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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Anthony Urella (TJ), 46 years old, born on November 22, 1963, and passed away on June 26, 2010. We will remember him forever.
June 26
June 26
It has 14 Long Years and still wish I could hear your voice and see you again. Love and Miss You !!!!!!!
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
Yet another year has passed and today is the Big 60, Love and Miss You !!
Happy Birthday
September 6, 2023
September 6, 2023
Dear Urella family: When looking up my sister's site, I saw this pop up and was totally shocked. I would have offered my condolences had I known. So sorry for your loss and may God heal your hearts. I still deal with my sister Diana as a loss and longsuffering soul. Miss her so much as we shared a room growing up. Hugs and blessings to you all. Susan Hall-Sheppard
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Another year passes and I can't forget, MISSING YOU
November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022
Another year older and still having issues coming to terms of you being gone !!!! I Love and Miss You 
November 22, 2021
November 22, 2021
Just wanna say, Happy Birthday . I hope your at peace and remember we all Love and Miss You !!!
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
Another year has passed and I am still making the same wish. I miss and love you
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
I can NOT be leave you have been in heaven for 10 long years!!! While I miss you and often tears leek out of my eyes and run down my cheek, I know that you are in a good place free of pain. I can only hope you have seen Dad and Mom and played a little" Screw your neighbor" :-) !!! While I could list everything I wish I had done differently (and there are a lot) I won"t instead I am going to assume you know and have forgiving me. I will always hold what memories I have VERY close to my heart!!!! Until we meet again keep watching over us and know I Love You
November 22, 2020
November 22, 2020
I wish I could have a birthday wish of seeing you !!!! Love Always, Miss You !!!!!
June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020
Hard to believe it has been 10 years, Always on my Mind and Forever in my Heart.
Miss You !!!!
November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019
Happy Birthday !!! Forever on my mind !!!
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Always on my mind and forever in my Heart, Miss You
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Happy Birthday, I wish I could see you, missing you more than ever !!!
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
I cant get over the fact its been 8 yrs, not 1 single day goes by you're not on my mind. Miss and love you so much!!!!
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Missing you forever and it does not get any better. Love you
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
I miss you so much and really wish you where here for my wedding, I finally found someone that Loves me and I can love her unconditionally, Thank You for watching over me !!! LOVE YOU !!!
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
Happy Birthday Babe.. miss you so much, there so much i want to say to you. i love you with all my heart. Your still the one
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
53 OMG words cant describe the feelings I have Happy Birthday, Miss you soooooo MUCH!
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
Happy Birthday, forever missed !!!!
June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
TJ I was thinking of you and wanted to say hello!!! there are few days that go by that you in some way aren't on my mind. Miss you so much. As you know Mark and I have been NAUGHTY and have allowed to much time to pass between visits :-( Hoping after my Vacation next month we will be able to catch up on a Saturday. Love and miss you
November 22, 2015
November 22, 2015
Happy Birthday 
I wish you were here so I could give you a hug !!! You are on my mind so often, I miss you everyday, Love you!!!!!! till we meet again continue to visit me in my dreams, in my day dreams and any other time :-)))
November 22, 2015
November 22, 2015
Happy Birthday my brother, love and miss you
June 26, 2015
June 26, 2015
Not a day goes by that your not on my mind...I miss you so much!
I love you!
June 26, 2015
June 26, 2015
I sure do miss you and this is a day that I shall never forget. Love You
April 27, 2015
April 27, 2015
Thinking of you and amazed at how long it has been. I miss you and can not forget or forgive what I had done.
November 22, 2014
November 22, 2014
Happy Birthday my brother, I love you and miss you !!! You will live on forever !!!
August 1, 2014
August 1, 2014
Just wanted to tell you how much I miss you !!! My saving grace is the memories we cheer from child hood :-) I know you watch over all of us!!! so you know that Mark and I are making sure we keep our friendship new!!! loving learning new things about family that i missed :-( I so wish that things happened differently for us as we grew up, wish I had kept better contact with you, unfortunately I can't change that!!! But i do remember how more times then not it was you,me & Mark and poor Mark is stuck with me now lol Love you my BIG little brother i will always remember the fun we had, until we meet again loves :-)
July 29, 2014
July 29, 2014
Well brother I made it another year !!! Wish you where here to share some memories. I wish I was not such a disappointment during my marriage, but believe me I will never forget and will do my best for family and friends from now on !!! Miss you and think of you often !!!
March 1, 2014
March 1, 2014
Wish you were her to enjoy the kids these are some of the best times.. You would be as proud as myself.. Babe they are amazing we did a great job.. Alicia Proves everyday she is your daughter strong ... Determined and so independent. Our son so carefree hard working a free spirit for sure reminds me of you sometimes i can barley look at him without tears. Thanks for all your help in molding them into what they have become. We did good love. Continue to be there voice of reason.. Miss you more everyday.... Love me
February 14, 2014
February 14, 2014
Love you.. Still waiting for this to get easier with each passing day none if this pain goes away... Miss you so much today... Happy valentines day
December 17, 2013
December 17, 2013
This candle is for my first love,protector of the playground and my BEST friend :) I want to wish you a very merry Christmas, though you can't be here with us, your love,memory and your smile will be sitting right beside us. Love you all ways and forever. Thank you for helping me to have the courage to get this family together more often,Don't give up on us know your help goes with notice. Your brother Mark is an amazing man and i am so glad to share him with my family. To get to know our family as adults has been very rewarding for me and my heart is full of amazing love.
November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013
The big Five O, Happy birthday, miss you !!!
November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013
Happy 50th Birthday,
I love you & miss you very much!
October 22, 2013
October 22, 2013
Damn this does not get any easier!!!! Miss you more everyday
September 4, 2013
September 4, 2013
I was thinking of you today TJ. I realized we haven't traveled in a while. Last place we lit a candle was Europe. I think it's time we travel again and let more candles! You would be happy to know too, that I finally have a working eye! I'm sure you had a hand in making sure of that! Thanks for who you are and everything you have done and continue to do. We all miss you terribly!
August 15, 2013
August 15, 2013
A limb has fallen from our family tree. I can hear your voice saying dont cry for me. I will remember our good life when you were stong and cancer free. I will carry on our traditions no matter how small. I will keep moving forward and at times i will fall. A limb may have fallen but the tree will still stand tall. Your legacy will live on inside us all. Miss you
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
There you were so full of life so carefree. I reached for you only to realize it was just a dream.. I could hear your voice, i could smell you all around there was something different as i layed there trying to catch my breathe it came to me. The pain and worry was no long visable on your face your smile was bright and genuine.
Come again my love... I miss you
June 27, 2013
June 27, 2013
Many wishes were made last night for you.
I still cant believe your gone, I love you very much and miss you like crazy!
Toni Lyn
June 26, 2013
June 26, 2013
It's been three years and things are changing. We will all be up to see you tonight. Miss You !!
June 20, 2013
June 20, 2013
I can't leave this site with out agreeing with your wonderful wife about your son, oh my he looks so much like you ! I love seeing her pictures on FB it is such a great way to stay in touch. I see pics of both kido's & there significant others & think wow they are old enough to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Where does time go? Miss you :(
June 20, 2013
June 20, 2013
I don't know we're to start,want you too know although time got away from us for too many years, there was never a day that a thought of you did not come to me!!! You were a amazing friend. You were a amazing brother. I am thinking of a playground when a boy was gonna push me off the spider and you told him you would beat him up & off he ran :) thanks for your love I miss you everyday !
June 13, 2013
June 13, 2013
He reminds me more and more of you everyday... I catch myself staring. You would Be proud of the young man he has become
June 11, 2013
June 11, 2013
I look at our photos and can"t help but ask WHY? Your spirit is free and lives on in me. this I know because it often carries me. I remember your smiling face and fight back the tears as I leave your resting place.The fact that your no longer here will forever cause me pain. Please don't worry for me I know I will be fine because every now & then I swear i feel your hand slip into mine,<3
June 8, 2013
June 8, 2013
It's been almost three years and it still is very hard to realize you are gone. I have made many mistakes and wish I had done things different when you where here. I am trying to fix that problem and hope that you are watching and helping. I miss you and wish that things could of been very different. I will never forget.

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Recent Tributes
June 26
June 26
It has 14 Long Years and still wish I could hear your voice and see you again. Love and Miss You !!!!!!!
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
Yet another year has passed and today is the Big 60, Love and Miss You !!
Happy Birthday
September 6, 2023
September 6, 2023
Dear Urella family: When looking up my sister's site, I saw this pop up and was totally shocked. I would have offered my condolences had I known. So sorry for your loss and may God heal your hearts. I still deal with my sister Diana as a loss and longsuffering soul. Miss her so much as we shared a room growing up. Hugs and blessings to you all. Susan Hall-Sheppard
Recent stories
June 11, 2013

When I laid there beside you,
Could you feel me there?
My arms were wrapped around you,
And I was stroking your hair.
I was talking about all the good times,
For me they were every single day.
I wanted you to feel love and comfort,
And happy in some way.
I watched your every breath,
And prayed that each one wasn't your last.
The time we got to share together,
Went by too quick...Too fast.
I wanted you to wake up,
Please T...Open your eyes.
Tell me this is a nightmare,
And not our goodbyes.
As your last breath grew closer,
We lay there peacefully together.
My heart continually breaking,
Because I wanted you forever.
Then there it was,
Your final breath of air.
I didn't want to believe it,
This is so cruel and not fair.
I laid my head on your chest 
And prayed you'd breath again.
I wasn't ready for you to go,
I couldn't admit that this was the end.
But then I realized that you were now in peace,
And not suffering anymore.
You were beginning the life of an Angel,
And your body would no loner be sore.
I held you close and squeezed you tight,
And tried to say goodbye.
I've lost my Husband and my number one best friend,
All my heart could do is cry.
I slowly got up,
I wanted so much to stay.
I leaned over and gave you one more kiss,
It was so hard to walk away.
T you are my entire world,
And I miss you so very much.
I wish I could feel your loveable cuddle,
And your soft and gentle touch.
But for now I have to wait,
Until we meet again.
You will always be in my heart and thoughts,
Always and Forever,

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