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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Allen Fitzherbert, 61 years old, born on June 29, 1943, and passed away on October 25, 2004. We will remember him forever.
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Hard to believe today you’d be 80… oh how I wish you were here and how I would’ve loved for you to have met Lincoln. We’re living in Upper Kent and I love that when everyone asks who I am up here I say “you remember Willy and Mavis? I’m their granddaughter” they instantly know who I mean and they smile. I miss you soo much papa and I’m glad to be one of the grandkids old enough to remember you and not just from stories ❤️ I’m not sure you’d be happy to know we own a ford… let alone two of them but rest assured I’d still take an old Chevy pickup any day. Happy Heavenly Birthday Papa, you are missed greatly 
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
It never fails that you’re on my mind first thing I wake up on June 29. Can’t believe we’ve been without you so long. There are days I can still hear your voice and I’m happy for that. All of your kids are getting old now… I can almost hear the jokes. Happy heavenly birthday Dad. Miss you always.
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Wow! Dad! Today marks the day you’d be 80 years old! Unbelievable. I’m in NB today and will be heading up river to “visit” you in person. I’m so grateful that I get to do that this year. Eighty! Wow. I never imagined you as old. Funny isn’t it? Sometimes I wish so strongly that I could go back in time to just sit and chat with you. Listen to your stories and really hear you. We forget to do that stuff when we are young because we take for granted that you’ll always be there! It’s silly but true. I’m fifty this year. I remember when that number seemed “old” and now I am convinced it’s not! Haha. You’re a great grandpa now. How proud you’d be. I’m still playing mom to Candice’s youngest girls. They are growing up so fast. You know, when you’re a kid you don’t realize how fast time passes. I talked to a woman at church about you - you’d be pleased to know that your testimony still gets shared and I laughed as I told her about the song they wrote for you at church. It’s comforting to know you’re in Heaven Dad. I miss you so much but knowing you’re where you are makes it easier ♥️

Happy eightieth. Love and miss you!
June 29, 2021
June 29, 2021
Well it’s hard to believe that you have been gone this long. Today would have been your 78th birthday I think. I say all the time how grateful I am to be one of the few grandkids to meet you and actually remember you. I had gone for prenatal bloodwork for your 4th great grandchild (I think he will be the 4th) and they went to prick my finger and the first thing I thought of was all the times you grabbed our fingers as small children and pricked our fingers. You kept telling us it wouldn’t hurt and we fell for it every single time. I have so many good memories Papa and I will be sure to tell our little man about all of them. You are missed so much and I hope you enjoy your birthday in heaven. Happy Birthday Papa ❤️
June 29, 2021
June 29, 2021
Hi Dad,

You have no idea how much I hate having to come on here to wish you a happy birthday. It would be so much nicer if I could call you up and hear your voice. You’d be 78 years old this year Dad. Man! It seems impossible. I’m going to be 48 in a few months. I feel so old some days. I can’t believe it. You’d be telling me how close I am to half a century old. You were so good at pointing that stuff out. It’s been a trying year. Very stressful and there are so many times I wished I could call up and ask you what you’d do. I hope I made choices you’d be proud of. I started a new job at work. It’s different. I feel lazy doing it lol. It’s all working from home which I hate. I didn’t realize how social I actually was until i wasn’t anymore. I am hoping my travels with this job gets me home soon. I haven’t seen mom in a couple of years. I’ve missed out on holding my newest goddaughter - Emma Dawn Maxine. She’s beautiful. 
Speaking of, I hope you were there to welcome Aunt Maxine home. She really missed you down here Dad. Such a beautiful lady - send her my love as well.
Once again, I will end this with our traditional “love and miss you” - happy birthday Dad. Xoxo
October 26, 2020
October 26, 2020
Hey Dad,...16 years!... Where's the time gone? Seems like just yesterday you and I were planning our first day hunting to together.. Lol I remember the story where you said you sat and watched the lil spikehorn play with an apple.. It was the last day of that season and you couldn't shoot the lil fella you said cause he was too happy playing... Lol well thanks old man, I've inherited your soft side and there's nothing I can do to stop it... Lol but oh well it is what it is!.. Laurie and the rest get a chuckle out of it the same as they did with you but they don't understand... That big old lump Inn the throat actually hurts!.... Lol.... Things have been going good in the shop dad other than this friggin old covid virus slowing things down.. But again I've inherited the trait from you where I'll make anything possible... I've brought myself to far too quit now dad.... I've got to go to Halifax for surgery sometime soon for a cyst that's possibly attached itself to my brain.... So there ya have it..I DO have a brain afterall!... Our fitzy family has all done pretty well lately dad, from my perspective I think you'd be proud of your family... Mom seems to be happy, Laurie has been under alot of stress lately but she seems happy.... Lol Twila has quit smoking!... Ya ya I know.. My turn next right?... Crystal has just had another lil one and she's pure Fitz that one!.... She's like you!..a full black head of hair!.. That makes me a lil jealous cause I'm losing mine!.... Candace has been struggling a bit and hopefully she'll overcome whatever it is she needs to.... Tammy I know she's happy.. She has been for years!.... We're all pretty fortunate considering what's been going on lately, the pills, the drugs and stealing is getting out of hand.... If only we could rewind time and hit the pause button, wouldn't that be great?... Anyways dad, I'll talk with you again later in my prayers, like always... Love ya dad!!
October 26, 2020
October 26, 2020
Hey hun
It's been 16 years.Trust me i haven't forgotten.This old world is getting bad.In a way i'm glad you can't see it.Hun Eddie has to go for some serious surgery and I;m very worried.You'd be proud of him now.Willie he's made a complete turn around .I'm proud of who he has become and I know you would be too,Hard to believe he's a grampie now.OMG Willie she is sooo cute.Her name is Sylvania and she's the apple of her grampies eye.The last 3 1/2 years have been good for me hun and i'm finally happy and content again.I thought of you the minute i woke up.This is never gonna be a good day for me,but you know that.I remember every minute of this day right to the second you took your last breath.Willie the ONLY thing that made your passing easier was I knew where you were going.I'm so glad you and I walked the alter twice.Well hun I just wanted to say hi and tell you I love you and will always miss you.It won't be long till I'm home.Your old lady turned 65 .Hugs and kisses.Love Mave
October 25, 2020
October 25, 2020
Hi Dad!

16 whole years Dad. Unbelievable. We pitched in this year and got your grave marker. I absolutely love it. I wanted to get home to see it this year but unfortunately this virus has reared its ugly head and made travel a little rough. I wanted to get home to meet your newest and probably last granddaughter this year and it hasn’t happened either. She’s pretty cute. Definitely a Fitzherbert. Not a lot going on this year that you missed out on outside of that. I am just now talking to two of your cute little granddaughters and telling York how much I miss you every day. They have heard lots of stories about you since they came around and they know how much you are loved. I also told them if you knew then that you would spoil them rotten. And you know there true. It is hard not to. They are pretty cute actually. I know they would love you as much as I do.

Wish I could give you a big old hug right now.

Love and miss you always -

Your daughter - Laurie. And hi from Kim and Ricki! I bet Heaven is a pretty awesome place since you got there. Xoxo
December 15, 2019
December 15, 2019
It's a sad Christmas hun,what few family that's close by i won't see.I've reached out to Twila so many times and been turned away.I guess i'll just have to stop trying.Christmas is fast approaching and today marks the 2nd year since my accident.I can't say i feel like my old self but at least i'm here.Be sure and wish dad and mum ,Perry and Freda a Merry Christmas for me and give them a hug and kiss.Whatever you do give Lewis and extra big hug and kiss for me.I'll see you soon Love Mave.

December 1, 2019
December 1, 2019
Well Willie another year is almost gone and it will soon be Christmas.Merry Christmas Willie.You'll always be here with me.We had 7 children and 32 years together and i must say there was never a dull moment.I was just thinking about you for no special reason and i just wanted to say hi.I'll always miss you but i know your passing was for the best.I knew how you were suffering and how unhappy you were with your quality of life.You know our little one Trinity will be graduating this year.How i wish you could see what a beautiful young lady she has become!Times have changed so fast.I guess i'm pretty much alone when it comes to our kids,but Laurie has never left my side even though she's thousands of miles away and for that I'm gratetful.Well hun i gotta go i just wanted you to know i love you and to tell you i'll be home soon.Your loving wife forever
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019
Hey dad...seems kinda silly talking to you here...i miss the daily and evening talks we had about cars, work etc....they say that loved ones in heaven watch over us and guide us...i myself truly believe it as I've been doing what i think you've always wanted for me.....running my own it isn't the ol sunny acres dad but it's got a name I've heard you say to mom many times...let's go to Eddie's place!...your picture hangs above a table in my shop and i point it out to ppl that come in hoping they might have a and most of them do...even just lately i get recognized as hey...your willie's boy?...i proudly say with a smile ...i sure am!!..i could tell you how hard it is running a shop but you already know, you done it raising the six of us?...I'd like to dad are the most amazing person I've ever known, I'm proud to say your my dad and my best friend..i hope that with what I'm doing i can keep a good legacy going and when we meet again I'll get a great big hug and a "I'm proud of ya son"....cause I'll always be proud of you always dad.
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019
15 years.... seems impossible. So much has changed since you’ve been gone. You’d love all the grand kids. We all miss you like crazy, but we also know that is a little selfish. I like to think that you would be proud of us all. I think of you not only today and you’re birthday... but every day. When I’m having a bad one I can still hear you saying “you’re tough, you’re a fitzy” I wish you had gotten to meet Kim. She’s so much like you! Even looks like you ... crazy huh? Love you lots dad. Until we meet again
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019
Well that day has come around again. Fifteen years ago around this time I’d have been baking a chocolate cake and Tammy was making peanut butter icing so we could come wish mom a happy belated birthday. A little disappointed that we didn’t take you to dinner the night before. Most people look back and wish they had known that it would have been the last day. I don’t.

We came up and had cake. You stayed up and talked to us as long as you were able. Then we kissed you and mom both before we left because that’s how we do it in our family. And even though I didn’t know it, my last words to you were “see ya later dad. Love you”

I’m so grateful that we never left or hung up the phone without doing that. It was just our normal.

I think everyone wishes they had more time. They had done more. Been there to visit more. Called more. Fact is I’m pretty sure we had a good healthy level of that our whole life. I’m happy with the relationship we had. I only wish it lasted a few more years.

I hope somehow that you can still feel the love we have for you down here.

See ya later dad, love ya!
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019
16 years...seems like a long time. I can still hear your voice. You know I was upto visit you last week, but Willie you and I both know you’re not there. You’re where you wanted to be. I’m so glad you and I walked the aisle twice together. I’m so glad you gave your heart to the Lord. I still give your testimony here on earth. It’s been rough since you’ve been gone but you knew I’d be ok. I loved you to the very end . You’ll always be in my heart no matter what. I could talk to forever but there’s not enough space on here,so I’ll just say love you hun and see you soon
Your loving wife forever
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
Willie we had 32 years together.You always said you’d be gone long before me. It’s been rough since you’ve been gone and I must say our family is not the same. There are some you’d be disappointed in. It’s a good thing I’m stubborn or I’d have given up a long time ago. You and I both know I talk to you often. We always had lots to say. I’m doing my best to always make you proud. I wish I still had the closeness with the kids I used to have but.... on a better note I’ve wished you a happy Birthday every year since you’ve been gone. You’re old lady is 64 this year so I guess my time is getting closer. I think I’ve talked to you as much as I did when you were here. Neither one of us was perfect but we loved each other. Just because you’re gone doesn’t mean I don’t love you. We’ll talk again later. Sweet Dreams . Oh and BTW I got your message with the tv channel Play lots of Slingo until I get home
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
Hey big guy, certainly thinking of you today on your birthday....I'll always remember my 24th when you came over for the day and you and i got hammered and i talked you into smoking a joint!....i can still hear you laughing at me saying can't take like the ol fella huh?....while i was throwing up...I'm a grandpa myself now dad and i wouldn't have it any other'r her great grandpa and know you've smiled down on my family...I've worked hard these past few years trying to improve myself and things for my family....i messed up by getting into drugs thinking they were the answer......and again i hear your voice."father knows best"....isn't tat the truth...I've worked hard lately trying to improve myself and my lifestyle....when i need fatherly advice i ask our heavenly father because i know your right there with him dad....hopefully i will be to someday,not soon though dad I've a family i need to take care of and I'm not ready to yet but i am looking forward to a big ol hug from you! and miss you everyday big guy!...happy birthday.
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
Hey Dad! I had the thought this morning that you'd be 76 today.... seems crazy... there's a lot I wish you could have been here for. My wedding and moving to Calgary last year for one. I think you'd be proud of how far the girls and I have come this year. I wish you could have known the rest of my girls. The little ones would have you right around their little fingers haha.... Trin is 16 now. She's a talented artist and bright girl.... though at times this year you would have kicked her butt haha. I still miss you like crazy and think of you often. Still when I'm struggling I wish I could call my dad cause he'd know how to fix it.... love you Dad, and happy birthday
June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019
Dear Dad,
Today marks the 76th anniversary of your birth. Unbelievable. It’s funny how when you’re young, how you can’t imagine life without people, especially your parents. I never thought there’d be a day you weren’t here to talk to. There are so many times I wish I could call up and tell you something. To share a little joke or something funny that has happened. We compared a picture of you the other day to one of your granddaughters. Kimberlee. She’s Candice’s little one but wow does she look like her grandpa.
Peter and I still live in Alberta. Dad, he’s been the best man to me for the last few years. You wouldn’t know him. He shows the side of him that I fell in live with all the time now. He’s supportive and loving and tender. I couldn’t ask for better. You would never have to protect me from him now.
In his defence, I was a spoiled brat when we got together. And he had big shoes to fill. He had to love me as much as my dad loved me. That was close to impossible.
I’ve got Candice’s littles with me for a while. I’ve shared stories of you with them. I told them that you’d have spoiled them rotten. They totally would have you wrapped around their little fingers. I know that they do me! It’s impossible not to love them.
I so wish you were here. We would have some laughs over their antics for sure.
I took out your photo the other day and looked at the $3.10 taped to the back. Though you were gone, I learned a huge lesson from you that day. Dad. You never took things for granted. You never complained. And you were grateful for what you had even though it was little.
Thank you for that.
Love and miss you today.
October 25, 2018
October 25, 2018
Hi Dad! It’s been 14 long years since we lost you! Unbelievable honestly. You’d be 75 this year. Can’t imagine that. I thought you would be still fixing cars now. If still here I bet you would be. Peter and I have been in Alberta for almost 11 years now.  I wish you were here so we could talk about things. I still want to call you when good things happen I like to think you would be proud of us . All of us. I wish you could know your grandkids. You have a lot now. Fourteen to be exact. Ranging in ages from 4 and up. And Eddie is a grandpa now - haha. Can you believe that?? Mom just turned 63 yesterday. And I am 45!! I remember thinking that was so old when it was you and mom but now it’s me! It’s not so old. I think you enjoy telling me that I’m rounding up to 50 though. I’m getting ready to go to work now dad. I just really wanted to stop by here and tell you I love you.  I hope somewhere you are reading this and hearing my prayers and my thoughts   Sending lots of love and hugs from earth to you and heaven  Love you dad

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June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Hard to believe today you’d be 80… oh how I wish you were here and how I would’ve loved for you to have met Lincoln. We’re living in Upper Kent and I love that when everyone asks who I am up here I say “you remember Willy and Mavis? I’m their granddaughter” they instantly know who I mean and they smile. I miss you soo much papa and I’m glad to be one of the grandkids old enough to remember you and not just from stories ❤️ I’m not sure you’d be happy to know we own a ford… let alone two of them but rest assured I’d still take an old Chevy pickup any day. Happy Heavenly Birthday Papa, you are missed greatly 
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
It never fails that you’re on my mind first thing I wake up on June 29. Can’t believe we’ve been without you so long. There are days I can still hear your voice and I’m happy for that. All of your kids are getting old now… I can almost hear the jokes. Happy heavenly birthday Dad. Miss you always.
June 29, 2023
June 29, 2023
Wow! Dad! Today marks the day you’d be 80 years old! Unbelievable. I’m in NB today and will be heading up river to “visit” you in person. I’m so grateful that I get to do that this year. Eighty! Wow. I never imagined you as old. Funny isn’t it? Sometimes I wish so strongly that I could go back in time to just sit and chat with you. Listen to your stories and really hear you. We forget to do that stuff when we are young because we take for granted that you’ll always be there! It’s silly but true. I’m fifty this year. I remember when that number seemed “old” and now I am convinced it’s not! Haha. You’re a great grandpa now. How proud you’d be. I’m still playing mom to Candice’s youngest girls. They are growing up so fast. You know, when you’re a kid you don’t realize how fast time passes. I talked to a woman at church about you - you’d be pleased to know that your testimony still gets shared and I laughed as I told her about the song they wrote for you at church. It’s comforting to know you’re in Heaven Dad. I miss you so much but knowing you’re where you are makes it easier ♥️

Happy eightieth. Love and miss you!
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