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This memorial website has been created in memory of my father, Alistair Maclean. We hope that this website will allow all of us, Alistair's family and friends, to share our memories and thoughts, to grieve his passing, and to celebrate his life. This will be a permanent tribute to Alistair so please feel comfortable contributing whenever you are ready. When I told my dad I would be creating a memorial page for him, he chose the song that you hear as the background music.

My dad's wish was to not have a funeral. He felt it was not worth putting anyone's health at risk by gathering during the pandemic, even with reduced attendance.

Alistair Francis Maclean was born in Greenock, Scotland. During his time at sea as a marine engineer, Alistair met Johanna Lim in Singapore. They married and moved to London, England, where Fiona was born. The family moved to Toronto, Canada in 1969 where Alistair found work as a marine engineer at the Toronto Harbour Commission, working on the tugboats. In 1981 he joined the Toronto Fire Department as marine engineer on the William Lyon McKenzie (the fireboat). Alistair retired in 2000, shortly after the passing of Johanna in 1999.

Alistair was an avid reader, golf fanatic, and techie. He had a keen interest in science and was always watching science programs. At 84, he still played golf every week, wrote his own computer programs (completely self taught) and enjoyed technology and gadgets. We were always first on the block with the newest gadgets - I remember when he bought his first computer, a Commodore PET, complete with a tape drive and less RAM than you would find in a Dollar Store calculator. He was very easy going with a wonderful sense of humour, and probably the most knowledgeable person I've ever known.

Alistair passed peacefully in his sleep on January 5, 2020 after a courageous battle with cancer. He will always be remembered. I will miss him forever.

If you wish to make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society in Alistair's memory, please use this link. 

You can reach me at
June 28
June 28
Miss him greatly. He was so much a part of our lives. His stories touched us and brought us great pleasure.
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Time marches on but happy memories linger miss our talks always with some humour added!
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
To my dad... It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since you left us. I like to think that you've watched us settle in our new home, realize that we are okay, and gone back to your golf game. I promised to let you rest in peace and forego memorials and the like, which I understand, but I really miss you and our 15-minute morning chats. Being a believer of science, I know you didn't believe in heaven or anything similar, but I really hope you were wrong - I can't wait to say "I told you so!" :P
January 30, 2021
January 30, 2021
My first week aboard the fireboat as a marine engineer was spent in Alistair's very competent company. He was an amazing soft-spoken teacher who eagerly taught me the various quirks and intricacies of the fireboat. I will always remember his calm demeanour along with that quick Scottish wit. He was definitely missed upon retirement by his friends and colleagues and most assuredly will be missed by his close friends and family as he now rests in peace. My sincerest condolences to his family members.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Fiona and Family
My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief.
Alistair and l worked together as engineers on the fireboat from 1986 until Alistair retired in 2000 and what a nice retirement party we had for him at the pub down in the Beaches. During the time that we worked together we had many interesting conversations and shared a few laughs while solving the problems of the world and comparing our sailing experiences.
I remember that he would drag out that PET computer that was the size of a small refrigerator, it took up all the space in his locker and he would spend hours diligently writing computer programs. I remember that one of the programs that he wrote was to keep track of all the scores for a bowling league that l believe he belonged to at that time.
Alistair was a great mentor, a kind, honest, reliable professional engineer and a sincere friend and colleague. He will be deeply missed.
"My heart has joined the thousand,
For my friend has stopped running today "... Richard Adams
My deepest condolences....
John Sperrino
January 8, 2021
January 8, 2021
Alistair was a pleasure to work with, talented, knowledgeable, professional and always had a glint in his eye and a keen sense of humour and irony. He stands out in my memory of a 32 year career as one of the most likeable people I ever worked with. Blessings to all who knew him and will be feeling his departure.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
I always enjoyed working with Alistair at the boat. He was always ready to share his knowledge.
Fair winds and following seas my friend.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
Im so sorry to hear of your dad passing. I only got to know him when my husband Tony shared a room with him in the hospital he was a joy always a smile , I enjoyed our conversations together. Fiona you were always there for him everyday .He was so proud of you as his daughter ,he talked highly of you and Chris and little Sophie. Dear friend you did him proud caring for him the way you have over the past months. He was blessed to be so loved by you.May the memories you shared together bring you comfort.My thoughts and prayers are with you ,if there is anything I can do to help you through this difficult time please let me know.RIP Allister. Sending you and your family hugs.❤
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
My condolences to you and your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

Joan Grieve
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
I’m very sorry for your loss. I worked with Alistair on the Fireboat. He was a top-notch Engineer and a pleasure to work with. I’m not surprised he was from a town with such a storied sea fearing tradition. RIP Alistair as you cross the bar.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
Fiona and Kristo,
Sending our sincere condolences on the passing of your father and father-in-law. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. This memorial is a beautiful testament to your remarkable father, very moving, even for those of us who have never met him. The wonderful man that he was is reflected in his daughter. You were surely a joy to him always.
Wishing you moments of peace and comfort as you cherish the memories that will stay with you forever. God bless and comfort you both and may your father rest in peace, reunited with your mother.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
My deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues.
Alister in his career provided a significant contribution to the Toronto Fire Service and particularly the Marine division.
May you find peace in the coming days.
May he Rest In Peace.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
We are so honoured to have met and known Alistair through our aunt Fiona & Uncle Kris. Although we have only met with him a handful of times, he left an unforgettable memory, especially with his sense of humour and serene presence. The pictures posted on here are beautiful! Alistair & Johanna looked so in love with each other and now they can continue that love together in paradise. Fiona, their memory will always live through you.
Our deepest sympathy to you Fiona & Kris.
May Alistair Rest In Peace.

With love, Shant & Lillian
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
We all know that Mr. Maclean was a kind man but he also was also a patient man. I spent most my youth at their home so he always had two young giggling ladies to contend with. He was also our champion and disposed of the spiders.

I know that no matter where you are, he will always be watching over you Fiona.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
I had the pleasure of working with Alistair, he had a great sense of humour, and always talked golf with him!
My condolences to his family, he was a lovely man, he left you with beautiful memories.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
Alistair has been my neighbour since I moved in beside him 11 years ago. One of the kindest, gentlest humans I’ve ever known. Always there with a kind word and a smile. It has been a pleasure and honour to know him for the past few years. I will miss him as well as watching him practice his golf swing in his backyard. Rest In Peace Alistair.
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
Alistair was my uncle. I met him many moons ago at my cousin Fiona's wedding. My first impression was that he was kind, loving, caring, gentle, generous and funny. It's apparent now why Fiona is the wonderful person that she is. I wish I could have known him better but that's on me. Thank you Fiona for creating this memorial. It only corroborated my first impressions. I also learned a lot about who he was. May he rest in peace and be at Joanna's side.

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Recent Tributes
June 28
June 28
Miss him greatly. He was so much a part of our lives. His stories touched us and brought us great pleasure.
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Time marches on but happy memories linger miss our talks always with some humour added!
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
To my dad... It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since you left us. I like to think that you've watched us settle in our new home, realize that we are okay, and gone back to your golf game. I promised to let you rest in peace and forego memorials and the like, which I understand, but I really miss you and our 15-minute morning chats. Being a believer of science, I know you didn't believe in heaven or anything similar, but I really hope you were wrong - I can't wait to say "I told you so!" :P
Recent stories

The Golfball Bouquet

January 7, 2021
My dad's passion during the last 30+ years of his life was playing golf. He played even more when he was about 75 or so until he broke 6 ribs in a car accident last September (on his way to play golf!). He played Tuesdays with the retired firefighters and would even drive up on the rainiest of days, only to find he was the only one there. My dad was a heavy smoker (indoors too), so I tended to have him over to my house more often than I would go inside his house - easily done because we lived on the same street.

One day, about two years ago, I was at his house and looked up at the ceiling. I noticed the glass on the light fixture was cracked and held together with glue. I then looked straight ahead at the stained glass framed mirror. There were pieces missing. And the antique mantel clock was missing its glass. I asked him what the heck happened. He decided he should practice his swing indoors in preparation of golf starting up again in the spring. I guess I should have known by the living room vase full of practice balls!
January 6, 2021
Alistair was my brother and I couldn't have chosen a better one. I loved him for his sense of humor and his wisdom. I have fond memories of our childhood I think as the older sister I was a bit bossy and he was so good-natured about it. On Hogmanay my parents had him sing his party piece Westering Home if I tried to join in my Dad would say wheesht Marion your tuneless! Yes, Alistair had the talent in the musical department! I will miss him but will cling to the many fond memories .

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