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July 4, 2023
July 4, 2023
It was exactly 10:39 am 28 yrs ago this second that I first laid eyes on you. In true Lexxa form, you barely cried. I had always wanted children, but I could hardly wait to have my little Princess and was so overjoyed when I observed the ultrasound and knew that you were coming.

Well Princess, you ended up being a Tomboy and you made that very clear with all the arguments we had standing in Nordstrom fussing on how you didn't want to try on the dresses. I still remember the faces of those sales women each month as they thought, here we go again. And you never changed! Lol

You were stubborn and always committed to what you felt. And you took that same committed mindset to love those that you were close to.

I look at your big picture every day, throughout the day, and I still cannot grasp that you are no longer here!

I love and miss you with every fiber of my soul!

Love Papi
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Michael Robbins has much tears .. I look forward to hearing from you when Jehovah's King Son Eternal Father Jesus Resurrects all in the Book of Life. Much Love from Michael to Daniel Nikko Alexa Marquise Farrar always Loyal Always Faithful to Jehovah and Jesus and you Guide and Advice ..
September 18, 2022
September 18, 2022
My friend Lexy… When we met over ten years ago, I was too young to realize it then, but I’ve never met anyone else quite like you! You were always able to talk me into doing something crazy. There were so many amazing experiences I got to have with you, and I’m so glad we were able to share those times together. You brought out the best in me, and all those around you. I wish I could have had more good times with you since we both found our own paths. I think about you often. You were like none other. ❤️
July 30, 2022
July 30, 2022
Despite knowing her for such a short time Alexxa was like my second older sister. I remember when I first met Alexxa and Danny told me about his son I just sat there like “wow, the old man has some badarse children” and I still think that. She was always energetic and down to do something stupid or just be the life of the party whenever she would show up, and she could so easily brighten any get together or party just by being there. She was easily one of the coolest people I’ve ever met and she still will forever be that in my heart.
Rock on Alexxa, you were a gift to everyone around you and I hope that someday I can see you again.
July 7, 2022
July 7, 2022
I miss and love you so much! I’m so glad we met and had a sisterly bond. My memories with you will always be in my heart. You leaving us has been very hard for me. May we meet again. 

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