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September 15, 2018
September 15, 2018
As only a mother can get away with trying to create a poem of memories … I offer this to you my sweet daughter. With love and lots of bear hugs, tickles and a million kisses....  I love you to the moon and back.

We remember it is your birthday and I’m in a pretty good place.
I’m looking at your pictures and your gorgeous face
I think today is a very good day to remember and be glad.
I’m tired of all the sadness, and I’m tired of feeling mad
I remember your first concert, The New Kids on The Block
You sang and danced in the Atlanta heat, but you sure knew how to rock.
Then Phantom of the Opera would mark your soul so true 
With the haunting “Music of the Night” and “All I ask of You”
Hung up in seat belts playing Red Light Fire Drills
Cold and rainy weekends camping at Clarks Hill.
Nelson concert and autographs, singing in the car
When it came to having fun, we didn’t have to go far.
Gone with the Wind in Savannah, quiet games with Chad
Myrtle Beach for the weekend, my what fun we had.
Christmas in Dixie, starting a family tradition
And then you grew to a woman, and blessed us with your child
There are so many memories, my heart can’t help but smile.
Our adventures on a Saturday, with the radio and singing along
Exploring and driving getting lost and found, but not for very long.
The friends you had and the hearts you touched
Were richer because you cared so much.
You touched so many hearts and lives, because you deeply cared
Now we hold our memories close of all the times we shared. 
Ok, yes, I really miss you, I confess I miss your voice,
And that deep bellied laughter that would make angels rejoice
I miss hearing you whisper “I love you” when you’d give me a warm loving hug.
And I miss the smell of your perfume when you would walk out of the room.
Yes, I miss you….
But when I start to grieve again I’ll think of the good times and remember when
To the moon and back again
September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018
Happy Birthday Beautiful!!! Words can not express how much I miss you and wish you were still here with me. I miss you so very much!! I miss your voice, smile, laugh, wisdom, insight, hugs and most of all your friendship. It is still so hard to understand that you are no longer with us. We've drifted apart a few times over the years since we became friends in 1993 but you were never gone and we would always pick up where we left off. I look at your pictures often and just remember the kind of person you are and always will be. You are the kind of person that would give their last dollar to someone if they needed it. You would give the shirt off of your back if needed be and some understood your kindness and some took it as a weakness and for that shame on them!!! You are the one person I could tell anything to and knew I wouldn't be judged. Your family accepted me and took me under their wings on more than one occasion, in fact several times and we became family. Do remember the tattoo we got together? Well... I am going to have est 1993 added to it as well as a purple butterfly. I've had several people ask me about the tattoo and I tell them proudly that I got it with my best friend and that she has the very same one :-) I am a better person because of you!! I love you Angela and I miss you tons!!
September 5, 2018
September 5, 2018
I had to post a message today. It’s still rough on my soul and new. You had and have a huge spot in my heart and life’s story. I guess I never really turned the page of the chapter we made together. Miss you my friend.
September 4, 2018
September 4, 2018
To my lovely daughter I miss so much,
I know the day will come when I can look to the heavens and celebrate your life with love and laughter. I know the time will come when my grief will lessen to the point of allowing me breathe without feeling a pain in my heart. I know the time will come when my arms will not ache to hug you and hold you close as a mother wants to hold her child. 
But today is not that day. 
However, I also know you would not want me to give up.
So, I know I am stronger today than I was yesterday, last month and last year. And I will be stronger tomorrow. I will miss you none the less; but I will become more acclimated to my new normal. I will continue to grow and plant purple flowers, hang windchimes and find wonderful things to experience in life. 
I love & miss you
September 4, 2018
September 4, 2018
Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since you have passed away. Miss your smile and beautiful spirit.
July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018
Mother’s Day it was especially challenging. Not only did I miss you but Tristan felt your absence so much more this year. I’m always here for her. But I can never take your place. Nor do I want to. Then we had to face Father's Day. I thought Papa was beginning to acclimate his heart to our "New Normal". But I realize now he is just getting better at disguising his pain. Angela, you are loved. You are missed so much. Your absence continues to dominate my reality. The other day I watched the movie "Connie and Carla" and did the whole routine with the "chick-a-pahs", along with "makes it tastes like chicken" and of course the ultimate "Phen-ally". I still cannot bring myself to finish with your room. I feel this sense of loss and such burning anger; Why did you have to go? why did you have to die? My tears douse the flames of anger, but only for a while. Eventually I will hear a song, or see a movie and think of you. Or hear something on the radio and think of calling you. But unfortunately there are no cell towers in heaven. :)  So I continue to take care of Tristan and your dad. And we will continue to miss you everyday. 
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
I find myself here again. I love that I cannot forget about you. I never will. I will always think of you and remember you as the wonderful person you are. This site can go down and i promise I will always find a way to honor you and always let everyone know that you are still among us. I can feel you in my heart and soul.
December 19, 2017
December 19, 2017
Thinking of you this Holiday Season. Listening to Christmas music and my heart smiled thinking of you. I can't stay sad because there are too many fond memories of you in my mind and soul. <3
October 15, 2017
October 15, 2017
Several times this week I have had to stop whatever I was doing and just pause. I heard a song and I swear I could smell your perfume. While watching TV, I could smell the vanilla candles from your room. No matter how much time passes, your memory stays.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Thinking of you today on your birthday. You were such a kind and wonderful person. You lit up the room with that beautiful smile. You had such a love for your family. I will always remember 9/11/2001. We were at work when we got the news. You thought your Dad was in the Pentagon building at the time. The minutes seemed liked hours waiting to hear that he was safe. You were so relieved and a moment I will never forget. Your Mom, Debbie, was not just a terrific Mom but your best friend. What a special bond between Mother and Daughter. Your precious daughter, Tristan was the light of your life. You were taken from this place way too soon, but God gained an Angel. You are truly missed and loved my dear friend.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
We spent many birthdays together, yours and mine. I wish I could buy you a ton of sushi today and watch you eat half of it. ;) "You're killin' me, Smalls." I love you and miss your laugh, smile, and warmth. Happy birthday, Angela.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Happy Birthday in heaven Angel(a) <3 I will celebrate your life all day by living mine to the fullest. Hugs.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Happy Birthday Angela. I just had a memory of wishing you a happy birthday 5 years ago pop up on my screen. There is so much that I wish that I could share with you now, face to face. I know that you are at peace today and finally without pain of any kind, but I still can't help but wish that you were here. Although we lost touch, I will never forget how we met and how you brought sunshine to my life when I was in a dark place. I do miss that smile. You're in my heart.
September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017
Happy Birthday Beautiful!!! I miss you each and everyday that passes. I love you.
September 8, 2017
September 8, 2017
It has been a rough year for me Angela. My heart misses you so much. My mind however still holds the most beautiful images of you with your commanding smile and beautiful eyes...damn. I can't wait to see you again. You owe me something so be waiting...I want the key to my heart's yours. The one thing that makes me smile is I know you are really really living. ❤️You friend.
September 6, 2017
September 6, 2017
My memories of Angela crossing my life paths are of smiles and hugs. It was always this connection for just a few minutes each time in passing. We'd stop and make time to hug one another and reassure each that we care about one another. The momentary joy of expression lifted each of us through whatever life was dealing at the time. Thank you Angela.
September 5, 2017
September 5, 2017
One 4 September, one year and one day ago, at approximately 7:30, you passed away. This year has been an experience so difficult to explain. Recently, I was made painfully aware of the fact that, while some of have acknowledged your death, many more have not actually accepted the fact that you are no longer with us. It is true that you lost contact with virtually everyone when you moved to Texas. Those three years were most traumatic and tragic part of your life. No one knew what happened or why. You just cut everyone out of your life.
When you finally came home we were able to rebuild our family. Our remaining months together were challenging, but rewarding. And I can only thank God that we had that time together. I would laugh when you recalled some of the things you did with each of your friends. Whether it was a friend bringing you home from a birthday party, because you couldn’t drive or getting caught with a bunch of kids at a park after dark. A New Year’s party in DC, working as a paramedic in NC, and trying to understand the Southern drawl and country lingo….. You had has so many stories. I wish now I had recorded them. 
I was hoping some of your friends would tell some of the stories on your memorial page. But then again, I am painfully aware of how many have just not come to terms with your death. You lived and loved so deeply, gave so much of yourself to everyone …. I know that near the end, you wanted to reach out, reconnect and reconcile with everyone. But your embarrassment and fear of rejection caused you to hesitate. You thought there would be time. But time has other plans.
So today, we are doing some of the things we know you would want to do; like cooking some ribs, watching movies, and plan to each cheese cake later.
I am so grateful to everyone who has contacted us today. The condolences and prayers help us to know that we are not alone. We all miss you. Tomorrow starts another year of trying to understand and acclimate to our new normal. We love you to the moon and back.!
September 4, 2017
September 4, 2017
Angela, You are missed and loved very much. It doesn't seem like it's been a year. I think about you all of the time. I think of all the times we spent together and laughed together. You are forever in my heart. I love you!!!!
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
I first met Angela at a particularly dark time in my own life. Angela's bright smile, energy, laughter and zest for life was truly contagious. She could light up any room with only her presence. Angela was a kind and gentle soul with great strength of character. If Angela saw someone being mistreated she would be the first to stand up for them. She was fiercely protective of those that she loved and she loved many people. Angela, thank you for being my friend and for loving me during a time in my life when I wasn't very loveable. I know that you are looking down on me today with joy and pride. I did finally take your advise. I am finally able to value myself as you valued me. I will honor your memory by continuing to live my life in a way that would make you proud to call me your friend. Although you have moved on from this physical life, I know that you will always be with your loved ones. I will see you in all of the beautiful things that I'm lucky enough to get to experience every day. The sunlight is your smile, the twinkling stars are the sparkle in your eyes, the sound of wind chimes in the gentle breeze is your laughter. I always knew that we would meet again when the time was right and I still believe that. Therefore, I do not say goodbye to you, dear sister, I will say rest well until we meet again.
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
This Sunday is Mother's Day. While it could be a very difficult day, I will try to reflect on all the positive days and the memories of being your mother. I know that you were loved by many. But no one treasured your love more than me. How I wish that I could hold you and hug you ... to feel your warmth and your breathe on my neck. I miss you as much today as I did yesterday. I will continue to miss you tomorrow.
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
It's not enough for me to keep coming here and looking at your pictures and reading through this stuff. I don't like the open forum setting but it's whatever. Most of the people who have commented know me or knew me so they can understand. I just want to tell you that after years of that PTSD sh$& and depression your energy has helped me in climping out of the hole I've been stuck in. I promise to live everyday to the fullest and hold your positive energy and soul near. I can feel your life within me...wherever that's a good thing. The thousand plus views you've had on this site speaks for the lives you touched and people who cared about you. Most are just too caught up in daily stuff to leave a comment about how great and beautiful you are...I won't say were..because I can still feel you alive as ever my friend. Cheers and ❤️
March 16, 2017
March 16, 2017
You would be proud to see Tristan back at NOVA. She is taking Sociology, another Psychology, Criminology, and hopefully her last math class. She has started hanging out with some kids she went to school with at Hayfield. Trying to get out of her shell. She is trying. We fired up the grill to cook some chicken and burgers. We have not had much of a winter, which means we will have a huge bug problem this summer. We finally had our first significant snow in mid-March (Tuesday). Could not help but remember how much you loved to play in the snow and marvel at the silence of snowy winter day. Little Bit slid around on the deck and ran back in the house. Spring will not be the same this year. Your Calla Lilies will blossom and reach for the sun. Hopefully you will smile down on them and help me keep them healthy. We miss you. We love you.
January 7, 2017
January 7, 2017
I could not say good bye to 2016 fast enough. But facing 2017 without you leaves me feeling so empty. I face each day knowing you are no longer in pain and that provides a small measure of comfort. The meaning of words pale in comparison to the grief in my heart. All I need to do is close my eyes and I can see your smile. I love you baby girl.
January 6, 2017
January 6, 2017
I am so in love with my wife but cannot catch my breath at times knowing you're in heaven...I find happiness in that but not enough to be worth it. My life was better knowing you were alive and well. I will do my best to live it for you too. Love to the Ramos family and an extra hug to Tristan❤️❤️❤️
December 26, 2016
December 26, 2016
I did not know that grief could go so deep for so long. This holiday without you has taken such a toll on us. We miss you wanting to decorate the house, telling me how to set up Nanaville, and making more cookies than we could ever eat. We miss your laughter, your tears, and your hugs. No matter how hard we tried we could not fill the emptiness in our hearts. Dec 2016.
November 14, 2016
November 14, 2016
Shock,disbelief and sadness at hearing of Angela passing. Angela was a beautiful person, with a contagious smile. She tried to be helpful where possible. God bless you Angela, we"re going to miss you. Angela Mrs. Shirley, wish she could have known you better.....Rest in peace.
November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016
My dear Angela,
I miss you with ever minute that passes. Words cannot express the sadness my heart feels knowing you are not with us anymore. You are my best friend and mean so much to me. You are the most beautiful person I know with a heart of gold. I love you and always will.
October 28, 2016
October 28, 2016
The past several weeks have been the most difficult of my life. Trying to acclimate my life to a “new normal” is a daily challenge. No. More like a minute by minute challenge. Every day I am reminded of talks with Angela, things we did together, or things we planned to do but ran out of time. 
It is comforting to be reminded of the impact Angela had not only on my life but on the lives of the people she knew well.  Many people have told me how special Angela was in their life, reaffirming that Angela was supportive and loyal to her friends. And also that special quality she possessed that assured people they were the most important person on the horizon and ultimately in the world. Their life, their successes or failures, were shared with Angela and they felt significant because of the attention and concern she gave in return. 
I am also reminded of the people she didn’t know well. She never met a stranger. She believed everyone deserved a few words or a few minutes. It didn’t matter who or where; from the gentleman waiting at the DMV (whose son was denied disability) or to the lady in line at Walmart (who just got a promotion but had not seen her grandbaby in months). They each felt compelled to share a life experience. Though they would never speak again, each felt a bond, and somehow they felt safe sharing with Angela. I believe Angela received each experience as one would receive a blessing. 
Angela was not perfect. But she was … well, Angela.
We miss her. We cling to the good memories right now as one would a life preserver.
And as I said, we are also comforted by the memories and condolences from others shared on this Memorial site. Your letters and phone calls are beautiful for us as a family. But this site gives others an opportunity to experience that sharing quality Angela brought out in everyone. 
Thank you for sharing.
October 11, 2016
October 11, 2016
I will always remember Angela's exuberance for life and her deep love for her family. Rest in peace, Angela.
October 10, 2016
October 10, 2016
When I found out from my nurse that Angela had passed away I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked and saddened. Being her aide, I always looked forward to caring for her so I could hopefully take a lot Or most of her pain away so she would feel better. Evidently I did. I was so glad to know that. She was a beautiful person with a gorgeous smile. I miss her so much! She'd always give me a hug before I'd leave. Her daughter Tristan is so beautiful and smart! Debbie and Rick are wonderful people! My thoughts and prayers are with you always! I feel blessed to have cared for Angela. And to know the Ramos Family. Love to you all.
October 4, 2016
October 4, 2016
I refuse to say goodbye. I will instead say see ya later beautiful! It's something you would say to me. You always called me beautiful & made me feel special. I love you girl. Always.
October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016
Angela had this most radiant smile both outside and inside. Her compassion and love for those around her never wavered. From the day we first met and through the past 20 years have truly been a blessing. Angela gave birth to a wonderful young lady who will continue to carry on the same love and kindness that her mother did.
October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016
She was one of the best women I knew. I will love her and miss her dearly. She was definitely an amazing woman. Love you Angela you will forever be missed .
October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016
Angela had a smile that would take my breath away. It is a personal tragedy that I won't see her smile and laugh anymore. But I will remember. Angela made an impression on the people around her that was lasting and peaceful. I'm thankful I knew her and I'll miss her.
October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016
My heart goes out to you Debbie, Rick and Tristan. I'm so sorry to hear about Angela's passing. May God give you peace and comfort in your time of need. I love you all.
September 29, 2016
September 29, 2016
My soul is crushed by this news. My sweet Angela will always have a place in my heart. My love and prayers go out to you. I'll greet you in paradise my sweet Sunshine.....until then, sleep well.
September 29, 2016
September 29, 2016
My heart is heavy with sadness as you were the first girl to ever hold the key. Heaven keep this angel as she truly is an angel. My breath is taken're never forgotten my friend. Thank you so much for the great memories and supporting me when I joined the Air Force. My love to Debbie and Rick and Tristan.
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