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Sterlings Birthday

November 4, 2023
I can remember a lot about Amanda. Especially when it comes to our kids birthdays. She always made each child feel special every chance she got especially on there birthdays. Today as we celebrate Sterlings 12th birthday (the second one without you on earth) I can promise you that I will never stop telling both both what a wonderful person you were and how you were just about as perfect as can be.  I also know that Amanda is with us her on earth in spirit and I know she is watching over me and the boys everyday. We miss you and no one could ever replace you as the boys mom because you were just that good. We all love you and miss you and I love you with all my heart to this day and forever and always. Nobody can take away the great memories we made together and those memories are what keep me going after we lost you far to quickly.  Love you, Amanda Lynn Urioste. I will tell Sterling Happy Birthday for you every year as long as I'm on this earth. 

Great Mother

August 4, 2023
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Amanda was a great mother to her children. She was so patient with them that they knew she loved them. She never really got angry and  very rarely raised her voice to any of them for any reason besides to tell them she loved them or it was time for dinner.We miss her everyday and in my heart I know she watches over us all everyday. I'll never ever forget Amanda Lynn Urioste. She will forever have my heart and I'll think of her every moment of everyday for the rest of my life. 

What a great mother

November 1, 2022
Amanda was a great mother. She always put all her children first. She even put my son Tyler first and treated him like her own for many years. She loved everyone and she showed it constantly with her kind actions and even kinder words. I can't thank her enough for showing me that life is what you make of it and not everyone has bad intentions for you. There are some good people out there and Amanda Lynn was one of those people and I'll always have her in my heart and on my mind. I love You Amanda, me and the kids miss you so much and I will keep my promise I made to you that day.

Baby 2

February 28, 2023
Here was Sterling.Nathan Michael Moran. I and Amanda's 2nd child and our first son. She grew  so big with him I could have swore it was going to be twins. I use to tell her that all the time.I would tease her and tell her she was eating for 3. The more pregnant she got the more beautiful I thought she looked. She was so patient with me and our daughter at this time. I got her to the hospital just 1 hour before she had Sterling. It was November 3rd, 2011. She was hungry and had sent me to Hall's restaurant to get dinner. We both loved buster platters so buster platters it was . When I got back home to our beautiful home that Amanda found for our family to live she wasn't hungry anymore. She looked at me and said in a very hurried tone "We have to leave. We need to go to the hospital, I'm ready." I kind of laughed and told her "Oh, let's just eat then we will go." She looks at me and say's "Nate let's go!! Right Now !!! So at this point I'm pretty nervous. It takes me about 10 minutes to get the bag we had packed for this moment and  I was a wreck. She was calm as can be. Serious and very urgent in her tone of voice as she spoke to me but very calm. We went from Dodge Avenue to Parkview North Hospital.  To me it seemed like 5 hours. It was really only 20 minutes. When we got there she got checked in and we waited for the doctor.  About 45 seconds after the doctor took off his watch here came Sterling into the world. So fast Amanda didn't even have time for the epidermal. I realized this girl was brave that day. She wasn't scared of anything. And let me say I was so very proud of her. We sure did make some good memories together and we made beautiful babies. She was the best mom I've ever seen and not just cause she was the mom to my kids. Really, she was the best. Anyone that knows her would tell you the same. I miss her and I'll never forget the night I went to get Hall's and instead of having dinner we had a baby number 2 together. ,,,,,,♥️♥️

The best person I ever knew

September 29, 2022
Amanda was one of a kind. She was so very kind in every way. She was what you want to be and did it with such class I was amazed. I learned so much from her on so many levels. I miss her presence. I miss her smell. I miss her in my heart and soul and I know she is watching the boys and I'm trying to make her proud of me. When she died I promised her I would keep them safe and I intend to keep that promise until it's my time to be with her again. I love you Amanda. LOVE, Nate


August 22, 2022
It's hard to even know where to start on how irreplaceable Amanda is in the lives of myself and her children. Amanda was so selfless it was incredible. She was so much about helping everyone else too often she would not have enough time for herself and her needs. This woman did it all. She really did. Let me start by saying she was an absolutely amazing mother to our 3 children. She was always there for all of them. No matter what she always made time for each one. These kids eyes would just light up when mom got home. She would work all day for us ( she rarely missed a day of work) and then she would come home and she would play with the boys, do laundry, clean, cook, talk to our only daughter on video chat and so many other things it would just take to long to list everything my hands would hurt from typing. She always made sure everyone was good before she even thought about herself. She was like a super hero to us. I ALWAYS looked up to her and tried to mimic the way she lived her life. I mean some people you know and meet are good people. Right? Well I'm  telling you she was a GREAT person. She believed in God. Her faith was genuine. She never lied. She never stole anything. ( one time a lady dropped a 1 dollar bill at a gas station and Amanda picked that up and ran as fast as I've ever seen her or anyone else move for that matter just to give this old lady her dollar back) She never never cheated and always without a doubt did the right thing. She ALWAYS did the right thing. No matter who was looking..None of this "well it's ok I'll just do what I want because he or she did this or that crap" I mean she ALWAYS did what was RIGHT. She wouldn't sugar coat it either she would tell me how it was weather It was what I wanted to hear or not, and out of respect for her I would often act like I didn't care what her opinion was ( because I'm too darn stubborn) but I would  usually take her advice, because I knew she was right. She was the person I wanted to be. She never knew how much I looked up to her. It's a cold world out there, let's face it I believe it's a free for all and most humans do what's best for them. Not her. She did what was best for everybody she knew. And always did what was right no matter what and often for people she never even met before. Even for total strangers she would display tremendous acts of kindness. I will forever try to mirror this woman's  integrity and her compassion. I had the privilege of living with this angel for 17 years and I loved every minute of it. She changed me. Just by being around her it made me a better person. A better father. A better friend. It made me have more compassion and more understanding for others because I watched her and that's what she was all about. If the world was full of Amanda Lynn Uriostes we would've in a perfect world. She was the best person I've ever known and I do not say that because she has passed on to Heaven because I said that when she was still here on earth I say that because Amanda is, was and will forever be my hero. She went out everyday and took on the world to support her family and then came home to us everyday and worked even harder. She never grew impatient with us, never gave up on us and ALWAYS  made it known through her ACTIONS that She LOVED US. Oh I'm still very very hurt she's not with us in body anymore but you better believe her doukf is still with us and even after her death I can still feel her pushing me to do the right thing and in pursuit of making her proud of me ill continue to do what's right and good in everything I do and say and live because if Amanda is proud of me then I know I'm being a good person just like she was. I love her so much my heart aches all day everyday and to just get a call from her or to give her a hug or smell her perfume one more time I would give anything but I know she's in heaven and boy I bet an angel like her is busy so I'll let it be till God calls me to service. I'll never ever meet a person like her again and I'm honored to have been her boyfriend for 17 years. I love you Mindy May. I will take care of the boys like I promised you I would.                                                                                         Amanda Lynn Urioste 
                               10/11/79 - 05/10/22

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