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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved mother, Alice Abike Ijelu. We will remember her forever.

She is survived by her husband, children, grandchildren, brother, and sisters. Late Pastor Alice Abike Ijelu's legacy was her strong values and unwavering faith in God. She was a devoted prayer warrior, and her passing was a loss to everyone who knew her. However, her impact and legacy will continue to inspire us that she left behind.

Goodnight, sweet mother.
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023

It is a bittersweet reality that we do not possess the power to turn back the hands of time. As human beings, it is easy to become consumed by our own selfish desires and wishes, but perhaps it is for this very reason that God has withheld such power from us. When I think of my mother, Alice Abike Ijelu, who had a heart full of kindness and love, I cannot help but imagine how I would have used such power to bring her back to life. Her departure from this earthly plane has left a void in my life that cannot be filled. However, as much as we long to have her back with us, I am reminded that her presence in our lives was a gift, and I am grateful for every moment we had together.

It still feels like a surreal dream that I cannot quite grasp. The reality that you are no longer with us is a painful truth that I am still struggling to accept. Your sweet voice, calling out my name, still echoes in my mind and heart, refusing to fade away. It is a constant reminder of your presence in my life and the impact that you made. Even though you are no longer physically here, your memory lives on and continues to shape my life in profound ways.

Throughout your entire life, my mother, you lived with a selfless dedication to humanity. You devoted yourself to ensuring that no one ever went hungry and that you put smiles on the faces of the less privileged. Your sacrifices extended far beyond your own children's success and included turning down opportunities that would have greatly benefited you. You put aside your dreams of going to school, passing up on job offers, and even declining invitations to live abroad with your children, all in the name of sacrifice. Your unwavering commitment to helping others left an indelible mark on the lives of everyone you have touched, and your legacy of generosity and kindness continues to inspire me to this day.

Your unwavering commitment to the work of God left a deep impression on me during my upbringing. Your humility and respect were qualities that you exemplified in every aspect of your life, and I learned much from your example. As a choir member under the leadership of your husband, who served as the choirmaster, I observed how you always conducted yourself with the utmost humility and respect, following every instruction from the choir authority with diligence and care. As a pastor's wife, you faced many challenges and obstacles, including people who took advantage of your kindness and humility to disrespect you. Despite this, you never took offense and continued to seek the good of all, embodying the love and compassion that you had for those around you. Your dedication to serving God and others with humility and grace remains an inspiration to us all.

Maami, You were an exceptional role model when it came to hard work. You never hesitated to go above and beyond to ensure that others were taken care of, even if it meant going without food yourself. I remember your selflessness and dedication to helping others with admiration. In fact, in our last conversation just a week ago, you called me to discuss how we could assist an individual whose progress had been hindered by the systemic challenges in Nigeria. Your unwavering love and commitment to the growth and well-being of others shone through your voice, and I was struck by your unshakeable passion for making a difference in the lives of those around you. You truly lived your life as a shining example of compassion and service to others.

Although my tears cannot bring you back, I take comfort in the knowledge that you lived a fulfilling life, dedicated to serving others and spreading love wherever you went. I know you are now resting in the bosom of the Lord. Your passing has given deeper meaning to the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 in me, and I find solace in the promise that we shall meet again. Your legacy of giving hope will continue to live on through your children, and we promise to take good care of daddy, your darling husband of over 55 years.

With all my love,
Your youngest son,

Abiodun Stephen Ijeluola
March 27
March 27
One year without you has been one year of life lessons. Rest on Mummy!
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
One month without talking to you has been hard mummy, yes very hard. Every Sunday I wake up with the thought of calling you after church as it has become usual practice, but the reality gives me a painful reminder that you are no more here, and the tears won't stop to fill my eyes. A month before you left I had a feeling I should be recording our voice calls, now I am really regretting not yielding to that. Many times I ask myself if I will ever recover from this loss, but the quiet voice keeps saying, "His Grace is sufficient for you". Thank you mummy for walking us through the path of access to the Grace. I will forever cherish you my dear mother!
April 4, 2023
April 4, 2023
Humm,mummy Basiri as she is popularly called will be missed by all because of her undieing love towards humanity.mama is a rear germ that is too precious to forgo at a time like this,but i believe to see her again in the last day where we shall be singing hallelujah chorus to God and His Lamb.
Adieu mama
April 4, 2023
April 4, 2023
Mummy Ijelu, aka "Mummy Akure".

I called you this, in your life time, even saved your number with IYA on my phone. I missed you so much, I cried when I heard of your demise.

You are such a person of a beautiful heart and God really used you to shape my life beautifully.

You are so much blessed with virtues, spiritually and physically, which made you tough and rugged. A woman that stood and withstood trials and challenges.

In pain, you stood strong for yourself, husband, children and everyone around you.

You are an epitome of dignity, respect and strength.

Death took you, but you have left a legacy that will always be remembered.

Your love and care towards me and my family will not be forgotten.

Rest in peace Mama.
April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023
Words fail me as this almost feels like a dream.

You were there at the thickest for my family, and particularly for me. Took me in as your own son and instilled in me goldly virtues and even very much instrumental to the furtherance of my education. I grew up with these virtues you deposited and they have seen me through the thickest challenges of life and I cannot but be grateful for your life mummy.

I have fondest memory of your favourite Psalms, which you recite by heart during our midday prayers. I can't recite this Psalms without memories of you in it. You brought us up in the path of righteousness, never quick to anger, exuding love everywhere and to everyone you interacted with. You exhibited the fruit of the spirit like it was your second person - a loving, gentle, meek, joyful, peaceful person.

Your loss indeed came as a rude shock, but we are more than happy that you'll be resting at the bossom of our Lord and saviour.

So long dear mother.

'Tosin Amire.
April 2, 2023
April 2, 2023
A very great mother, a kind hearted woman your departure was so sudden but I know that God loves you best.Your memories can never be erased In our heart, may your gentle soul rest in peace grandma.
April 2, 2023
April 2, 2023
Dear mother, what a nice and kind-hearted woman you were. You gave everything and you made too many sacrifices we can never forget. You invested in the lives of everyone around you, just to make sure everyone live a better life. you are an example of a perfect mother, you were kind, loving, strong, genuine, disciplined and honest. It is so painful that death took you aware too soon. we know you are with Jesus Christ now, until we meet again we will continue to love and cherish the memories we shared. Iya rere ma sun lese Jesu
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
My dearest mother, it took me a long time to believe you were gone and to gather myself to type this because I still cannot believe you have left us in this world. Words cannot adequately explain you and your generous heart. It's painful but God knows what's best. However, seeing your visage on my youngest beautiful daughter with her gap tooth brought me comfort.
I believe you are resting in the bosom of the Most High God, as you always say before you sleep every night, ''baba lowo re ni mo fi emi mi le,'' knowing that it will happen one day.

'Maami oninuure,' I will always miss and adore you.

Your son
Samuel Ijeluola
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
I never had opportunity to meet you physically before your passing. But i have seen your fruit and the effect they exert in our generation. Thank you for being a true Christian mother
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
Mummy was an inspiring soul,you are an example of a perfect and godly mother,always there for all who came to her with their troubles.
I saw you wake up 5am each day followed by the family prayer, you pray everyday morning and night for your children, family members, church members and everyone present at home.
Mummy you were the true picture of motherhood,you raise all your children in the way of the Lord.
You taught us character,love,hardwork and respect for all.
She was not only good to her children but also to the people around her.
I will greatly miss you Grandma.

E sun re o.
A o pade leti odo,tese angeli ti te,to mo gara bi kristali.Leba ite Olorun.

Your daughter
Iwasokun Adurayemi
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
You may have passed on, but your memories would always live on within us.
Rip mama
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
Mama Ijelu,as the name my family regularly calls you was a great woman of grace. Your impact in my family can never be disregarded, thank you for being a strong pillar of support and encouragement to my remain forever in our heart......till we meet to part no more......
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
It is true that angels live among men and if care is not taken, we do not realise it till they are gone. Mummy Ijeluola was such an angel in human form. The time you spent with your children in Turkey afforded me to meet a woman with great heart. So meek, sacrificial and caring. You loved and took everyone as yours.

You followed me and my family up with calls regularly like your own children. Never tired of of looking out for us even from far away. I know you're resting in the bosom of your maker at the moment even as we grieve your departure. The lessons your life taught me and my wife especially will be forever cherished.

Rest on in eternity with your creator mama.

Pastor Dan Femitan Lawal
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023

One of my philosophies of life is, 'Life is a privilege, more so, sharing the life of, and making beautiful memories with beautiful people is a greater privilege.'
It has taken me longer than usual to put my thoughts together and write a tribute for you, mummy. You were an angel sent from above! (Still can't believe we're writing about you in past tense)

Mummy, I still can't believe that I'd one day visit our Akure home and not find you in your shop. I still can't believe that I'd never get to eat of your delicious delicacies. I find it hard to believe that we'll never get to make video calls, with you requesting to see your grandchildren, hearing you laugh heartily and praying for us.
"Mummy, ṣé àlàáfíà lẹ wà?"
"Àlàáfíà ni, kò sí nǹkan kan", that's always your response. I'll miss hearing that!
"Pẹ̀lẹ́ ó", "Rọra ó", "Eeyah" I'll miss hearing all that!

Sacrifice, Compassion, Selflessness, Dedication, Hardwork, Kindness, Generosity, Simplicity, Thankfulness, Forgiveness, these and more describe you. You never held grudges and enjoined us not to. You kept giving, you gave and never stopped giving. There was nothing too big for you to give.

I'll forever cherish, hold dear and be grateful for the privilege of having you and baba with us for those eight months in 2020.
Everyone who met you while you were here with us could tell the kind of woman you were. You always had a word of advice and encouragement for them. There are those you kept calling to check on even after you left.
My pastor and his wife always spoke glowingly about how they could discern the purity of your heart and how much they love you.

You never shied away from sharing your story and life lessons, teaching and inspiring us to make right choices. You were passionate about women, wives, and mothers getting empowered so as to be able to care for themselves, their families and those in need. You'd reject a service from someone who would do it for you for free, and rather employ the service of an indigent so they could cater to their needs.
You lived a dedicated life for your God, your husband, your children, your grandchildren, your family, for all and sundry. You have a penchant for embracing those rejected and forsaken. You followed peace with all men, you overcame evil with good. You enjoyed having people around. You abhorred irresponsibility. My husband always referenced you as a great example of a pastor's wife.

I saw you wake up 5am each day to start the day. I saw you pray everyday, morning and night for your children and everyone present at home, it always warmed my heart when you mention everyone's name, praying for us all. I saw you enjoy hymns and songs of thanksgiving all through the day. I saw you make calls to all and sundry to check on them. I enjoyed seeing you laugh while watching movies and comedies. If I ever saw you worried or anxious, it was always about people's wellbeing. If you could solve everyone's problems, you joyfully would.

Thank you mummy, for the gift of my husband, your values helped shaped him into the good man he is. Thank you for not taking me as a daughter in law, even times when I fell short, you didn't cease embracing me as your daughter. I see your face on our children's faces and they all have your
Thank you for all the foodstuff you never fail to send whenever someone's coming our way. Thank you for all the gifts of clothing materials. Thank you for all your words of advice and encouragement. Thank you for all your prayers day and night, of which we felt the impact. Thank you for all the lessons you've taught me simply by living.
Thank you for everything, Abiyamọ tòótọ́.
Matthew 25:34-40 was specifically written about you. THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE LORD!

We thought we'd have you with us for much longer but Jehovah the all-knowing knew better, He knew you needed eternal rest, He needed you so you had to go.
I know without a doubt that you're enjoying your peaceful rest in the bosom of your Lord. Please, keep cheering us on until we finish our race gloriously and get home to see you.

Ó d'ojú àlá. Ó d'àbọ̀ ma. Sùn 're o, ìyá Ijelu.
You're forever loved, forever missed, forever in our hearts.

Love from David, Michelle and Bethel❤️❤️❤️

Your daughter,
Esther ❤️❤️❤️

March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
Mummy Basiribasiri Ijelu, as we do called you in my family, whenever I remember my childhood days I also always remember mum, mostly in holidays then even we do pray that we should have holiday in school so that we could be around you because whenever you finish frying chinchin you will called me and my siblings to join another's children who came and spent holiday with your family to package the chinchin and as we are packaging it we will also be packaging it in our mouth and still carry enough when going home no different treatment between us and your biological children , you took every children around you as your own . Mummy I really miss you , rest on mama daada! From Fagbamila Kayode.
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023

My lovely mother, a virtuous woman and a fervent prayer warrior, no one can replace you as my superwoman. Words alone can not express my feelings after I saw your lifeless body at the mortuary. Your wonderful heart, contagious smile, and undying love for your children, family, and friends will never be forgotten.

I don't know what you have that you can't give. You left us with the values of kindness, forgiving, and thankfulness, your legacy will live on Sweet mother. I will never forget our final moment together, when you were still promising to help people who helped you throughout the country's hard cashless policy. Man proposes, but God disposes.

You helped me overcome problems in life that would have gobbled me up, Mum I am missing you. You will always be remembered as my Super Woman.

You consistently placed others before yourself and never shied away from offering assistance, even when it was difficult. Sweet mother, All praise belongs to God since you knew Christ and stood by him until your dying breath. Mother, you will always be remembered as a really unforgettable person who left a lasting impression on everyone around you.

Your son
Paul Odunayo Ijelu
March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023
We didn’t get a lot of time to spend together but I will never forget the first time I met my grandma…Her eyes was filled with joy because it was her first time meeting me and my sister Seunvy. She was the grandma figure that I always needed and missed in my life… She was so kind, so joyful, so sweet and a lot more things that I couldn’t write here. We spend most of our times talking on phone and she always had this smile that never change at all, even the times we met her she could just smile without doing anything. I think that was one of the things I loved and adored about her. I never saw her get angry for once. She was always joyful and that made us feel joyful as well. As you made all the people around you feel happy I hope that you’ll feel the same way too in the place that you are right now grandma. Life can be tiring, it can be difficult and yet you have never once showed to anyone that you are frustrated or tired of anything, you always wanted everyone to feel at ease, to feel at peace. You always wanted the best for everyone. Well, I think it’s your time to rest peacefully grandma. I know that you’ll always be in our hearts and this will never ever change no matter what.
Love, your granddaughters and wife ❤️
March 31, 2023
Mummy is with heavy hearts that we say good night to u Mummy. it exactly 15 days a go when u call me to check on me and ur grand children, I never know that’s the last time I will hear from u. Though It appointed for man to die once. Death is a way of life for those who believe in Christ Jesus even though we die, we shall live again with our Lord Jesus Christ who is the resurrection and power. Continue to rest in the glory Mummy.

Forever in my heart.

March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
"Mummy Akure" as you are fondly called by my siblings and I.... i will definitely miss you, always calling to check on us, always praying for my mum. The last few days has been really hard, the news of your passing came as a shock because i thought i would see you in the states in a few months. Thank you ma, for taking care of us, i remember when i was a child i always asked for will always think of you fondly and i pray you rest in the bosom of our LORD JESUS, till we meet again to part no more...i love you
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Knowing you was a great blessing to me and my family,you accepted us(family) even when others rejected, my childhood won't be complete without the sweet memories of you, we are always happy whenever it's holiday's period because we surely know we won't go back home the way we came with the help of your delicacies and gifts,regardless of the numbers of people in the house,you will still welcome me and my siblings with your beautiful smile. A great mother, loving wife, great cook,hard working,prayer warrior,an easy going mother.we will always remember that special smile ,that caring heart and your kind gesture towards humanity.
Death they say,is inevitable ,and the life given to us by nature is short,but the memory of a life well spent is eternal .continue to rest on our mummy and grandma,till we meet and part no more.
Bukola Amire
March 30, 2023
I'm loss for words to express my feelings and to write this tribute. You are an embodiment of blessings, humility, and a God-fearing woman. From the day I was introduced to you by my husband Stephen, you welcomed me with open arms and treated me like your own daughter. Your kind and gentle nature made me feel comfortable and at home. You were such an inspiration to me.

You always have a listening ear and are willing to find solutions to any situation. Your infectious smile lights up the entire house, and you never show signs of weariness, even when you are tired. I am grateful that whenever any of us are unwell, you call to check on us. You care for everyone and leave no one out. Your generosity is unmatched. All the foods, goodies you pack and send to us each time you see someone coming cannot

Thank you for raising responsible and loving sons, one of whom is my husband. Thank you for nurturing him to be wise, hardworking, and God-fearing. Thank you for taking care of your grandchildren. We will miss our video calls, talks, and your wise words.

Although I wish I could turn back the hands of time and have the power to bring you back. Like Daniel said, I'm praying to God to send Grandma back to earth from heaven. We wish our cry could bring you back, but we take solace in the fact that you knew the Lord and you are resting in his bosom. You will always be in our hearts forever, and your legacy will live on through us.

Rest well, my beloved Mother-in-love️
Daniel, Divine, and I love you so much.
Missing you is an understatement.

With love
Daniel, Divine and Tolu Ijeluola ♥️♥️♥️
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
It is with heavy hearts that we say farewell to a beloved mother, a true inspiration to all who knew her. Our dear grandmother, who lived to the ripe age of 77, has left us to join our Lord in heaven.

She was an exceptional woman, a devout Christian who dedicated her life to prayer and worship. Her faith was unwavering, and she lived by the principles of kindness, generosity, and love. She was a prayer warrior, always ready to lift others up in prayer and offer words of comfort and encouragement.

As a wife and mother, she was a shining example of what it means to be selfless and caring. She gave her all to her family, always putting their needs before her own. She was a nurturer and a guide, always there to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

Beyond her family, she was also a giver, always looking for ways to help those in need. Whether it was through donations or acts of service, she was always thinking of others and how she could make a difference in their lives.

Her love was boundless and extended to everyone she met. She had a warm and welcoming spirit that made everyone feel like family. She had a smile that could light up a room and a laugh that was contagious.

We will miss her dearly, but we take comfort in knowing that she is now at peace with our Lord Jesus Christ. Her legacy will live on through her family and all those whose lives she touched. Rest in peace, dear grandmother, and thank you for the love and light you showed me and my family. Sun n re o Mama Ijelu
Adekemi Adekanbi
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Hmmmm if I have the opportunity to turn back the hands of time, I will surely do that.
When I heard about your death, I couldn't control the tears that kept flowing and the vacum your departure left in our hearts.
Where will I start??? You are one of the positive forces always driving me.
Thank you ma, I thought the end has come when I lost my father but you stood up for me.
Is it the surprise money you do send to me? Is it the foodstuff? Is it the words of encouragement? Is it the Christmas chicken you do send to my family? Is it the Christmas money you do give me then? I still remember when I was in 300level, I didn't have anything to eat for days and I was fed up but I remember one word you and my biological mum do tell me then; to always ask for God's help....I prayed and just when i was about losing hope, you came through for me.

Your benevolent heart was also extended to all of us as a choir member, the egg roll, Garri, groundn't, sugar, buns etc. was not left out. Thank you for making us feel at home whenever we attend rehearsals.
At a time, my mum said I should not be collecting them anymore because she was sad that she couldn't reciprocate all your numerous kind gestures enough,when she told you, you laughed.

I can't continue counting the number of ways, God has used you for my family and I. Your good deeds will continue to speak always and that is our consolation. Grandma, Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord
Always in our heart, Grand ma.
My family will forever be grateful.
  I love you, mum and I know you are happy now and you are also proud of me.
Even though, I have not gotten to that height you have always wanted for me but I am not where i used to be and I am not stopping until I fulfill all the promises I made to you.
We miss you, Ma.
Adekemi misses you!
Forever in my heart.

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Recent Tributes
March 27
March 27
One year without you has been one year of life lessons. Rest on Mummy!
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023
One month without talking to you has been hard mummy, yes very hard. Every Sunday I wake up with the thought of calling you after church as it has become usual practice, but the reality gives me a painful reminder that you are no more here, and the tears won't stop to fill my eyes. A month before you left I had a feeling I should be recording our voice calls, now I am really regretting not yielding to that. Many times I ask myself if I will ever recover from this loss, but the quiet voice keeps saying, "His Grace is sufficient for you". Thank you mummy for walking us through the path of access to the Grace. I will forever cherish you my dear mother!
April 4, 2023
April 4, 2023
Humm,mummy Basiri as she is popularly called will be missed by all because of her undieing love towards humanity.mama is a rear germ that is too precious to forgo at a time like this,but i believe to see her again in the last day where we shall be singing hallelujah chorus to God and His Lamb.
Adieu mama
Her Life

Early Life

March 31, 2023
Late Pastor (Mrs) Alice Abike Ijelu, also known as Mama Basiri, was born on November 17, 1945, in Iro, Igbemo Ekiti. Despite facing unforeseen circumstances that prevented her from continuing her education, Mama Ijelu found her passion in tailoring, which she passionately engaged in for over two decades after traveling to Ibadan to learn the trade. She later ventured into other businesses, including selling children's wear and running a restaurant, as well as making different snacks like chinchin, puff-puff, egg rolls, and buns for sale. As a result of her entrepreneurial spirit, Mama Ijelu became a regular traveler to Saki, Oyo State, to purchase iron pots, and to Ibadan, Oyo State, to purchase Ankara clothes which she would later sell in different five-day markets, such as Owena, Ogbese, Alade Idanre, and Ose markets. It was with great pride that she did all these until her children advised her to stop moving from one state to another.

Social Life

March 31, 2023
Late Pastor Alice Abike Ijelu was a woman of faith devoted to the service of God and had been a choir member since childhood. She got married to her husband, Pastor F.A. Ijelu, in October 1966, and they both served as choir members in Ibadan and Akure together. She was an active choir member at CAC Oke Isegun, CAC Oke Lisa, and CAC Revival Centre in Akure, Ondo State. Mummy was also a member of the Light of the Word Society until it ceased to exist. She was ordained and served as a pastor at BasiriBasiri Prayer Ministry until her last breath.

Family Left Behind

March 31, 2023
She is survived by her husband, children, grandchildren, brother, and sisters. Late Pastor Alice Abike Ijelu's legacy was her strong values and unwavering faith in God. She was a devoted prayer warrior, and her passing was a loss to everyone who knew her. However, her impact and legacy will continue to inspire us that she left behind.
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