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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Anjanette Jackson, 55 years old, born on September 1, 1964, and passed away on December 24, 2019. We will remember her forever.
June 1
Anjanette giiiiiirl, you wouldn't believe what's going on with me. You just don't know how much I not only miss you but need you. I'm so alone down here in Georgia. I hate it here. But God has given me some very sweet, kind, and loving neighbors. So that's good. Mama said she didn't know how you and I could find something to talk about every day all day long, but if she only knew. Giiiiiirl, I was trying to remember that middle name you gave Maphasa, and I can't save my life. When I come home I'm coming to see you and Stephan boy do I miss him too. I still remember the conversation he and I had in church the day before he died. Giiiiiirl Wheeler has cancer, and I'm telling you those stupid doctors need to get themselves together and heal him because I just can't lose another sibling.I just can't. I'll lose my mind. Anyway, I wish I could hear your voice again. I still have your number on my phone, and it hurts so bad not to be able to call it. Anyway, I guess I'll go back to sleep. Oh, I talked to Monte Carlo, girl, that's your grandbaby nickname from me. He's doing fine eating everything in sight. I'm taking care of him just like I promise you I would. I miss you and love you and Stephan soooooooo much. We'll talk again soon. Love Bern as you use to call me. I love you.
January 26
January 26
Hello Mother it's 2024 I miss very much would like to see soon but everything is getting worse in the world but God is holding everything in his hands
January 25
January 25
Hey girl, we are in 2024, and that is so strange to say, but God his blessed the family, and we are here. I was just lying here thinking about you and Stephan, and I miss yall so much. Girl, be grateful to God that you are not here in this crazy world right now. It is crazy. You would be so shocked at the stuff that is going on now. We truly are living in the last days. Your grandbaby is doing fine. He is growing tall and he is heavier than a twenty pound bag of potatoes. He walks on his tip toes like you used to walk. I just wanted to say I was thinking about you. I miss you and I wish you were here with me. I love you and as soon as Jesus comes and get me. I will see you again.
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday auntie you are missed. You didn't get to meet kylan but I know you would've loved him and been so good with him like you were with deshawn when he was little.i have a voicemail you sent me and listen to it when I'm able to. When God comes back,go grab uncle stephan and wait for us together I have so much to tell you guys love you see you later ❤️ 
February 22, 2023
February 22, 2023
I love you and I miss you very much. It's 2023 and I'm still lost without you. I miss our conversations  and the way we use to make each other  laugh talking about people. Your grandbaby and I video talk and he is just a little greedy giggle box. Girl he is so cute I just want to squeeze the cuteness out of him. I always ask them do they need anything for him they say no. So I haven't bought anything since 2000 diapers when he was first born. I'm moving soon and I'll be 2 hours away so hopefully Maurice and Jerica can bring him to see me sometimes. Don't worry he will be raised knowing and having a relationship with Jesus because I know you want that for him. Well I gotta go to sleep but I want you back so bad. I love you and miss you dearly. Me.
May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022
Hey girl, guess what? You have a grandson and he looks just like Maurice. Girl he is the cutest little boy but we Boldens can't have ugly children. Lol. Girl he is named after daddy and Wheeler. I call him Montecarlo because of his middle name. I hope you don't mind but I asked Maurice and Jerica could I be his step in grandma and they said yes. Of course you're grandma and they are teaching him about you but no one will ever love him like you would have. I'm going to spoil and treat him just like my own grandson. So he will be spoiled rotten. I can't express how much I miss you. I cry everyday and sometimes still think about killing myself to be with you but I can't leave these grandbabies here alone. I don't think the family would miss me too much. My phone don't ring have as much since you died. It's ok no it's not but I'll live through it. Guess what? Girl Alfred Lane and I are dating and getting married. Close your mouth. IKR after all these years we are back together again. ❤️ well I gotta go. I have to get up and take Maphasa to school girl. Mother's Day was sad but we all got through it. Maurice really misses you very badly he has this sadness on him he can't shake but that's understandable. Jeremy is good getting fat. Lol I must go for now. I'll be back soon to talk again. I love you and miss you soooooooo much. Talk soon.
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
Hey girl this has been a hard week for me but I made it to today. I have been thinking about the good times and believe it or not I'll still wait a few minutes before I get in the bathtub. I know you are not going to call but something inside of me wishes you would and I know it's not going to happen. I still feel lost and so alone in this world without you. Like Stephie said you have a grandson coming in this world and I will take your place and be the best grandma I can be to him on your behalf. He will definitely know about his real grandma (you). I miss you I miss you I miss you so much. I love you and make sure to tell Stephan we love him and miss him so much as well. I truly am glad you are no longer suffering but this pain still hurts so bad. I love you. Me
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
Hey AnJanette, it's Stephie. I'm just sitting here just thinking about you and how we lost you on this very day. You have a grandson on the way. Everytime I think about it I think of how much you would have loved him and how I wish you were here to experience it. I miss you everyday and I know you are in painless peace. You are never forgotten. Take care of Stephan for me and I'll see you when I get there. I love you. Your baby sister, Stephie.
October 11, 2021
October 11, 2021
I can't sleep because I'm missing you so much. I come here to cry so I don't upset anyone else. I want you back so bad. I love you, I miss you and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Sleep well for now we will all be together ❤ again one day in heaven. I love you. ❤
September 2, 2021
September 2, 2021
Happy heavenly birthday dear sister. I truly miss you a lot. Wondering what things would be like if you were still here. Jeremy is well taken care of so rest easy. I love you too pieces and I'll see you when God raises you from that grave. Take care of Stephan for me until we meet again.
June 11, 2021
June 11, 2021
Tonight is just like every night that I don't miss crying about you. You have no idea how many times I thought about killing myself to be with you but my grandbabies don't deserve to feel that kind of pain and I promised them I would always be here for them until God calls me home. I'm so empty, hurt, alone, depressed and lonely without you. I need you so bad and it hurts like hell without you here. When I come home I'll come visit and we can talk a spell or I'll just do like last time just lie on your grave and cry. I miss you and need you and love you sooooo much. Guess what God answered your pray my book was out before Christmas the following year like you asked God to do. He did it girl. I LOVE YOU, YOUR OTHER HALF. ME.
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Dear Mother,
   I Thank you for everything that you did in my life with out you nothing is possible. I wish we can still spend time with each other and there is not a day I do not think about you❣❣❣ ❤ Happy Mother's Day❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Dear Anjie,
  Happy Heavenly Mother's Day! It's been over a year since you've been gone and I still miss you! I wish you were here to celebrate with us but that's ok. Again even today I'm still SO GRATEFUL and THANKFUL TO GOD for giving me the blessings of strength, heart, love, patience, caring, understanding, know how, power and so much more to me to be able to care for you until God called you home. You've left a lasting impression on my heart and life forever that I'll take with me and cherish always. I love you so and when it's my time I hope to see you again where we'll all be made whole❣❣❣
Heavenly Hugs and Kisses
Your Sister,
December 24, 2020
December 24, 2020
I cannot believe it's been a year since I heard your voice or mafe you laugh. It has been a year since I showed you a new dress or a new pair of shoes or boots I just bought. You would've love them. I don't really talk much on the phone anymore since you're not here. I don't have much to say to anyone since it not you. I'm lonely a lot without you. I miss you soooooooo very much and wish I could have you back but one day we'll see each other again soon. Tell Stephan I said hi and I love and miss him also.
December 24, 2020
December 24, 2020
Every day I still try to call you. Every day I talk to you. Every day I want to tell you something funny. Every day I'm reminded that I cannot. Every day I cry uncontrollably. Every day I wish to join you but I know I can't I made the babies a promise and I must keep it. I will tell you this God has answered your prayer. My book did come out before Christmas. I just wish you were here to share in this moment with me. I love you, I miss you and desperately need you I still feel so alone. I need you. Bernadette Bolden forever your twin.

December 24, 2020
December 24, 2020
It's been a year now and I still have hurt in my life from your passing things been ruff but most of all I will overcome still missing you no matter what one day we all will see each other again and Stephan too. Later Sis.
September 1, 2020
September 1, 2020
Hey Annette, it's Stephie, I just want to tell you happy birthday and how much I love you and miss you and wish that I could still dial 240-5760 and you pick up the phone. We are all having a hard time but I'm glad that your suffering is over. I still wish you here. Again, happy birthday big sister, you will never be forgotten
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
I miss you so much I cry myself to sleep here lately everyday. I need you so bad and I love and miss you so much that my heart really hurts. I will always want you back but I do know i will see you again one day in Jesus name and I can't wait for that day. I love you and miss you and Stephan too i can't wait for Jesus to come so we can all be reunited again. I love yall. I also talked to Jeremy today.
May 13, 2020
May 13, 2020
Hey Anjanette, it's your baby sister stephie again. I still miss you with everything that's in me. I want to wish you a Happy Heavenly Mother's Day. I would call you every mother's day and wish you a happy one but now I can't. I wish I could call and you pick up, but since you can't I just want to say that you were a good mother and will continue to be even though your not here. I love you all the way to heaven. STEPHIE
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
As I sit here in bed thinking about you I miss you so much. I can't even express with words how much I miss you so all I can do is cry and I'm doing a lot of that right now. Crying doesn't help but that's all I can do right now. I love you❤so much and I need you badly but I'll just lay here under your blanket and just cry. I miss you. My ❤ heart is forever broken without you. Your Twin.
February 5, 2020
February 5, 2020
Dear Ladybug, Your life was like a light and everyone who came in contact with it and YOU glowed because you had something to offer...GOD'S WORD! You wore it PROUDLY and WELL. It was seen in your character and the way you carried yourself, it was in your encouragement and encouraging words and works and that was a magnet that drew people in. I'm so PROUD to have had you as my Sister, even though through our ups and downs we realized that at the end of the day we still had ONE ANOTHER and I wouldn't trade that for ANYTHING!! With all my heart it was a pleasure to be your BIG SIS, to know you is to love you, and I still do, to help you, assist you, laugh & cry with you and care for and about you until God called you home. You're WHOLE again and on that I can truly smile!! I love you and I'll miss you forever & always! I have my memories and as I grow older they my fade somewhat but Love lives on forever in the heart and this is where you will stay. All my love to you Lil' Sis until we meet again. Your Big Sister, Joyce
January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020
As we all know we will leave this world and be placed in another for the time when our Heavenly Father calls us home. My sister was blessed and I will miss her. View more of my message in stories. Gone from this world but not forgotten.
January 8, 2020
January 8, 2020
When God put you and I in the womb together, I know it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. We have shared a lot of things since then. I will truly miss the way we connected mentally and had a sixth sense only for each other. I miss our conversations, your corny jokes , the way we laughed together and had that unspoken language that only we knew about. I feel as if you left me alone to deal with this world but I know in my heart you could no longer take the pain and had to give it all up to God. I really do understand that but I want you back I know that could never happen but I miss you terribly am I heart aches very much and I have never known this type of pain. I love you, I miss you, I need you and I want you back. I do know that God knows what is best and I am happy that you are no longer in pain and no longer suffering from cancer.  It is hard for me right now to stop crying but I know one day I will but that day is nowhere near at the moment. I sometimes wish I was dead so that I could not feel this pain of missing you. I also know that I still have a work to do for God and I cannot leave my grandbabies behind or see the family hurt again. Please understand and know I will see you again when Jesus come, I will see you again. I love you and I miss you, I miss you terribly now and will always miss you. You will forever be the other half of my heart. I loooooooooooooove you girl your twin.
January 4, 2020
January 4, 2020
My loving Sister Anjanette ...You have inspired me to get closer with the Lord. Your faith in the Lord was great and your life reflected it. I love you and will miss you and with God's grace and mercy on my life, I will see you again.
Your little Sister Monique....❤⚘❤⚘
January 2, 2020
January 2, 2020
Anjanette, you were always a good sister to me. You were a loving person and would help anyone if you could. I always admired the relationship you had with the Lord. I love and miss you dearly. Your little sister, Stephania.

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June 1
Anjanette giiiiiirl, you wouldn't believe what's going on with me. You just don't know how much I not only miss you but need you. I'm so alone down here in Georgia. I hate it here. But God has given me some very sweet, kind, and loving neighbors. So that's good. Mama said she didn't know how you and I could find something to talk about every day all day long, but if she only knew. Giiiiiirl, I was trying to remember that middle name you gave Maphasa, and I can't save my life. When I come home I'm coming to see you and Stephan boy do I miss him too. I still remember the conversation he and I had in church the day before he died. Giiiiiirl Wheeler has cancer, and I'm telling you those stupid doctors need to get themselves together and heal him because I just can't lose another sibling.I just can't. I'll lose my mind. Anyway, I wish I could hear your voice again. I still have your number on my phone, and it hurts so bad not to be able to call it. Anyway, I guess I'll go back to sleep. Oh, I talked to Monte Carlo, girl, that's your grandbaby nickname from me. He's doing fine eating everything in sight. I'm taking care of him just like I promise you I would. I miss you and love you and Stephan soooooooo much. We'll talk again soon. Love Bern as you use to call me. I love you.
January 26
January 26
Hello Mother it's 2024 I miss very much would like to see soon but everything is getting worse in the world but God is holding everything in his hands
January 25
January 25
Hey girl, we are in 2024, and that is so strange to say, but God his blessed the family, and we are here. I was just lying here thinking about you and Stephan, and I miss yall so much. Girl, be grateful to God that you are not here in this crazy world right now. It is crazy. You would be so shocked at the stuff that is going on now. We truly are living in the last days. Your grandbaby is doing fine. He is growing tall and he is heavier than a twenty pound bag of potatoes. He walks on his tip toes like you used to walk. I just wanted to say I was thinking about you. I miss you and I wish you were here with me. I love you and as soon as Jesus comes and get me. I will see you again.
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My sister was precious as they all are only family knows the struggle and laughter we endured .

January 23, 2020
Together we were strong overcoming all obstacles thru the laughter and joy and tears we found happiness, we all know that the struggle is real and one day we will succumb the same fate but all in all we Love our Heavenly Father and put our faith and trust in him. I will miss you my Sista and we shall meet again in the clouds and then Forever. This is not a goodbye but see you Later. Your Big Brother Wheeler.

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