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May 27, 2016
May 27, 2016
My grandpa (Ayomide Olorunsola's tribute to his grandpa)

My grandfather was a good friend, a good father and most importantly a good person. He was a good person in many ways. A few of them were that he was nice, funny and very helpful. He was also full of spirt. He was friendly to anyone that he met and was always there when I needed him the most. He was very inspiring, brave and would do anything for his family and friends. He was very smart, handsome, and welcoming. I remember the first time I went to Africa and met my grandfather I was happy to see him but I was also very shy. My grandfather made me feel special because he would always smile every time he saw me. I will miss you and think about you often.
May 24, 2016
May 24, 2016
Daddy was an amazing and generous person. Rest in the sweet peace of the Lord.
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
If only God had made death redeemable by man, the Isan-Ekiti Progressive Union-I.P.U. National should have done all things to ensure a very longer life for Chief Akinola Peter Olorunsola. Very sociable, humorous, kind, friendly, cooperative and always too willing to give to others, Akin loved to help people very generously. He was a pillar of support to the poor, the needy, the aged and the oppressed. In times of crises, he would stand against any form of violence and help them victims. He hated cheating and dishonesty. He lived a good Christian life. Akin was truthful, bold and fearless. He fought hypocrisy with passion. It is sad that the people of Isan Ekiti will miss the excellent human relations and his superb, robust and highly intelligently objective contributions at all fora. Akin made great permanent historic marks. Let all others emulate him. May he find favour with the Creator and join the Saints to worship God in eternity. May God comfort all of us that he left behind. Akin Rest in peace. Chief Bade Gboyega, President, I. P. U. National (In Prosser, State of Washington, United States of America) 23 May chief Bade Gboyega
May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
I have desperately made attempts at ignoring the obvious reality amidst all the burial preparations in my futile attempt to consciously assume that it is , was and still a dream that daddy died .this tribute is an opening to a wound that is already sore. For the very first time my perceived intellectualism failed me for days as I searched for words to describe exactly how I feel. I remember when mummy died, dad said stop crying you are motherless and it’s a problem you will go to your grave with hence you can’t shed all the tears today he appealed to us to cry but in phases for if we chose to keep crying we will fall sick and yet she won’t return, dad was that blunt. Instantly we became went quiet and decided to cry in phases for the rest of our lives.
On the evening of 16th April 2016 and tragedy befell the olorunsola Family in its entirety and decades of constant everlasting pain and tears began again. Like a bulldozed Iroko tree so has my joy being taking away from the surface of the earth. Let me not continue to wail for if I choose to, till eternity will I do so. I have no idea how to celebrate a loss, it’s ironic nevertheless I want you all to know today that daddy died an accomplished man.
He was consistently stubborn, rigid, caring, loving, bold, tough, intelligent, prudent, assertive and sometimes jovial. He had the unique tendency to be very hot whilst vibrating and within minutes calm and jovial. He was a combinations of two distinct and extreme characters .daddy was very selfless as he ensured that we all excelled academically by making available all that is needed for us to compete with our peers academically and socially, he corrected my with so much love and aggression when I went overboard .He successfully played the role of a mother calling me at least 10 times a day and we spoke about just anything and everything, daddy was my confidant and I was his. We were like brothers. He was generous to a fault, honest and magnanimous yet highly dictatorial, once he makes up his mind nothing will change except in very rare circumstances. I have never see him regret making any decision in life. He wasn’t materialistic in any way. He wasn’t a perfect man and he pleaded with us to manage him with his weakness whilst he vowed never to change any of his habits as we have the opportunity to learn from any habit of his we perceived improper and reflect it properly as we live our own lives . Daddy was a typical Ekiti man who will stand for what he believes in no matter whose ox is gored. He was a seasoned tax administrator and am very proud of his achievements as a tax man.
Daddy always kept to time, he was very impatient with late comers and he will vent his anger on any one who delays him for whatever reason. There can never be an excuse for coming late in his world as it is better to be waited upon than to wait for .He had a passion for education and did all to give his children the best of it. That I will miss him is an understatement but of a truth is the fact that I don’t know how to live without him I will only learn to. As I gallivanted in my university days he corrected with me love, care and extra attention thus bringing out the very best in me as I graduated and preceded to the Nigerian law school. I doubt if I would have made any good use of my life as youthful exuberance took a toll on me but daddy wasn’t a failure so he can’t birth one so he said and made conscious effort to ensure that I fell back on track and got called to the Nigerian Bar. 

He did for us all God would have done if he came down in human form, he was simply my god on earth, I adored him a lot for his honesty and consistency. My acquaintance with him began seconds after my birth it was as intimate as the disparity of our ages only to be separated by death, he never gave up on me even when I did. He oiled the engine of my life and watered the garden of my existence. He loved his children as ardently as he could love, stretching it sometimes beyond acceptable limits and conditions. I looked up to God and god, he was the god. He restricted marriage as long as he could even when we pressured him to.
He was just a call away, always there to save the day like superman, he knew just what next to do irrespective of the circumstance, dad will fix anything and make any situation right. He was extremely confident and bold, he took charge at all times, I have no idea what my destination is but I so long see him just one more time .i adored him so much that sometimes I felt he never could be wrong, I have never seen dad apologize to any human or plead cap in hand with a fellow man, he will rather die than drop his pride. He was a complete Ekiti ,very difficult on one hand loving , humble and compassionate on the other . He was a fusion of two distinct characters exhibiting each at the appropriate time.

The inevitable has occurred and it is beyond my understanding and reasoning, with little or composure I have hurriedly put this together while a part of me is still in shock and denial however it is real and life must continue. Daddy I miss and love you so much , I thank God for the life you lived .your legacy lives , sunreo baba !
May 23, 2016
There are no words to express the hole that has been left and the emptiness that we feel since daddy left us. It is a big, dark, empty hole. Reality has set in, it's not a nightmare anymore and we are trying to make sense of everything. You were not just my husband's father, you were mine too. I looked up to you since my father was no more. You were a mentor, a friend, a confidant, as well as the best dad anyone could ask for. It pains me that my son would not get to grow up knowing his grandpa, and my heart breaks when I think of my husband loosing his father and best friend. Our only solace is that we would someday meet again. I would miss all your funny jokes and hilarious messages. They always put a smile on my face first thing in the morning. You are gone but never forgotten. We miss you but you would always live on in our hearts and we would love you always
May 21, 2016
May 21, 2016
To the glory of God.
The passing of Olorunsola ASP, the Taxation family has lost one of its foremost visionary men who had the greatest total knowledge of all aspect in breadth and depth. He was firm, always aimed for us to be our best. He led by example. I truly appreciate the values and lessons learnt over the years. Last we spoke we talked about we hosting each other to have one of our favorite delicacies ‘’ Eran igbe ” and palm wine before his retirement, little did we know the creator was around the corner. A time to be born and time to die. Olorunsola ASP has finnaly laid down his sword at the feet of his creator . To Tayo my friend , his wife Dr keji and her Siblings, i convey my heartfelt condolences. Though our father ASP may have left this world, his legacies and contributions to human race will live forever. It’s also a time for us all to ask ourselves if we are right with God.
Agbe , agbe , se aye leleyi.

Sun re, baba oninu ire.
Apase Dayo Aribisala
May 20, 2016
May 20, 2016
I was so shattered to hear the sad news of sudden departure of my great uncle like my father who has been my mentor, pillar and lifter of my head. The very day he died i was running an errand for him not knowing that will be the last assignment i will directly execute for him. I cannot express myself totally of how valuable and how i will miss your roles ,genuine advice and uncommon support to me and my family.
Your paths in the family, our community and many lives you touched cannot be easily forgotten.
PETER as fondly called, Daddy Keji i wish you good night and rest in perfect peace.
From Pastor and Deaconess Ayo Adejuwon.
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Dear friend, no amount of words can describe how shocking it is to hear about your sudden departure. Your passing is a huge loss to all your friends and families and will leave a big void in our hearts but our Lord in His infinite mercies will give us the strength and fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
Deep in my heart a memory is kept of a dear friend and shall never forget how we have shared our life experiences from childhood.
Time may pass and fade away but memories of you will continue to linger and always stay in my heart. Farewell Peter the indefatigable and noble native of our community, Isan Ekiti. Your friendship which is irreplaceable in my heart will forever be remembered.
Sun re o and Good night. Olusola Olabode.
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Daddy, i grew up to know a true and diligent friend of my father who is always fond of you. Your pictures were full every where in our house. When my father broke the news about your sudden departure to me, it was a difficult pill to swallow. I want you to know that you are truly an inspiration, a friend and a teacher to me.God saw when the footsteps faltered, when the path had grown too steep, so He touched her drooping eyelids, and gave His loved one sleep. I admire you sir but God loves you more.Adieu and Good night sir. Daniel Agbelusi
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016

Your sudden death was a huge tragedy that left me dumbfounded for several hours, thinking that it would be an expensive joke in April but it dawned on me that you have gone as weeping calls from relatives besieged my phones. Alas! the big Iroko has fallen (Erin subu kole dide )!
I’m still at a loss concerning your transition, it was just like you were hidden somewhere just to know what people and your admirers would say, but alas! It was real. You have left us.

Your passing into glory was very touching and painful. You can never be forgotten! Though our hearts are broken, I took solace in the fact that you have impacted many people positively and your life symbolizes generosity, faithfulness, genuine love and sincerity of purpose. The vacuum you left behind will indeed be very difficult to fill. Like all mortals, you have your hubris, but you have sacrificially given to those that came across your path. 

Uncle, sleep well in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Adieu!!!.

‘Gbenga Olorunsola
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
(1957 – 2016)

I knew Peter Akinola Olorunsola in our days at Ayede Grammar School in the early 1970s. Since then, our friendship began to wax stronger. I cannot forget you for the role you diligently played in my marital life. Each time I had issues with the Federal Inland Revenue Service concerning my clients’ tax matters; you rose above board professionally and advise me wholeheartedly on how to solve the issues amicably.

A brilliant, dedicated and astute officer, Peter spent all his working life in the service of Nigeria. When Peter died on April 15, 2016, aged 59, Nigeria and indeed Isan Ekiti lost one of her very best. Little wonder the cream of Nigerian elite especially from his place of primary assignment, Federal Inland Revenue Service and Isan Ekiti indigenes beat a path to Peter’s residence to pay a tribute to a public servant like no other.

When I visited you last on Easter day, March 28, 2016 at your residence in Abeokuta, we discussed at length about your impending retirement from active service but death which laid ambush for you did not allow this retirement being fulfilled.

I felt terribly a pang of regret not just about the passage of a great and committed friend but also an opportunity lost in your eagerness to expand your coast as a humanitarian and community builder.
Our consolation is that you left a good legacy for all your children with good and quality education. I am extremely proud of you that your first born, Morenikeji is a medical doctor, followed by Abayomi who is an engineer and then Olumide a lawyer of high repute and lastly the baby of the house, Olamilekan equally an engineer.
You proved to be a philanthropist per excellence who was loved by everybody with a fault. Your contribution to the growth of our community, Isan Ekiti was unparalleled and has earned you an indelible place in the community.
Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure and you are loved beyond words, and missed beyond measure.
You lost your amiable wife twelve years ago and because of your closeness and intimacy with her, you refused to take a replacement. You were a rare gem indeed, a selfless man and a cheerful giver.

Though your jokes and frank talks were gone forever, still we have so many memories of the times you spent with us.

Wherever truth is told, wherever honour, service, sacrifice and excellence are celebrated in esteemed importance, Peter Akinola will be mentioned in sacred relevance and eternal significance.

According to Apostle Paul in his valedictory in 2 Timothy 4:7 says “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. Peter has served his course, his duty is done. His mission is fulfilled and has kept the faith.

“God has you in his keeping but we have you in our hearts”

Good night my dearest confidant
Adieu my blossom brother
Sun re o an illustrious son of Olorunsola
O digbose Baba Morenikeji

2 Timothy 4:2 says “The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.

Fondly remembered by:
Jimoh Agbelusi, Mathew Olaropo Osasosona and Julius Olusola Olabode
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
Daddy Daddy Daddy, i know you are resting in the bossom of the Lord now with beautiful Mummy. Yet i still feel so sad and heartbroken, your exit was shocking and unexpected. Sometimes i'm busy doing something and remember funny jokes you cracked, i smile till i realise Daddy is really gone. You were Amazing Daddy, your heritage lives on. We all miss you Sir.
May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016
To the Olorunsolas, accept my condolence. Daddy used to be a good man. I remember back then when Olumide and I were in F.G.C Odogbolu. He used to be the one to carry us to school and come to pick us when we vacate. He was so free, friendly, caring, hardworking, and down to earth. We love you Daddy but God loves you more. RIP Mr Olorunsola.
May 4, 2016
I am a friend to Keji but you were open to me like I was part of the family, I learnt how a father should show love to his wife and children. Your great sense of humor is second to none, you lived a generous life. Thought we would still have more time together but God has called you home. We thank God in all things, I will forever remember your kind heart to me. Continue to rest in the bossom of God!
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
The circumstances of your passing has been extremely difficult to deal with; not just because you were the father of my Morenikeji, but also because you were just a unique person, a principled man, always wanted things done on time and in a special way.

Though you were not a perfect man, but you impacted so many lives positively, put smiles on a lot of faces both known and unknown to us.

Can we ever question God? Not at all because He knows better. He has seen the future before us. Our Solace is that there is a God in heaven that understands everything.

"If Tears Could...

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane,
I would walk right up to heaven
To bring you home again.
No farewell words were spoken.
No time to say good-bye.
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.
My heart still aches in sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know"

May Your Soul Rest Peacefully
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
Remembering you now and always. I remember that when I see u coming from oriapata I run to hide under the table because I know u will find me and call me ipanju. The resemblance I share with Grandma and keji makes you smile from chin to chin. U will be missed.
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
Baba o, I'm so saddened by your sudden death, You were a friend, a great adviser, a kind man, your wisdom which you displayed through humor is undeniable. I lost a friend. You were a true definition of "Abiyamo" your love for your kids was unimaginable. ha Daddy oga o. I miss you so much, Who will make me laugh? who will help me put humor in every awkward situation in life? I have read all our whatsapp chats over and over heart aches for your untimely death. Daddy e sun re o. We love you but the Lord loves you more
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
You were a wonderful, hardworking and very loving in-law. I will always remember your charming smile and your good sense of humour. Your sudden departure is most shocking to say the least, but we are consoled in the fact that you are now resting in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Adieu Baba Keji
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
Rest in peace my lovely dad. You are the best father ever. You sacrifice so much for us to have the best. You are wonderful dad. I miss the jokes and time we shared together. My heart is broken . you are irreplaceable. Greet mummy. Love u always even more in death.
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
Gone too soon, the memories of you would always remain in my heart. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.

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