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"Big Andrew"

March 6, 2021
  1.  Our memories of Andrew (we always called him by his “full title” actually “big Andrew” haha  is he loved a joke, would email them to us and vice versa. He also loved the magazine I compiled many moons ago titled “Mad Jack Tours”. He got a kick out of that - was chuffed to bits. we’ll remember those times fondly Lynda, Kellie, Ben and family.   Massive hugs to you all xxxxxxx.  Lynne, Barry and family 
March 5, 2021
What a funny, amazing down to earth human.  My memories always belong to metung. He loved entertaining us kids/teens at the time.  I remember being on the back of quad bike, on the beach where we all partied, lmao scared crap out of me, but kept safe, so much laughter as i was screaming (lmao). I still laugh to this day.   I send u all our deepest sympathies.  We are thinking of you all.  Lots of love and kisses, and cheers to uncle andy
Will be missed

Uncle Andy

March 5, 2021
Will be missed by everyone, was a my godfather that i called Uncle, great times camping, fishing, great family holidays together and many great memories at Metung, always had a knife or bow and arrow for us to make our mums unhappy lol, prawning at night in that orange canoe was great fun, letting us ride the bonnet of the car down the beach, with me moving away i didnt get to see him much over the past 10years but we always shared good jokes via sms,
will miss you Uncle Andy rest well up there and have a beer with Uncle Bill

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