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August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
Hi momma,
It’s been 10years, hard to believe you have been gone so long.You have so many great grand children now.You would be so in love with them. I need you more and more the older I get but find myself in the arms of Jesus.He comforts me in your absence. If you can see me you will know you are still loved and missed.You are thought of often.I am who I am brocade of you.Till we meet again momma. I love you please
save me a spot at the table.
August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019
I've never met your Mother, but I am blessed to know her through you both....Gena and Donna. She must have been a special lady. You took much from that relationship which has made you the amazing woman, .mother, friend, sister that you both are today. Praying and thinking about you both during this difficult day.
August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019
Today is the day you received your eternal reward. The reward we all strive for but are deeply sadden by when our loves ones get there first. Today I remember you laying there in your bed weak in this life but getting stronger for the next.

Today is the day my heart stopped working the way it always had. My heart was so used to your being here, my heart was used to your laugh, my heart was used to your compassionate voice when I failed. You never looked at me different even though you knew all my secrets. You were the closest thing to the love of Christ on this earth. You never failed to show me love and supported me when I was lost. Today is the day I remembered all the harsh things I said to you as a teenager, today is the day I remember the greatest times of my life. Today is the day I remembered I am who I am because of you. Today my heart had to learn to beat without you, today my heart had to start learning how to not hear your voice during the hardest and happiest times in my life. Today I became me without you. Its been 8 years and I still want you ,I still miss you, I still long to hear your voice,I am stronger now but not by choice. Thank you momma can't wait to see you again.
August 12, 2018
August 12, 2018
She was the absolute best mamaw I could have EVER asked for she was always there for me when I needed her. She was such a beautiful person inside and out
August 12, 2018
August 12, 2018
My mom the funniest lady I know. Doesn't matter what someone was going through my momma had a way of making them laugh. I believe my momma loves us and she will forever be missed. She helped anyone in need didn't matter what shade of skin they had people were people to her. She loved her grand babies I wish all of my children could remember her. I love you momma see ya soon.

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