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Uncle Antman I Love You!

November 22, 2022
To Uncle Antman,

Simply thank you for all the laughs, smiles, jokes, keep it real moments we have shared. You were more than my uncle you were my second dad, my Eastlake park dad. You always looked out for me, if I wanted a popsicle off the truck you reach in that pocket for change and got me that popsicle. I was always there to hype you up when it came time to dance and perform at the park. You was the best Eastlake Cowboy mascot ever. I will always remember you and my dad bond, that bond was so tight, you was his Bestfriend. Y'all talk almost everyday, from chilling in the cut, to being at the park, to coming over to the house to get some fixed on your truck. You always was there for my accomplishments, you didn't missed no birthday without calling me and telling a joke. Christmas eve will never be the same, you was the life of the party. I use to wait on you to come through the door so you can taste my alcohlic drinks I made cause you didn't care you use to tell me fix you a cup. Uncle Antman you was definitely my happy place and I will always remember all my happy times.

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