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Her Life

Dominant & Unique

April 20, 2021
Born October 6, 1990 at just 5lbs 9 oz. She was such a good baby her first year. Such a tiny baby girl with cute little face. I loved dressing her up and putting hair bands on her head because she had little hair and not enough for small hairdos. She was so energetic.  Lol  Growing up she was so smart.  All her elementary teachers loved her wit and intelligent mind. Always A's from elementary to high school except one day she came home with an 89. She was so hard on herself she cried. She grew up into a beautiful young woman, graduating top 10% of her class and determined to attend the University of Texas at Austin. She wanted to be a Longhorn and only applied for that college with the mind set that she would be accepted.  
SHE WAS right!  Receiving her Letter of Acceptance, she was on her way to attend three (3) years at UT Austin. She loved life, she loved people and was always the peace maker when there was conflict around her.  As her mother I wanted her to see the world! She decided to come home back to San Antonio, work and attend school for her degree.  That didn't happen, she eventually became a mother to our miracle little Aubrey Jade. Alyssa loved her little belly and the miracle she had growing inside her. She had a rough pregnancy doing things alone most of her journey till the end.  She had our little Aubrey and now motherhood! Motherhood was her main job. Aubrey was her world, her princess and eventually Alyssa said she took the #1 spot of the love of her life. I WAS okay with being second. She loved her almost full year of raising Aubrey till we got the devastating news a few days before Aubrey Jades 1st birthday. 
From abdominal pains that she was told to brush off constantly turned in 
Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. THE NEWS changed our lives forever, at least for me it did! I am MOM, will always be mom. And in the eyes of my daughter and all her social media posts about me being her rock and her world are forever etched and never can be removed. She was like my mother at times... constant scolding for the little things she would say I did wrong. But aside from the petty stuff, we always leaned on each other for help or support.  Many times always sneaking money in her purse with out her knowing. Always giving Alyssa and Andi Renai flowers for special occasions. I now do that for my Aubrey Jade.  God knows life then and now and he will forever open doors NO MAN can shut.  He brings all bad to light and showers me & my family with protection. Life has not been easy with out her, for I cry for her just about every day or just with the mention of her name or warrior story & fight.  I do this for Aubrey Jade, keeping her mommy's life and memory going to not be forgotten.  God bless the souls of those who promised and failed. 
My Alyssa fought a 3 year battle. She had so many surgeries that I lost count after 16.  She had her battle scars and in my mind and heart I felt GOD will heal her but that again was not how her story went.  I would cry on the phone with her when she would tell me she was in pain, times driving from work and finding her laid out on the floor while Aubrey watched on.  KILLED my soul!!  I miss her daily. Her battle came to an end a bit after Aubrey's last birthday spent with her mommy, 4 years old. We also spent her Oct 6th birthday with her at the hospital then to her last days of Oct 17th when I finally asked for all to leave her hospital room,  I laid next to her, held her tight caressing her, singing in her ear "You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey" as she took her last breath I knew she was gone.  I cried, couldn't accept it!!! I couldn't.  Her doctor, Dr. Georgia McCann came to take her vital but I said WAIT not yet!!! Please!! I didn't want to be told she was gone.  In that instant I knew I had to keep telling her everything will be fine. Go, you are not in pain anymore. I laid with her a bit longer...... and I knew she beat this monstrous cancer!!! 

I want everyone to know that MANY have forgotten her and have stopped visits with her and IM finally okay with that.  Everyone knows I always visit her, we clean her sight and wiped down her beautiful LOVE stone I created artwork for. Something different that you will never see. I thank those that still check up on me, still cry with me, that bring my spirits up. Thank you for all you have done for Aubrey during her birthdays, holidays... means the world to me and Alyssa because SHE is watching.

Please share this memorial, post pics or share a memory about Alyssa.

***Anything not wanted will be removed that I do not feel should be on this memorial will be removed.***

Thank you!