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May 26
May 26
On this solemn anniversary, I pay tribute to an amazing woman who demonstrated what it looked like to love every child as her own child. Mama, I can not help but reflect on the beautiful moments we shared. Mama, you taught me how to plant Njama Njama. The first year, I messed up, and nothing grew because birds ate up all the Njama Njama seeds. We laughed about what happened. The following year, you showed me what to do, and the Njama Njama did very well. When I sent you videos of my Njama Njama farm, you said, "Mercy, my daughter, well done, farm no d full man, if you work, you go chop" Now I am an expert at planting Njama Njama. Mama, thank you. Mama, you were a source of love,strength, and inspiration to me, and still you are.                           Mercy B
May 14
Happy 87th Birthday, Mamie Dearest. Your brother got there just in time to celebrate with you. Enjoy the reunion and the celebration with all our loved ones that are with you. We miss you and love you. Always in our hearts!
Mechane xxx
May 13
May 13
Happy heavenly birthday Mamie. You must have dressed up beautifully and danced with the Angels, Papa and all our loved ones who are with you. We miss you dearly. Happy 87th birthday in Heaven ❤️
April 20
April 20
Dearest Mami
I was honoured to be one of the last to see you and say “goodbye”. You knew you were leaving but with your smiling calm, didn’t quite let us know. I’ll never forget those final days and thank you for all those years of loving support to our marriage, with your open heart and blessing from day one. I couldn’t have asked for a better Mani in Law
April 19
April 19
It has been a year already, Mami. I waited for your arrival in December as you had promised, but there was no sign of you. You were a remarkable woman, a shining light, and a guiding force. Your heart was full of love, your spirit full of kindness, and your soul full of generosity. You have indeed touched every life you encountered. Your unwavering support, wisdom, and compassion have inspired me. Your love for family, friends, and community was boundless, and your legacy will continue to nourish and uplift us. I celebrate your life, your love, and your memory, and we are forever grateful for the gift of your presence in our lives. May you rest in peace, and may your love and light continue to shine brightly in our hearts 
April 19
April 19
Grandma, my android generation grandma, happy birthday in heaven. We miss you down here, but I see you smiling and very strong each time I imagine you in your new home, and that makes me feel okay about you leaving us . I’m so sorry for always taking so long to check on you. I knew something was wrong when i didn’t receive a single forwarded what’sapp message from you for a whole week, but I kept going about my days. I am so grateful for knowing and having you in my life. I celebrate you on this day. I know you’re looking over us.
P.S. You have a great grandson now. I know you know that already, I still wanted you to hear it from me!
Keep resting well❤️️
April 19
April 19
Rest in paradise to the most God-fearing and reverent woman I had the utmost gratitude and pleasure of having in my life growing up. I know that you are at peace in the hands of eternal life, and will be always watching over your family until the end of our times, where we will be reuinted once more. We love you and miss you dearly, Grandma. ❤️
April 18
April 18
Dearest Mami, I remember you on this anniversary i'm sad that you are gone but happy you are with God. I'm so grateful for the way I was raised. You always let me know I had a mama who cared about me, who believed in me, who was there for me no matter what. Growing up with that kind of love and support made such a difference in my life; it made me who I am today."

Mami was never afraid to voice her opinion or be one to mince words, to put it lightly; but she was always pure in her intentions and true in her actions, and I feel so clearly, so humbly loved. As I go forward, I remember her strength and purity, her fierce sense of pride, her generous heart and sensitivity, her sense of humor.
Throughout her life and especially in the hospital, Mami set us an example in unconditional devotion and never lost her indomitable spirit. when you said lets pray and in prayers you left to your maker and i know you are at peace. i fervently pray that all you've prayed for us during your lifetime continue to follow us until our last breath.

I know Mami is with us now and always. Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes, because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. I love you Mami. Rest in peace and God bless.
April 18
Dearest Mamie, a very wise woman once said:
"There is something about losing a mother that is permanent and inexpressible- a wound that will never quite heal." Susan Wiggs
  We lost you when we least expected; it was our worst nightmare. Our broken hearts will never quite heal. However, like the rainbow at the end of a storm, the goodness we shall each gain from having a broken heart is that you'll live forever in the cracks of our hearts, and this will help us come through.
  You were our rock, our anchor in the storms of life, and you taught us how to weather all sorts of storms. So, even as we shall continue to mourn and miss you, we shall successfully learn to live around the huge gaping hole that your absence has left. Rest well, Mamie, and greet our other loved ones that are with you.
Forever in our hearts!
Your loving daughter,
Flo Mechane xxx

April 18
April 18
Grand Ma, a year down! Your absence is what I feel each passing day. No calls, no texts. The vacuum can,t be filled, but I know though we can't see you, your,re in the right place with your creator watching down on us from above. Keep being our guardian angel and never stop interceding for me. Eternal rest grant unto you and all the departed in the family. You remain forever green. Your grand daughter Anna Mua
April 18
April 18
April 18th 2024, exactly 1 year since you left us. It has been a very difficult year for us. We pray wherever you are, you are at peace. We love you Mami.
April 18
Mammie’s beauty and poise remains unparalleled. Her gentleness waves on to her offsprings. I pray her sleep is sweet beside her creator until we reunite again.
April 18
April 18
Mamie, I remember you on this anniversary of your heart wrenching death that shattered our world. You were gone before we knew it but only God knows why. Your departure gave me a real understanding of "numbing pain". It broke my heart to lose you and a part of me went with you. I remember your voice, your smile, your words of encouragement, your prayers. I am consoled that you are resting with your maker and you are at peace. God is seeing us through. Rest well Mamie. You will forever be in our hearts ❤️♥️
April 18
April 18
Dear Mami! Still hard to believe you are gone! For we know you are with the angels now doing what you did best on Earth. Praying for us your Children. We thank you for your prayers. We miss you and love you deeply. We will meet Again Mami. Until then please remain our Gaurdian Angel.
April 18
April 18
My darling Mami, a year already since we last heard your voice...still so so surreal. My heart was broken a year ago, l am gradually healing from losing you. We miss you very much. Forever in our hearts my darling Mami. Continue to Rest Well. Love you!
Inez Nambangi
April 18
April 18
The time went by super fast! Continue to tie your hearts. We know the kind of life Mami lived and we know the eternity our Christian faith promised for her. Mami exemplified the Christian life, she lived for the Lord and now she lives with the Lord with all the saints and angels. This should make you rejoice. Please don’t be sad. Mami would want you to be happy. She is in a good place. I love you all, my dear family ❤️❤️❤️
- Inez Nambangi
Belinda Alobwede
April 18
April 18
Ma agnes fondly called by us ahere. I can not express the love u had for my mum whom u regarded as ur direct junior sister and treatedher as such. I seriously admired not only ur beautiful person but also ur heart that could love beyond limits. Ur smile very captivating and so peaceful that one could hardly imagine that u also have ur struggles. It was so bad for me the day i heard of ur passing on to glory but more painful when i had to announce to ur sister my mum xho spent all her time asking about you and hoping to see you as u promised. My dear mum u where a giant and a fighter. U succeeded as a wife a mother and a friend and also a family person. We thank God you are resting, rest well mum cos you little Horty Douce is a full blown mum which testifies that you almost had it all. The rest undone will be completed. rest mum rest
- Belinda Alobwede

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