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Dad, an Oregon Duck Through and Through

December 19, 2020
Dad was an avid Oregon Ducks fan, and would coordinate his calendar around Ducks football games.

He went to the Jan 1, 1958 Rose Bowl, when the Oregon Ducks played the Ohio State Buckeyes. We have movie history of him attending (as we as children sat through rather long clips of the game with that 1950s standard home movie quality). 

James and I took Dad to a Ducks game at Autzen on September 7, 2019. Picture shows left to right: Dad (UofO grad), brother James (UofO grad), nephew Matt (James' son, UofO grad), and son William (junior year at UofO). Dad had a great time, as he hadn't been to a game in-person for several years.

He would have loved watching the 2020 Pac-12 Football Championship yesterday, on his birthday no less. Oregon Ducks beat USC Trojans! Go Ducks!

Dad's last meal

December 19, 2020
Suzanne has the fitting distinction of making Dad's last meal: apple/peach sauce made from the fruit of our home orchard, which I spoon-fed to him the day after he returned home on hospice care (if my technique handling the spoon was a little rusty, it's because the last time I spoon-fed someone was Ali about 25 years ago).  Dad frequently complained of being cold during his first few days on hospice care (he hated being touched by hands colder than bath water); so when applesauce was offered to him, he wanted it "as hot as possible".  After sucking down a half-cup of applesauce, he declared "That's pretty good"; in Dad's world, that's a high compliment.  He did not take any more food after that.


December 19, 2020
Dad was known for his various sayings that came with a degree of gusto - always emphatic...
  • Judas Priest!
  • Dinkdorf
  • Stop dinkin’ around
  • Stop mucking around
  • Follow close to Jesus (on birthday cards)
  • You’re as useless as tits on a bull
  • This is slicker than snot
  • When ______ exactly?
  • I think there is some collusion
  • What's going on in that kanoodle?
  • Don't know if you have those already
  • What a job you've assigned yourself, but an interesting one
  • Sinner
  • Deader than a doornail
  • You need your head examined
  • Drop your drawers (heard during my first athletic physical from Dad) - John
  • Enough <blank> to choke a horse
  • Doesn’t amount to a hill of beans (or “doesn’t make a hill of beans difference")
  • More <blank> than you can shake a stick at

Come home, come home...

December 18, 2020
Softly and tenderly, Jesus was calling Dad/Grandpa to his birthday party.  Jesus rounded up the angels to help us here on earth so he could depart from his house on the lake surrounded by family caregivers.
Gretchen was our Santa Claus, and John was her Chief Elf, with elf helpers James and Melissa coming later on in Dad/Grandpa's journey.  Other family and friends near and far shared love and encouragement with short visits and long phone calls.
I am sure that Dad/Grandpa will be meeting with Jesus today, his birthday, and he will be volunteering once more to do His work, that which Dr. B (as I affectionately call him) does best for others, continuing his good deeds, now in Heaven.  He will be guiding us from there, and we will all look forward to seeing him there when Jesus calls us.
My prayer for the day...  Happy Birthday to you, our dear Head Dinkdorf (the silly word he called his grandchildren).  May we continue to follow in your footsteps, with your legacy, of His calling, to give to and help others, with our time and talents, for the remainder of our life here on earth. Thank you to those who sent cards, letters, messages, and especially to those who brought the food.  And, thank you in advance to those who will read and share on this site.
Grace & Peace be with you all. Amen.  With love, Suzi.

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