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January 5, 2021
Happy 57th birthday mama it's your 4th birthday in heaven and I miss you I sure wish I could call you and tell you happy birthday hopefully I'll see you soon until then R.I.H and know that we are thinking about you on your special day

2 years gone

March 21, 2019

two years ago we were getting ready to say our last goodbye and this hasn't been easy for me I struggle every day with the fact that your never coming back I love and miss you so very much I wish I could talk to you one more time

Missing you

January 1, 2019

Your birthday is coming up I just got though the holidays this is a hard time being without you Christmas isnt the same and probably never will be it still seems just like it was yesterday that I was talking to you on the phone I miss you so much I know I wasn't close to you in distance but I was always a big momma's boy and wished I had just one more day with you  I love you mama I can't wait to see you again

A Year Gone!!!

March 21, 2018

One year ago today March 21, 2017, God called our mama home to come join him, God said dear take my hand and follow me through the gates, I promise you will have no more aches and pains, you will be a new woman. On January 20,2017, I hugged and kissed my mama told her I would see her in 3 months, walked away with tears in our eyes. On March 19,2017, I get a call, my brother said Mama is in ICU and not expecting her to make it, a machine was keeping her breathing. I come running to try and save our mama, it was to late. Saw a few tears come down Mama's beautiful face, that was her saying goodbye. You never know when God's go call your mama home, spend all the time you can with her. I not only lost my mama. I lost the only best friend I've ever had. Our mama is a very missed woman, we miss her laugh, smile, and all her special unique ways about her. God gave no warning signs. 

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