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4 years already

October 14, 2021
I absolutely cannot believe you have been gone for 4 years... it’s sad to think about how us 4 kids haven’t had our mother in our lives for 4 whole years. I have been thinking of you a lot lately and questioning myself if you would be proud of me for my life choices or not. I actually had a little dream about you last night, I called you mom instead of mommy and I felt bad about it because I know you hated it lol. Anyways we all miss you so much and just wish you would’ve been with us longer to see all of our accomplishments. I love you mommy and wish to see you soon.
March 10, 2021
I'll never forget the day I told you I met rick online and we were getting were so mad..your fiesty azz put him in his place the night we all went bowling and had was at the back alley sucked that few weeks before you passed you were at our house picking up plants and flower pots for your house..had I known that would've been the last time I'd see your beautiful face I'd hugged you a Lil longer my is not fair...the trip we made to PA was quite an the day ya said hey you can be a 3rd wheel on this pa trip I was all for it..then lets not forget the ride home with a bird chirping the entire trip home lol..all we could do is sing the mocking bird song from dumb and dumber.. then there was the night we came up with the nicknames for each of us..chunk dunk trunk junk lmao..our coworkers were laughing there azzez off back then..I miss our 2a road trips to stalk didn't. Matter that we had to be at work the next morning we'd stay out for couple hrs..then grab Tim hortys on the way home..I'll never forget the time we drove down too jolenes house and bar hopped..we walked into one bar and you took one look around and said nope..the bouncer asked us if we were staying and you said he'll no were not were in the wrong place..gosh them were some great times..I miss you so much and I'm sure we will meet again one day dunk until then watch over everyone including your beautiful babies who are growing up way too fast

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