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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Anthony (tony) Wood, 43 years old, born on May 18, 1972, and passed away on April 8, 2016. We will remember him forever.
March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
Hey daddy, I hope your are proud of me for how far I have became in my life. I wish you were here with me. I think if you everyday and I try my best everyday to make you happy up in heaven. I know you watch over me and I thank god you do. I love and miss you so much. Please keep watching over me, I need you to continue to guide me through life. Our life wasn’t so easy to see each other when I was younger but you get to see me everyday like you wanted.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Seems strange to be here in this world  when I was at our home I couldnt stand it everywhere I looked I seen you  not bad thing but I started talking to you like I expected to have you talk back  you watch over me you seen all that's gone on since you've died in still here nuthings new my health isn't much better  I hope you know on a daily basis I look for a sign from you that is ok to go on that your happy n you like what's going on now. I need you some approval well I would like for a sign that being on my own is ok  to go a path on my own n hope soon I'll be with you. I didn't honor your birthday or death as was being selfish I'm sorry it still hurts so much I keep running through my mind  cant get the look in your eyes out of my head the night we went to store n ate out earlie then you went to donnie's  then to go to work it felt to me like that look was saying good bye  omg I talked to you at 9 pm at 11 the cops called me  at first I thought you were playing a April fools joke on me haha yeah a bad on I never got to see you hospital wouldn't allow me or van  then Sam cut me out of anything on your burial  except the part she had set up none of that was me I know we talked you asked for your ashes to be spread over ocean your favorite place to be where u had fun not only with me but destiny, carl,minelle, Amy the kids boating fishing drinking having cook out at the beach our favorite was valentines day  i look at pictures n cry cause i miss you so very much our planns for happier times I know you hurt because of all the major things in your life I thought we were getting past them  i wish I could have helped more I blame me for all of this not being good enough for you I love you as much today as day you left  I live in for you for our promise to eachother to go on if the other left  to remember fun times we had  the night we made promise to eachother at Hudson beach our promise of loving eachother  forever the ring you gave me that bond we had 
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Well today is your birthday  but I never forget you you are still in my heart like when you were here I still look at people's faces thinking I'm going to see you I know though your there with many I miss n new ones this yr 2020 so many more have joined you there I know you watch over me I feel your presents with me.  Destiny is doing good finally I want to join you but guess god has other planns for me  i miss you every minute every day huggs n kisses
May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017
i want to say happy birthday my love  i miss you so very much  my heart still aches from the hurt of missing you so much with no closure its so hard your brother van still has problems too    im just glad no suffering anymore  tell everyone there i say hello i wish i were there with you all but i believ god left me here for some reason wish he would hurry up n tell me i love you  forever  happy birthday
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
Tony my brother from another mother we friend best buds but even more we was family always together doing something I miss you so much brother i still to this day can't believe your gone brother i think about you everyday and the things you use to say I still remember like your still there I find myself every day looking up to the sky saying man Tony I love you brother and we all no your still with us in our heart and in memory we no you gone but your not forgotten I love you brother and miss you so much
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
i miss you today as much actually more today as when you pased jasmine patricia chloe miranda we all miss you very much some of your friends have texted still thinking of you and how you were we all mis s your antics fishing helpfullness everyone has had a hard yr hope that you are ok cant wait till im with you i cry everyday so does the kids n the dogs charlie lisa lj they miss you so much

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March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
Hey daddy, I hope your are proud of me for how far I have became in my life. I wish you were here with me. I think if you everyday and I try my best everyday to make you happy up in heaven. I know you watch over me and I thank god you do. I love and miss you so much. Please keep watching over me, I need you to continue to guide me through life. Our life wasn’t so easy to see each other when I was younger but you get to see me everyday like you wanted.
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Seems strange to be here in this world  when I was at our home I couldnt stand it everywhere I looked I seen you  not bad thing but I started talking to you like I expected to have you talk back  you watch over me you seen all that's gone on since you've died in still here nuthings new my health isn't much better  I hope you know on a daily basis I look for a sign from you that is ok to go on that your happy n you like what's going on now. I need you some approval well I would like for a sign that being on my own is ok  to go a path on my own n hope soon I'll be with you. I didn't honor your birthday or death as was being selfish I'm sorry it still hurts so much I keep running through my mind  cant get the look in your eyes out of my head the night we went to store n ate out earlie then you went to donnie's  then to go to work it felt to me like that look was saying good bye  omg I talked to you at 9 pm at 11 the cops called me  at first I thought you were playing a April fools joke on me haha yeah a bad on I never got to see you hospital wouldn't allow me or van  then Sam cut me out of anything on your burial  except the part she had set up none of that was me I know we talked you asked for your ashes to be spread over ocean your favorite place to be where u had fun not only with me but destiny, carl,minelle, Amy the kids boating fishing drinking having cook out at the beach our favorite was valentines day  i look at pictures n cry cause i miss you so very much our planns for happier times I know you hurt because of all the major things in your life I thought we were getting past them  i wish I could have helped more I blame me for all of this not being good enough for you I love you as much today as day you left  I live in for you for our promise to eachother to go on if the other left  to remember fun times we had  the night we made promise to eachother at Hudson beach our promise of loving eachother  forever the ring you gave me that bond we had 
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Well today is your birthday  but I never forget you you are still in my heart like when you were here I still look at people's faces thinking I'm going to see you I know though your there with many I miss n new ones this yr 2020 so many more have joined you there I know you watch over me I feel your presents with me.  Destiny is doing good finally I want to join you but guess god has other planns for me  i miss you every minute every day huggs n kisses
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June 8, 2020
Been listening to alot of our favorite songs  wish 8 could have included them here or thought about it when we had your memorial  but I was too in shock  devastated you were gone  I miss you so much.  Do you hear me talking to you every night. How proud of our little girl are you she graduated yeah !!!

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