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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Andrew Verity. We will remember him forever.
February 12
February 12
It's been two years and I am thinking about Andrew. I miss the sharing and the warmth of our friendship. Happy Trails my Friend
February 9
February 9
Hi dear Andrew
I'm sure that up there with your other friends you'll be rebalancing yourself with just one muscle, or rather just with intention. How beautiful !!! Send so much harmony down here we need it.
Just last week I talked about you and your creative genius. Thank you always for your friendship and the teachings you have given me from Instructor to Instructor.
I'm still waiting for the Instructor for Instructor course to be completed, remember???
I think I will rewrite your old manual "Principles of Healing" that you authorized me to teach, I will dedicate it to you as soon as I have more time, that is TOMORROW! As you always have
a hug and a lovely memory

Maurizio Ugo Rodriguez
February 9
February 9
It has been 2 years today since you joined the energy of the great heavenly chi. But here on earth we still live your dream. We assist others, we teach, we mentor. All of this wisdom and understanding we learned from the first soul and master of Neuro-Training. There are many of us that honour your work. We keep it alive for others to hear and experience. We hold your life-long dream in our passions as we team together. The essence of your great castle, the fortress of knowledge and wisdom you shared, lives in our hearts and minds forever as we honour and share your legacy.
May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday divine spirit! Miss you dearly ♥️
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
What a star you are, shining still.
Honoured to be taught at your college and continue to be inspired and inspire others because of what I learnt. Changing lives for the better always.
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Sempre presente caro Andrew, ad ogni sessione, in ogni manuale...nel cuore.
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
È passato solo 1 anno e sembra che ieri parlavamo e discutevamo, sempre vivo e presente Andrew amico mio
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Hi Andrew,
as souls we are eternal. You just left the container and moved to your next lesson in the path to realization. Honoured to have known you and brought your teachings in Italy since 2000. Good memories of our laughs while I was translating you in class. Soul hugs my friend. 
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Andrew, today is the first anniversary of your death. I still think of you often and miss what we shared. So, today I share my grief at my loss and the loss felt my the many people whose lives you touched.
Having loving memories.
Your friend, Richard
September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022
La scomparsa di Andrew è stata il classico fulmine a ciel sereno.
La prima volta che sentii parlare di lui, fu al telefono. Il direttore del College mi diede informazioni in merito a un corso che Andrew doveva tenere a Bologna e quando parlava di lui, la sua voce cambiava. Si percepiva chiaramente rispetto, ammirazione, amore e non capivo il perché, ma la cosa mi incuriosiva.
Quando lo vidi, lo osservai attentamente per capire cos’era quello che aveva che lo faceva essere molto amato sia come persona che come maestro, ma essendo la prima volta che lo vedevo, non riuscivo a percepire come era dal punto di vista personale. Notai un uomo elegante dai modi molto gentili e che aveva sempre il sorriso sul volto.
In seguito, durante i corsi frequentati al College in Italia, veniva spesso nominato e notavo sempre, da parte delle persone che lo conoscevano bene, un cambiamento di tono di voce, di espressione del viso e degli occhi che si “illuminavano”. Ero sempre più curiosa di conoscere più profondamente quella persona.
Durante il secondo corso che feci con lui, mi sono avvicinata per chiedergli qualcosa, ma ero molto diffidente anche se ne tutti ne parlavano bene. Era seduto, indossava gli occhiali che erano molto staccati dagli occhi. Mi guardò al di sopra di questi, mi sorrise, mi osservò in silenzio per qualche secondo, e mi diede la risposta alla domanda che non avevo fatto. Erano parole e modi che contenevano comprensione, sfida, e molta amorevolezza. Questo fece cadere tutte le mie difese e barriere nei suoi confronti, mi fece capire la sua grande sensibilità e capacità di percepire le cose non dette e in quel momento mi sentii una cosa piccolissima rispetto alla sua “immensità” umile e amorevole.
Negli anni ho avuto la fortuna di poter essere presente a quasi tutti i corsi che lui ha tenuto in Italia. Nel tempo l’ho conosciuto e capito come lui era.
Spiccavano due occhi azzurri. Poi si vedeva il grande carisma e la sua eleganza, signorilità e fascino. Quando sorrideva lo faceva anche con gli occhi. Amava la cucina italiana ed era la classica “buona forchetta”.
Era molto affettuoso e tenero, gli piacevano gli abbracci e il dirsi parole che esprimevano amore. Era un uomo gioioso della vita.
Aveva un’enorme sapienza, infinita conoscenza e soprattutto una grande umiltà, quella che i "Grandi" sperimentano e diffondono. Faceva magie estraendo il meglio da ogni cosa nuova che incontrava studiandola, approfondendola e facendo una selezione di ogni sua parte, nel tempo. Dava sempre tantissimo, ma a ogni esperienza ne usciva sempre più ricco.
A volte era severo perché voleva che ogni individuo estraesse il meglio di sè, ma lo faceva manifestando molta amorevolezza; in questo modo le persone non si sentivano a disagio. Aveva molta comprensione dei perché di un evento o dinamica e questo faceva sì che le persone si avvicinassero a lui.
Quando gli ero vicina percepivo chiaramente la sua calma e serenità interiori, la sua energia che era come una montagna immensa.
Parlando con lui, le sue parole erano spesso riferite a emozioni o stati d’animo che non avevo mai espresso, manifestando la capacità di vedere e percepire in profondità.
Quando faceva sessioni era come se creasse un’opera d’arte mettendo la persona al centro del quadro. E lui percepiva anche le cose che più erano nascoste in profondità, sfidando la persona, ma sempre con immensa amorevolezza. Aveva un'enorme sensibilità nel capire chi aveva di fronte trovando il modo ottimale per dire ogni cosa e per relazionarsi al meglio.
Quando spiegava ai corsi, capitava che all’improvviso si fermasse, girasse la testa di scatto verso chi lo ascoltava e diceva una battuta, e aveva sempre quella giusta, intelligente; poi sorrideva un secondo prima che lo facessimo noi.
E’ stata una fortuna averlo incontrato, godere della sua presenza; ci ha trasmesso un serie infinita di preziose informazioni.
A distanza di mesi c’è ancora dolore, e alle volte lacrime, per la sua scomparsa e mi manca tantissimo, il prestare il massimo dell’attenzione a ciò che insegnava, lo stare con lui, il sapere che lui c’era…

A Lui: “Per me sei stato, sei e sarai un grande maestro di vita. Sicuramente dove sei ora ti ameranno come noi ti abbiamo profondamente amato, amiamo e ameremo. I love you forever...”
August 3, 2022
August 3, 2022

Ho conosciuto Andrew al secondo anno di Neuro-Training dove ho partecipato a uno dei corsi tenuti da lui in Italia. Dicevano che aveva carisma ma io non mi sono mai fatta ammaliare dai personaggi.

Una collega mi aveva chiesto di consegnargli una busta personale e quindi, durante la prima pausa caffè, mi sono avvicinata alla cattedra. Con gli occhialini sul naso, era concentrato e stava scrivendo. Mi sentivo a disagio a disturbarlo ma in fondo dovevo solo consegnare una busta e l’avrei lasciato tornare ai suoi impegni.

Contrariamente a ogni mia aspettativa, si è tolto gli occhiali, mi ha sorriso, si è alzato e mi ha allungato la mano per conoscermi. Voleva sapere il mio nome, l’anno che frequentavo e se mi piaceva il Neuro-Training.

Quella è stata la prima delle tante volte che Andrew mi ha sorpresa, era davvero un uomo fuori dal comune.
In quelle poche parole scambiate ho visto una persona simpatica e gentile, e ho percepito una grande semplicità e umanità.

Negli anni a seguire queste percezioni si sono rivelate esatte ma Andrew aveva molte più sfaccettature nella sua personalità, tutte interessanti, tutte profonde, tutte autentiche.

Dal primo istante ho visto una persona umile, che non aveva bisogno di mostrarsi in tutta la sua grandezza. Lo si poteva scoprire un po’ alla volta, secondo la relazione che si stabiliva con lui. Non si dava arie, non parlava solo con persone al suo livello intellettuale. Guardava e trattava le persone per quello che erano dentro, non per il diploma che sfoggiavano. Insegnava chiaramente l’accettazione di sé senza catalogarsi in un’etichetta o un ruolo.

Nel bene o nel male, lui era sé stesso, coerente, appassionato nel suo lavoro, interessato alla vita, sincero nell’amicizia, onesto nei rapporti interpersonali, generoso di cuore, accogliente e affettuoso con tutti, sempre gentile e galante.

Amavo trascorrere del tempo con lui, c’era così tanto da imparare dalla sua persona. Anche se non ci capivamo molto per via della lingua, potevo vivere la forza della sua presenza.

Andrew era così divertente e ironico, sempre pronto alla battuta, leggero ma professionale.
Affermava scherzando che avevo delle espressioni da cartone animato, ed era buffo perché io dicevo lo stesso di lui. Abbiamo riso tanto insieme.

Durante le sessioni si trasformava, era così integrato nel lavoro, profondamente immerso nel MUP del cliente, intento ad ascoltarlo, ad accoglierlo, a comprenderlo. Lui stesso era il Neuro-Training.
Era affascinante vederlo lavorare, emanava un alone di antica saggezza, sapeva cosa dire e come dirlo per scatenare la reazione giusta da riequilibrare, subito pronto con la risorsa utile.
Lavorava con una tale sicurezza e serenità che non potevi che arrenderti al cambiamento in totale fiducia.

Era impressionante la conoscenza che aveva del corpo umano, della psiche, dell’energia, della genetica.
Non era solo conoscenza, era anche connessione, percezione, intuizione fuori dal comune.
Era un genio. Glielo dicevo spesso e lui ridendo mi rispondeva “Lo so”.

Eppure quello che mi ha colpito di più di Andrew era la sua empatia. Era in grado di comprendere perfettamente il disagio, lo squilibrio, le paure, i blocchi ecc. di chi aveva di fronte, meglio della persona stessa, come se lui potesse avere accesso al problema stesso, alla verità della causa, all’origine del disagio.
Aveva una sensibilità incredibile e una sensitività innegabile.

È stato per me un padre spirituale, un mentore, un maestro di vita, un’ispirazione, un amico sincero.

Il mio affetto e la mia gratitudine saranno immutate per sempre.

Voglio immaginarlo in paradiso a darsi un gran da fare, da vero pioniere quale era, alla scoperta di cose nuove che possano creare miglioramento e benessere ai suoi compagni di avventura.

Per sempre nel cuore.


May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022
Dear Andrew,
I still find it hard to believe that you are no longer here, among us… Certainly you have gone to another, larger dimension… your soul, so beautiful and luminous, is traveling in the Universe… you are alive in our hearts and forever present in our minds.
All my gratitude for what you taught me with your knowledge, research and discoveries!! I was always impressed by your ability to teach and transmit all the informations in your classes. A living encyclopedia! For me there is kinesiology before Andrew Verity and Kinesiology after Andrew Verity! Revolutionary!! Transformer!! It has encouraged me so much and changed the way I practice with my clients who have also been able to change their lives for the better and heal themselves! You have always treated every person with such a humble and humanistic attitude. The human being at the center of everything! I thank life again for having met you and having had you as a master and friend in this life!
Bon voyage dear friend!♥️
And a big thank you…
Lucianita Farah ( Geneva)
May 27, 2022
May 27, 2022
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday today Andrew. Still missing you.
March 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
In shock to learn of Andrews passing.He was helping me with health issues even though he was unwell himself late last year.I wasn't aware of the severity of his health issues and before he went deaf he was still working on people. That was the integrity he had and love for his work.As a dedicated guitarist Andrew had helped me to stop relapsing from injury that took over a decade of searching for.I continued to learn from him, even pester him with questions on messenger and as my own knowledge in Neuro traning and kinesiology expanded i am able to play without relapsing to injury, which is phenomenal and i owe that to him for being a shining light in helping me to recuperate .Like myself he touched many peoples lives for the better,helping them to to move forward in expressing who they really are as a individual. He has left a incredible body of work behind and will be cherished and missed by so many people. It's been a honor , much love. Fly high!
February 22, 2022
February 22, 2022
Such a shock..such a loss! I’m so very sad you have left this earth Andrew. Thank you for all the knowledge you have passed onto me. I am and will always be forever grateful to have had you as my teacher and mentor. Honoured to be taught by a leader, a shaker and mover! You leave behind a legacy that will forever live on. I will forever remember you with the fondest of memories. Rest easy Andrew✨✨Fly High✨✨ sincere condolences to your family. With love Marianne Will.
February 20, 2022
February 20, 2022
It’s extremely rare to meet a person in your life who changes your direction and makes sure you are heading on the best path for you, but I have! 
Whenever I’m feeling somber and counting my blessings, I always think of Andrew and I’m forever grateful for everything he did for me and my children… he will live in my thoughts forever. 

Andrew’s passing has put a crack in my soul,… this world has lost a significant wealth of health and I pray my friend is living in peaceful harmony with his loved ones passed…
Rest in eternal peace my dear 
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
Whilst still in utter shock to hear of Andrews passing my heart ❤ will certainly hurt for some time but I will forever cherish the many years of knowing Andrew for over 20+ years. Andrew was the God of healing so many. He truly had a tremendous gift that he gave to all around the world. The gift of healing growing. Learning. Believing and creating miracles. My deepest condolences and thoughts go to all of Andrews family and may the memories live on in our hearts forever. Andrew . It was truly a Pleasure to have known you. RIP my dear friend 
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
Un grande Essere se ne è andato, una grande perdita per l'umanità.
Caro Andrew, sono qui ancora incredula difronte ad una realtà non aspettata e tanto dolorosa per me.
Hai sempre rappresentato quella volontà di cambiamento, di riscoperta dell'essere umano nella sua vera Natura. Quel desidero di Nuova Società fatta di individui liberi da sovrastrutture limitanti. La tua ricerca e la tua opera è stata ed è di importanza fondamentale soprattutto in questo periodo di transizione. E proprio in questo momento hai scelto di Partire lasciando un vuoto e nello stesso tempo una grande ricchezza dietro di te per chi la saprà comprendere e vivere. Ho sempre letto fra le righe dei tuoi insegnamenti, scoprendo ulteriori insegnamenti ancora più profondi e di inestimabile valore. Ora, sfogliando i tuoi manuali durante il mio lavoro, ritrovo il tuo sorriso e quei tuoi occhi così luminosi che da soli esprimono tutto.
So che in ogni momento sei a fianco di chi porta avanti con Amore il Progetto di RiNascita da te avviato. Grazie, grazie, grazie.
Buon Grande Viaggio caro Andrew, che la Luce sia sempre con te.
Astrid Innocenti
February 15, 2022
February 15, 2022
From Annemarie Goldschmidt, Denmark
The very sad message about the passing of Andrew reached me February 10th in the ear-ly morning. We worked together almost from the day we met in 1992, among other things on the Board of IASK (International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists). I will share with you, Andrew´s loving family, the words, I wrote for the Homepage and Facebook of IASK.
I am grateful to have received so much from Andrew. Everything is passed on to my stu-dents and clients and will live forever. Thank you so very much.

“Andrew Verity, one of my best and dearest friends and former President of IASK is not walking together with us anymore.
He and I met in St. Louis, USA in 1992, 30 years ago. I was there participating in a con-ference and had made up my mind on beforehand, that I, without knowing Andrew, would sign up for his workshop “BLUEPRINT”.
I felt his energy, as he entered the conference room, and I went right up to him, intro-duced myself as the leader of DANSK PÆDAGOGISK KINESIOLOGISKOLE in Denmark, and even if had never heard him introduce himself, nor give a presentation, I invited him to come to Denmark and teach his kinesiology class on “BLUEPRINT, our genetic potential”!
Later Andrew said, that his answer to me that moment was “Yes, Mum!”, and he came to Denmark just one year later in 1993. He almost always called me “Mum”, also in the last letter, I had from him after our get together at the IASK conference in Bergamo, Italy in April – May 2017.
Andrew was a great friend and a great teacher, and he always graciously shared his knowledge with me, and I assume with everybody else. We had a mutual respect for each other, and we shared thoughts, ideas and emotions about our work and IASK, the many times he stayed with me in my house, while teaching in Denmark throughout the years.
From 1993 we were both elected to the Board of IASK, and Andrew’s dedication to coop-eration between Specialized Kinesiologists around the world is well known, and has been most appreciated and shall always be remembered. In the year 2000 he became an Hon-orary Member of IASK. Highly deserved.
Andrew´s mind was always working, getting new ideas, putting them into writing and shar-ing them. One evening in 1996 we were talking about presenting at the upcoming IASK conference in England 1997. He wanted to give a presentation on “The Eternal Triangle”. We agreed that I should apply his idea to my presentation on my work with schoolchildren.
Great was my surprise, when I arrived at the conference and saw the conference pro-gram! All of a sudden Andrew´s mind had moved forward, and he changed the name of his presentation to “The Healing Triangle”. As a consequence of this move, my presenta-tion was given the same title without me knowing about the change!
We always had lots of “ping-pong” going on. Just like in table tennis.
Hundreds and hundreds of students have profited from Andrew´s sharing of his knowledge. He has helped many people to choose to open their eyes and their mind to their genetic potential. A participant in Denmark expressed the changes, she experienced, with these words: “My life BEFORE “Blueprint”, and my life AFTER “Blueprint”.
Andrew´s physical candle is no longer burning and spreading its light, but his mental, emo-tional and spiritual light will be with us and in us now and into the future.
Thank you, Andrew. Your teaching and knowledge are part of my personal everyday life as well as in my work with my clients and students.
With warmth, love and respect from your friend and “Mum”
Annemarie Goldschmidt, Denmark”
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
I feel very sad and shocked to hear of Andrews passing but I am forever grateful to have been one of his students. Andrew was brilliant, funny and a true pioneer and leader in his field. May you rest in peace Andrew and continue to help us from the other side
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Such a shock to hear this. Andrew had an enormous impact on my life. At my very first workshop with him in 1986, he inspired me with his kind and gentle way of working with people emotionally. He nurtured this passion he’d inspired, with an incredibly generous offer, to work in his fledgling clinic in Box Hill with Don Viney and Karen Brookes. At the second workshop, he introduced me to my future wife, a fellow homeopathy student, which further broadened our friendship. He also kindly invited me to co-teach with him. I was so nervous at the start, but he patiently helped me launch my kinesiology teaching career.
This generosity, encouragement, support and friendship touched me very deeply, and I hold him in a very special place in my heart. For a man with such drive, passion and commitment to building this Kinesiology healing modality, he also had a lovely soft vulnerable side, which I cherished.
Thank you, Andrew. Thank you for so much. You, your legacy, and all the people’s lives you have touched, will never be forgotten.
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Andrew, your knowledge and wisdom was second to none. I’m truly blessed to know you and have learnt from you. My thoughts are with Jen and all Andrew’s family. RIP
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
How sad to hear this news...a wonderful , pioneering man gone far too soon...We were of the old vanguard...the earliest of kinesiology days in Australia. What a legacy you have left behind Andrew.

From the Advanced Kinesiology Centre which almost 40 years ago was a hub for so many...Kerryn Sedgman, Don Viney, Jose Van Rooy, Chris Rowe, your beloved friend Jenni Beaseley to name a few and then on to developing your own body of work and your trainings worldwide. There was no stopping you and your knowledge was boundless...

My condolences to all who cared for and loved you...into the light you go...
Love, Grace and Gratitude
Robbi Zeck
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
Andrew was such an inspiring man who had so much knowledge buried in that head of his, i was privileged to be treated by Andrew on many occasions and to also witness him teaching.
His unique dry sense of humour that he brought to his clinic healing session but also to his classes was truly golden.
He will be very sadly missed the world has lost a great man especially in these strange times.
Forever missed mate thank you for all your help the past decade.
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
A giant among giants.
A man who investigated, questioned the human soul and probably also the Spirit Consciousness and through the translation of the responses that the body manifests, he built systems and procedures to restore balance to the complex Human structure. His knowledge was truly enormous, he was a curious man and he studied and experimented… ..Everything seemed easy to see him operate and in the meantime he changed your life.
A man who loved life and knew how to amaze himself again, and amaze us. He enjoyed teaching, he was playful and generous, he loved what he did. I attended his lessons for years, his courses .... never anything trivial, or boring but always extraordinary ways to follow for solutions. My regret is not having known him more deeply, like when you are in front of a beer and joke you laugh and also face different themes that are shared. Unfortunately, I cannot say that there was a friendship then, but the void it left is truly unbridgeable. Once a psychotherapist friend told me: "in your opinion a Lacanian, a Jungian, a Froidian, Ericksonian, a Constellator, a Kinesiologist have more therapeutic value ... .. I mean where is the difference ... what makes the difference"
"I don't know my friend"
"The difference is not the Method but the Operator".
In the case of Andrew Douglas Verity this truth is incomplete, he and his method have a great value for the personal development of the individual in its totality and complexity.

"You see,
out there, in addition to what is right and what is good, and what is not right or not good ... there is AN IMMENSE FIELD ...
Here we will meet there. (cit. Rumi)

Hi Andrew
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
I feel truly grateful to have found a teacher and friend in Andrew over the last 6 or so years. He had a very special gift and his passion for sharing it was clear for all to see. It was a privilege to be taught and treated by him. I’ll never forget his kind hearted approach, gentle soul and his ability to always make me feel safe to be myself. I will miss Andrew dearly. xxx
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
Thank You Dr Verity for being in my journey. I am honoured to have been able to share 5 days with you learning how to be an international speaker with Keron Sweeney in Manly NSW. I knew I was in the presence of a good soul, an extremely intelligent man. thank you for your works, advice and please keep healing us Australians, send us Angels . This is a loss to Australia may we do you proud. I will miss you hitting like to my comments. I never realised Kerry was your sister until this sad news!
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
Heartbroken mate, always looked up to you like many others, shared information, the odd joke, lunch, dinner and friendship.. great loss.. my gma is going to be hot on your tail now!! Learned so much.. hard to believe we’ve known each other for 27yrs..thanks more words
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
I have known Andrew for around 40 years - as a friend, mentor, teacher, student and practitioner.

I arrived in Melbourne in 1981 as a new Touch for Health Instructor. Robbi Zeck and Kerryn Sedgman became instructors in 1979. Andrew had been taught some Applied Kinesiology by a friend, so he knew stuff we didn't. He still knows stuff we don't!

Many practitioners specialise, but Andrew was a superbly versatile practitioner, using homeopathy, naturopathy, iridology, kinesiology, Applied Kinesiology, Defusing Emotions, chirology (a hidden talent inherited from his father), bodywork and more.

We both taught at the world's biggest kinesiology centre in Kirchzarten, Germany, and once taught at the same time in nearby classrooms. I was fairly new teaching at the centre, but Andrew had been teaching there for years. He was kind enough to support me by bringing his whole class to watch a private demonstration.

As a teacher he possessed a great depth of understanding of the mind and the energetic bodies. His conference presentations were always excellent, and will be sorely missed.

Andrew, being an ex Australian Judo champion, always seemed so invincible, this is a massive shock.

I already miss my friend and colleague.
Andrew thank you for contributing so much to our circle in the Kinesiology world.
May you rest in peace,
Philip Rafferty.

February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
On behalf of all in the IKC who knew and loved Andrew, we would like to offer our sincere condolences to his family and friends. Andrew touched so many of our lives as a teacher, lecturer and friend. He will be greatly missed. He has left us with such wonderful memories and a lasting legacy. May he rest in peace. 
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
In classes, we loved you
In sessions, we loved you profoundly
In working with you, we loved you greatly
In life, we loved you dearly
In the upper world, we love you still
In many hearts, you hold a place no one else will ever fill.
It breaks my heart that you were taken so unexpectedly.
Thank you genuinely for everything. You will be sadly missed.
Your memory will never leave us.
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
My deepest sympathies to Andrew’s family at this time.
My heart goes out to you all. 
As a student of his amazing work I was always in awe of his unique ability to see and so easily explain our human existence, our uniqueness and our wonder. It all just made so much sense. I am sure he has ascended to work his magic from higher realms. Be at peace now and thank you for enriching my life and helping me to do the same for others.
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
I still can't believe that somebody like Andrew can dissappear like that... He was so intelligent, funny, generous, curious, avid for life... The kind of person impossible to forget and not easy to find... He leaves a big space and am happy to have met him in person. I attended many of his workshops and the amount of knowledge and understanding that he was able to share was very difficult to find. I will deeply miss you Andrew,... But who knows, may be with your power you reincarnate in a.. Owl, E. T. Dumbledore... Love
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Deep bow and heartfelt Thank You Mr Andrew. Your legacy lives on all over the world. I am grateful to use the tools you handed to us.
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Andrew, you were in a league of your own, a brilliant man and a true visionary.  You changed the course of my life, and that of countless others. The world is a better place because of your life's work and your generosity in sharing it. I'm in awe of what you gifted us, and the ways in which you will continue to gift us. I'll always remember the support and kindness you showed me as a mentor and friend. Forever grateful for you.
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Dear Andrew

I am glad we met in this life
Your knowledge and wisdom are true light
Now you will shine your light from the other side.

You will always be in my mind.
You are the best teacher I could ever find.

I wish you a safe journey -my mate.
Let`s keep spreading love.
Away with all hate.

You were a true fighter for what is good and great
in this life.

Thank you again Andrew 

Love from Jeanett Heimdal

February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
It took me some time to find words. I feel so sad. The thought of never seeing Andrew teach and share his knowledge and wisdom is breaking a piece of my heart. It was a great opportunity to get to know him better when I was class assistant. I saw the man behind his "teacher mode", I saw his genuine love to help others. He always inspired me to do the same. I will never forget how he told me to shine my "special orange light", my own strength, and to use my power to help others. Thank you Andrew. I will never forget you.
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
Deepening in the quiet, reflections of your amazing life and passing. A man who lived fully and gave completely. Yes, most definitely, Andrew you touched my life, and I have been enriched as a result. The ripple effect of my growth, then affecting my community as I embraced your teachings, the modality of Neuro Training, an authentic system of influential change. A treasure that you shared with so many, and in departing, continues as your legacy. Thank you. Sincere blessings to your family and loved ones. May all who have been part of your life in some way, be uplifted and gifted too, by your transition, as I know you life has been dedicated to the greatest influence always!
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
Andrew Verity I feel so very blessed having had the honour of knowing you. It just doesn't seem fair you left us all so soon.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and supporting us in becoming who we are today. What would have done without you!
The deep sadness will pass and the wonderful memory of you will be eternal in our hearts. Enjoy the other side and I look forward to meeting you there one day.
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
A tribute...where do I start... IASK conference in San Fransisco. Totally new and not knowing anything...Ok, been to Burbank. I remember, jogging, absolutely running through the workshops and knowing zero.. I went to a workshop about Time. Yes, Andrew Verity. I remember "talking" afterwards, some question. Probably...fill in the form. I went back to Burbank (3 in 1) and met Lieske van Donselar (I hope I spell her name correctly...? Kiera forgive me). She, also a physiotherapist. was there because of Andrew and Blueprint 1. She said it was wow!! I rememberd that (college you know). Next, here comes Anne Marie Goldschmidt (wrong spelling again..). introducing Blueprint 1 in Kopenhagen. I went there. Also Christine Westerlund came. His introduction about Blueprint 1, I remember part of this and my response was and I said; You are giving me the Stars!!
Yes, he did!!!
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
From Advanced Kinesiology Centre in 80’s where we all had such a great time sharing information learning from each other with Don Jose Robbi Chris and me... you wearing the Johnny Farnham coat and flowing red hair...what you had that is..
Doing jaw lock wandering to the Homeopathic cupboard to test what’s needed. What a brilliant funny fabulous era. To now... and you go and leave without notice, no jaw lock no hip lock you just closed the circuit. Love You Andrew and the connection we shared these last couple of years in the Awakening, Great Love from Kerryn.❤️
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
Fond memories of many fun, learning, Kinesiology workshops, conferences and the 1980’s Bali workshops.
ThankYOU and Don for the MORE MODE and your contribution to Kinesiology.
To Andrew’s family condolences and love.Sylvia Marina. Perth. Western Australia
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
We have spent the last months, and the last fifteen years also, thinking about how to keep your knowledge alive over time.
I have tried to be a good student and a good friend, bringing your knowledge to as many people as possible.
We both know that not everyone deserved what you gave them, but your heart was really a big one.
Now you can continue to work and argue with your dad, and we who remain only have to honor you, and what you have teached to us.
We will miss you so much, master
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
Thank you Andrew for your work. It was an honour to be taught by you. You work had an impact on my family and myself.
Lots of love to Jenni, Sierra and your other children and their families.
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
To say that Andrew played a pivotal role in my personal evolution would be an understatement. His compassion, understanding & innate mentorship is unmatched within the clinical health care arena. I will remain in debt to. His devotion to his craft something to awe & inspire. The universe is so hostile & impersonal, i feel we've all been robbed by your early & sudden departure. Your legacy is eternal. Godspeed to you Andrew & may you continue to bless us from your new place, beyond the veil.
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
I first met Andrew at an AKA conference. His presentation and stories was inspiring to me as a ‘new to kinesiology’ practitioner.
Everyone always spoke so highly of Andrew Verity. His name always said in full!
Our industry will miss you. Condolences to your family and friends.
February 10, 2022
February 10, 2022
I met you at my 1st AIK conference. Your presentation hit me personally. Talking to you, shaking your hand, I could feel your nurturing warmth, your loving, alchemical vibe. Every encounter with you & your teachings has been a blessing. Surrounding you & your family with an abundance of love. Rest in power
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Recent Tributes
February 12
February 12
It's been two years and I am thinking about Andrew. I miss the sharing and the warmth of our friendship. Happy Trails my Friend
February 9
February 9
Hi dear Andrew
I'm sure that up there with your other friends you'll be rebalancing yourself with just one muscle, or rather just with intention. How beautiful !!! Send so much harmony down here we need it.
Just last week I talked about you and your creative genius. Thank you always for your friendship and the teachings you have given me from Instructor to Instructor.
I'm still waiting for the Instructor for Instructor course to be completed, remember???
I think I will rewrite your old manual "Principles of Healing" that you authorized me to teach, I will dedicate it to you as soon as I have more time, that is TOMORROW! As you always have
a hug and a lovely memory

Maurizio Ugo Rodriguez
February 9
February 9
It has been 2 years today since you joined the energy of the great heavenly chi. But here on earth we still live your dream. We assist others, we teach, we mentor. All of this wisdom and understanding we learned from the first soul and master of Neuro-Training. There are many of us that honour your work. We keep it alive for others to hear and experience. We hold your life-long dream in our passions as we team together. The essence of your great castle, the fortress of knowledge and wisdom you shared, lives in our hearts and minds forever as we honour and share your legacy.
Recent stories
February 20, 2022
I was talking with Andrew and all of the sudden he said let me look at your hands. He said " you have no fate lines. You make your own rules and that is going to piss a lot of people off".
Nailed it, I value my freedom and make my own rules. What a wonderful intuive healer. 
What a tremendous loss for so many of us.

February 10, 2022
I only ever met him once, briefly. But as a student of his work (and will always BE a student of his work) he gave so much and such a brilliant mind as his, will live on forever as what he has left behind is so much more than words can do justice to. So sorry for your loss Jen and for his family. But know he has left a legacy that will simply grow and go on forever. He will always be remembered because of that and will remain in the hearts of those who knew him (a little or a lot) 

Our Legend Our Mentor Our Inspiration

February 10, 2022
Im speechless, no words can describe this shock! This will take time to digest! I will miss you dearly Andrew Verity, you changed my world, saved me from the depths, gave me tools to keep forever! 
You are and will continue to be an inspiration to the world and I am certain your work will live on! 
I wish I got to say good bye & tell you how much I love you! Your spirit will reach even farther now I Am Certain of it! 

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