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May 27
Tribute to My Beloved Grandma

Grandma was a symbol of love, simplicity and resilience, she was the heart and soul of countless people during her workdays as a nurse. In this tribute, we honor Grandma for her unwavering spirit and the invaluable lessons she has taught us.
"Your life was a testament to love, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and will be missed beyond measure"
"You have been a beacon of strength for us and will continue even after death; may you rest in peace"
"We will miss you grandmother, but your spirit and strength, lives on in each of us and in the lives that you touched"
"We honor your memory by living with the same grace, strength, and compassion that defined you"
"In everything you did grandmother, you were very real and you taught us.
“You laid a very strong godly foundation for your children and even us, your grandchildren"
"Your belief in God gave you the courage and resilience to face adversity with grace and dignity"
We know that you are resting peacefully with God almighty, Rest in Peace grandma and we love you !!
May 27
My darling mom, 

I always prayed that this day wouldn't come so soon, but here we are mourning your departure from this world. You were the best mother anyone could ask for. Your love for God and humanity was evident to everyone who knew you. Mummy, your memory will live on, and my children will hear stories of the angel you truly were. Your miracle baby misses you. Continue to rest in the Lord.

April 30
Angela Ikuenobe and I were colleagues, and we worked at General Hospital, Ughelli, Delta State. She was a very humble and simple woman. When she had her last baby, Miracle, it was indeed a miracle. God did it, and Miracle became my goddaughter. I will forever miss her. May her soul rest in peace.

Mrs. E.E. Adjarhore
April 30
My dear Mrs Ikuenobe, a compassionate and dedicated nurse who touched countless lives with her kindness and empathy.Her commitment to healing and her selflessness made her a true gift to humanity.Though she is no longer with us, her legacy of compassion will endure forever.May her gentle soul rest in peace.Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.

Mrs J Asuelimen.
April 29
Grandma, why, why did you leave us in sadness. God, why did you take our loving mother and grandmother, Mrs. Angela Ayo Ikuenobe? We ask that you guide her spirit and grant her eternal peace.

From your dear granddaughter- Tehilla Ikuenobe

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