Adrian got a man voice now, he knows how to drive too, he isn't that responsible but its better than when we younger and Joseph hes doing really good, i haven't talked to him sense last year but i know hes doing good. i will join you in a bit, its going to take a while though, i got to take care of Anthony and Marcella, just like i promised. i wish you were still here, you promised to help me practice my drawing and beading, i had to learn it all by myself, i hope your proud, I've achieved a lot sense you left this world. i mess up a lot but i'm not that crazy little boy anymore. i cant stop crying at night. i want to say something but i don't want to say anything to worry mom and dad. they're so stressed out with all this stuff, i don't want to put more pressure on them. i was just starting to feel normal and then Preston died, and i just wanted to die, but i talked it out with mom and dad, i'm better now, its just been getting really hard. i love you dad.

April 16, 2021
April 16, 2021
hi dad, i got no missing assignments now, i'm doing a lot better in school, i miss you, i miss Preston, i was thinking of all the memories we made when i was younger. i wish you were still here, I've gotten so much better at basketball, i want to give you one last hug or at least get to say good bye this time. Marcella and Anthony are doing good, i promise you that. they're being taken care of don't worry.

love, migiizins
April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
hi dad, I've been doing a lot better in school, im starting to understand science and math better, i was thinking of the memories i have of when we hang out together when i was younger. i remember when marcella and i were going to visit elizabeth, you showed up and remembering that made me feel happy and sad because its good memory but i don't get to feel that again, i miss you dad, i miss preston, i love you so much, say hi to auntie for me

love, migiizins
April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021
hi dad, i started a new class today, well its not really a new class, i had it last year, im getting my basketball skills back, i still need to practice though. i miss you dad, i love you. i dont like doing online school, its pretty hard, im not used to it.

love migiizins
April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021
hi dad, i hope your doing good, it was a weird day today, my classes were all mixed up, i'm starting to do better in school, i hope your happy, i really need to practice basketball, i haven't played in 5 months and i'm pretty rusty. i made a new friend though, shes pretty awesome, i wish i could see you right now, i miss you and preston so much, can you give me some of your art skills so i can figure out how to draw this dog, its really hard.

love migiizins
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
hi dad, i miss you, i'm going to get help with the sadness I've been feeling lately. I've been practicing my drawing lately, i still can't draw a realistic dog. i love you so much, i wish you were still here. you shouldn't have died, you promised to teach me how to bead and draw. now i'm learning by myself. if u ever see Preston can you say hi to him for me, please.

love, migiizins
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
hi dad sorry i'm haven't written to you in a while, i miss you, its been kind of hard, schools been rough, i've been thinking of you lately, i love you dad, and say hi to auntie onowa for me
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
Dad I've been really sad lately and I just won't stop crying. I wish u were here I would do anything to be with u right now. I'm sorry that I couldn't get u to stop doing bad things I feel like it's all my fault. I really wish I could give you the biggest hug right now
November 5, 2020
November 5, 2020
hi dad i just had my 13th birthday i miss u
i love you say hi to aunt onawa for me please
im good at drawing just like you were i hope your proud

love migiizins
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
Man, brother
I miss you so much...
I think of you daily, wish you was still here.
Luv you

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July 20
July 20
Hey dad, how you been, i hope you been alright. I miss you, i want you here, right now. I dont know how to feel right now. I feel weird. Like i cant breathe sometimes. I hope you know what i mean. This is gonna be a short one but just know i love you pops, i started talking to mom again, its weird, it doesnt feel like im talking to my mom. Anyways im gonna go, love you.
April 13
April 13
Hey dad, sorry i haven’t written in a while, i miss you, i was in juvie for almost a year, im sorry i disappointed you, i messed up, really bad, i havent talked to marcella or tony in almost a year, i miss them a lot, i cant stop thinking About how my life would be different if you were still alive, i know you would be there for me, but your not, your gone. You left me when i was just a kid, i wish you were here, i feel so shitty all the time, i cant stop getting it out of my head, i can’t remember your voice, i only have a limited amount of memories with you, dont worry there all good. I love you -jonny
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Hi dad, i havent written in a while but ive been doing pretty good, i got into skateboarding and i made a lot of friends from it, i met so many amazing people doing this. I havent been in the right mindset in a while, i just been making it through cause of my friends and skating, i miss you lots. I been feeling really alone lately, i dont know what it is but i just been out of it, you know what i mean, i just feel so crappy all the time and i feel like ive forgotten your voice, i try to remember but its faint now, i miss you dad, i love you lots.
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November 28, 2018

Hey Brother 

Its been two years now...

Miss you dearly..So does ur kids

We love you

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