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My best friend

May 25, 2021
Anthony and I lived 5 minutes From eachother for many years. He was  the Perfect example of what a true friend is. On a regular basis Anthony and I could be found eating steak at long horn , binge watching horror movies in my parents living room or driving around listening to music. Anthony was always up for a random dining experience. Anthony was Always down for spontaneous fun, even when that fun was something weird Like cleaning my parents house, or driving to queens to pick up my N abuelos. As  Long as We were together, we were laughing. Anthony was the Kindest man I’ve ever met.I’ve truly never heard Anthony speak ill of a single person. And he was a person to confide In, I trusted Anthony with my biggest secrets bc I knew he would  Never Share with anyone. Anthony Was part of My  Family and attended many family Functions at my parents Home. He will always Be Missed . Rest In Peace budd

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