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Dr. Antoine E. Spacagna, in his 82nd year, passed away peacefully, surrounded by family and friends, at his home in Tallahassee Florida on July 29, 2011. 

Antoine was born to the late Antoine Spacagna and Marthe Spacagna, née Speicher, in Paris, France. In the United States he is survived by his first wife, Betty Jane Spacagna, née Anderson, and daughter,Valerie Spacagna of Rome GA. He is also survived by three grandchildren Megan Willis of Rome, GA; Gilles Willis of Oakwood, GA; and Amber Willis of Sugarhill, GA. He is predeceased by his eldest daughter, Laura Willis. He is survived by his second wife, Danielle McKenzie, and her daughter, Alexandra Spacagna of Bradington, FL. Outside the USA, he is survived by his sister, Colette Decaux Spacagna, Betphaget, France and he is predeceased by his other sister, Antoinette Spacagna. 

Antoine was very active in his Catholic parish church as a Eucharist Minister. 

There was a funeral Mass for Antoine Spacagna on Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 11 a.m. at the St. Thomas More Co-Cathedral in Tallahassee.

There was a memorial service that celebrated Antoine's life and accomplishments on September 10, 2011 at 11 a.m. at the St. Thomas More Co-Cathedral in Tallahassee..

Antoine's ashes were returned to France and interred, together with his family, on Sunday September 11, 2011 at the Cimetière Parisien D'Ivry 

In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting that donations be made to either the American Cancer Society or the Co-Cathedral of St Thomas More Haiti Program. More information on how to contribute can be found on the websites. 

Contributed by his niece, Valerie Pym Decaux: 

"You were never born, so you will never die, it's only your illusions that destroy you. Behind the noises is a silence, blazing like a billion stars to keep away the darkness. For if you have come to know this, you have already died." ~John Kalamaras

June 7
My FSU room-mate, Michael Brannen, was a graduate student in French, and I was always invited to all the "Language Parties"...Antoine was always one of the highlights of the parties. I miss him! RIP, dear Professor Spacagna!
January 1
Cher Antoine,

Bonne et heureuse nouvelle annee 2024. Mes pensees sont envers toi. reposes toi en paix divine pour toujours.

Avec toute mon amitie,

December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023
Mon Cher Antoine,

Thinking of you especially to day.

Rest in Peace forever,

My prayers are with you,



December 2, 2022
December 2, 2022
Cher Antoine ,

Joyeux Anniversaire ! Happy Birthday Cher Antoine. My Thoughts and prayers are with you .

Rest in Peace Forever,

Your friend,

July 29, 2022
July 29, 2022
Cher Antoine,

It has been 11 years to day that you left this earth, and my thoughts are specially with you to day. I remember your friendship, your charisma, your joy for living, and everything that made you unique.

Rest in peace, dear Antoine,

Be happy,

Your friends,

Christiane and Rabin ( Rabin is in heavens with you since 4th of July 2021 ).

December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Mon Cher Antoine,

Thinking of you today, on this special day. You are very much missed.

Rest in Peace, Dear Antoine.

Remembering you forever,

Your friend Christiane
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
My dearest Antoine,

I think of you a lot, you were really wonderful and unique. My beloved Rabin, after 13 years, of indescribable sufferings, especially these last three years, which were agonizing for him and for me, to see him suffer so much, left this Earth on July 4th 2021. My suffering is terrible because he was my entire Life.
I try to go on, it is hard and very painful, Perhaps is he  there with you, in Paradise, where there is no more sufferings. I really wish so, because he was so good, so kind, and he has suffered so much. Voila, you know now.

Rest in Peace, my dear Antoine, as well as my Rabin Adore.

Your faithful friend,

Christiane Tourtet Shah

July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
Mon tres Cher Antoine,

Je pense beaucoup a toi. Tu etais vraiment formidable , unique.
Mon Rabin Cheri, apres 13 ans de souffrances indescriptibles, surtout ces trois dernieres annees, qui ont ete agonisantes pour lui, et pour moi de le voir tant souffrir, est parti de cette terre , le 4 Juillet 2021. Ma souffrance est terrible, car il etait ma vie entiere. J'essaye de remonter la pente, c'est dur, tres douloureux. Peut -etre est -il avec toi, la bas au Paradis, ou il n'y a plus de souffrances. Je le souhaite vraiment, car c'etait un etre si bon, si gentil , qui a tant souffert .Voila tu es au courant maintenant.

Reposes en paix, Cher Antoine, ainsi que mon Rabin Adore.

Ton amie fidele Christiane

December 2, 2020
December 2, 2020
Mon Tres Cher Antoine,

Nous pensons a toi, specialement aujourd'hui. Ton souvenir si precieux
restera en nous pour toujours.

Sois heureux, notre Cher Antoine,

Rest in peace forever,

Tes grands amis,

Christiane et Rabin
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Mon tres Cher Antoine,

Ton souvenir est en nous et le restera pour toujours. Tu es inoubliable ,
We miss you so much. Thank you for having been a precious part of our life on this Earth !

With love from both of us,

Christiane and Rabin
December 4, 2019
December 4, 2019
Joyeux Anniversaire , Cher Antoine.

Ton souvenir si precieux reste toujours en nous.

Nous t'embrassons tres fort.

Reposes en paix, cher Antoine.

Tes amis,

Christiane et Rabin
July 29, 2019
July 29, 2019
Mon Tres Cher Antoine

Ton souvenir si cher, est en nous chaque jour. Tu etais un rayon de soleil
sur cette terre. Restes en paix pour l' Eternite, notre cher Antoine.

Nous t'embrassons de tout notre Coeur,

Tes amis de toujours,

Christiane et Rabin

March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019
My husband's uncle, Ray Hill and his late wife Barbara Hill saved many postcards and letters penned by Antoine in the late 80's and early 90's. It was obvious that they shared a very special friendship. It would have been an honor to know him in person as they did. We just wanted to let you know that his presence lives on and is shown in his kind postcards and letters to members or our family. Ray is still living and shares fond memories of Antoine. Blessings to your family. - The Hill Family
December 2, 2018
December 2, 2018
Mon tres cher Antoine,
Nous pensons a toi specialement aujourd'hui. Tu restes a jamais dans notre coeur.
Tes grands amis de toujours
Christiane et Rabin
July 29, 2018
July 29, 2018
Mon tres cher Antoine,
Nous pensons beaucoup a toi. Tu nous manques beaucoup.
Sois heureux mon cher Antoine, tu etais un etre humain formidable sur cette terre, vraiment inoubliable. Que ton ame soit en paix pour toujours.
Nous t'embrassons tres fort,
Tres grand amis de toujours,
Christiane et Rabin
December 2, 2017
December 2, 2017
Mon tres Cher Antoine,

Thinking of you today. We miss you a lot.
Rest in Peace, my dear Antoine.

Tes grands amis de toujours,

Christiane et Rabin
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Mon Cher Antoine,

Thinking of you to day. We miss you a lot. Rest in Peace my dear Antoine. Ton souvenir est inoubliable..

Tes amis de toujours,

Christiane et Rabin
December 26, 2016
December 26, 2016
Antoine, your old friend Torres LeBrun has now joined you in death. Hopefully you and him can now laugh over old times and relish the times he chewed your friend out about rowing the canoe the wrong way. I miss my unique friends. Two wonderful Frenchmen!
December 2, 2016
December 2, 2016
Thinking of you to day, mon Cher Antoine Joyeux Anniversaire.
We miss you greatly.

Yours friends Christiane and Rabin
July 29, 2016
July 29, 2016
Mon cher Antoine,

Ton souvenir precieux reste toujours en nous. We miss you very much.
You were so caring, so wonderful, you brought sunshine into our life,
and had such a positive influence on this earth. You were one of a kind.

Rest in Peace my dear Antoine !

Your forever friends,

Christiane and Rabin
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015
Mon Cher Antoine,

Joyeux Anniversaire. We miss you very much ! Your presence is still with us. We have wonderful memories of you. Rest in Peace.

Christiane et Rabin
July 29, 2015
July 29, 2015
Mon Cher Antoine,

Ton souvenir merveillleux reste toujours en nous. Tu nous manques beaucoup mon cher Antoine. Tu etais une personne formidable comme ill y en a peut sur cette terrre. Nous t'aimons beaucoup ! Que ton ame reste sereine et heureuse pres du Seigneur.

Tes grand amis de toujours

Christiane et Rabin
December 2, 2014
December 2, 2014
I still remember Dr. Spacagna as a special friend and a very generous and very clever man. His imagination has always been high and his affection always enlarging. He was always full of bright ideas as a career advisor. As a friend, he always listened to my personal wishes and was very fond of my family. He always cared very much even though I doubted of the future that was ahead of me to keep away all the trouble. I really believe that he deserves to rest in peace. Good Bye Sir!
December 2, 2014
December 2, 2014
Joyeux Anniversaire , mon Cher Antoine ! Ton souvenir reste pour toujour en nous .Tu es toujours notre rayon de soleil .

Tes grands amis Christiane et Rabin
July 30, 2014
July 30, 2014
RIP Antoine. You are still missed! Your friends Torres LeBrun and Rebecca Levings....
December 2, 2013
December 2, 2013
Mon Cher Antoine,

Joyeux 85eme Anniversaire ! Tu nous manques beaucoup. Ton souvenir merveilleux restera toujours en nous.

Nous t'embrassons tres fort,

Ton Amie

December 2, 2013
December 2, 2013
Antoine, still thinking of you fondly at several times of the year. Happy 85th wherever you are, dancing with the gods! We miss you here in the world of the living. Looking forward to meeting you again in the hereafter. :-)
December 2, 2013
December 2, 2013
Mon cher et adoré Antoine! Dans la gâce du seigneur prie pour nous, comme nous prions pour toi et tous ceux et toutes celles qui nous ont dévancé.
Le bonheur c'est toi! La joie c'est toi! Car en vérité on ne peut donner que ce qu'on a.
Je rends grâce à dieu, le tout puissant de m'avoir donné l'occasion de te connaitre.
Repose en paix, cher frère et Ami dans la grâce et le miséricorde de ton seigneur. Amine!
December 2, 2013
December 2, 2013
Still remember you like yesterday, Antoine. You are one of my dearest memories of Tallahassee. Will never let you down, dear friend and brother.

May your soul rest in peace forever! Amen/Amine!
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Mon Cher Antoine,

Tu nous manques beaucoup.Nous nous souviendrons toujours de toi, et de ta bonte, personlalite si chaleureuse, ta simplicite, ton enthousiasme et joie de vivre.Reposes en paix mon cher Antoine.

Grosses Bises de ton amie Christiane
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Tu nous a quitté et Tallahassee n'est plus la même.
Tu as marqué de ton sceau ton activité et ta passion pour la francophonie à jamais.
Ton passage à Cactus Street hante ma mémoire.
Tu manques énormément à tous tes amis, à la francophonie et tous ceux qui t'ont cotoyé durant leur séjour en Floride.
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Antoine, I want you to know that you continue to be a significant presence in my life. This past week, I have been reliving your last days on earth and I am glad that your suffering has ended but as God is my witness, I really miss you and as long as I am alive, you will never be forgotten. It is an honour and privilege to continue to serve you.
December 2, 2012
December 2, 2012
Mon cher Antoine,

Joyeux 84 eme anniversaire, mon Cher Antoine, ou que tu sois, au Paradis, comme tu le desirais.Ton souvenir reste en nous , toujours tres precieux.Tu nous manques beaucoup mais les souvenirs restent pour toujours.Grosses bises de ton amie Christiane.
December 2, 2012
December 2, 2012
Antoine, you would have been 84 today. Thinking of you always. /j
July 30, 2012
July 30, 2012
I was in Paris again recently, and had many occasions to remember my friend, Antoine, and his love for the French culture and people. Once, in 2009, I wandered the neighborhood around the Canal St. Martin with Antoine and Alexandre. He embraced every moment with joy and good cheer. I can still hear his jovial laughter in my mind today! What a great friend!
July 30, 2012
July 30, 2012
Still thinking of you Antoine. Torres LeBrun, Mona Lisa Abbot and I often remember you and miss you still. I have been playing the Marseillaise lately, and you come into my mind. Vive le France!
July 29, 2012
July 29, 2012
It is hard to believe it has been one year already ! We miss you greatly , my dear Antoine.Your presence is with us and you remain in our heart forever.
July 29, 2012
July 29, 2012
Has it really been a whole year? It feels as if it were yesterday. No, it feels as if he were still here walking at Carabelle with me. I really miss him terribly. It is very hard, actually impossible to return to the places we loved together. In my heart he is still my very best friend. I can't believe in a supernatural, but he still lives on in so many of us.
July 29, 2012
July 29, 2012
Antoine, I miss you. I either wake up thinking of you or you are the last person I say a prayer for before falling asleep. My only regret is that I didn't get to know you better while you were still here. As I work to finalize your affairs, I am discovering that you are the most amazing person I have ever had the privilege of knowing. God bless. /j
February 7, 2012
February 7, 2012
Antoine taught me French phonetics at Ohio State University in 1969. He was a wonderful teacher. I could never pronounce my "r"s properly so I had to repeat "Le train qui part de la Gare Saint Lazare arrive a la Gare du Nord." A nightmare! My husband and I stayed friends with Antoine for several years but lost track of him. We are so sorry that such a lively, interesting man has died.
September 11, 2011
September 11, 2011
Does anyone know if Antoine made it back to France before he died? Last time I saw him, he was preparing for a trip there.
September 9, 2011
September 9, 2011
Goodbye to an old friend. We will greatly miss you Antoine, and your free and charming spirit. You were always and unreservedly a Frenchman! May you be laughing with joy wherever you now are.
August 15, 2011
August 15, 2011
J'ai pleuré pour l’ami que j’ai perdu comme une enfant qui a besoin d' être consolée.

Je ne pleurai plus parce que j’ai consacré tes souvenirs dans mon cœur. Là, tu vivras pour toujours.
August 13, 2011
August 13, 2011
He always wanted more:to walk beyond the end of the beach at Carabelle.To find a new restaurant.To walk another turn around Lake Ella,and another.To sit closer to the movie screen. To make still another crêpe.Who will walk with me now? Who now will make me want to want more too?
August 12, 2011
August 12, 2011
Antoine was a kind, considerate, gentle man. He loved life and dedicated his life to helping others. I've always admired the way Antoine welcomed everyone to his heart and his life. I will miss him greatly.
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June 7
My FSU room-mate, Michael Brannen, was a graduate student in French, and I was always invited to all the "Language Parties"...Antoine was always one of the highlights of the parties. I miss him! RIP, dear Professor Spacagna!
January 1
Cher Antoine,

Bonne et heureuse nouvelle annee 2024. Mes pensees sont envers toi. reposes toi en paix divine pour toujours.

Avec toute mon amitie,

December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023
Mon Cher Antoine,

Thinking of you especially to day.

Rest in Peace forever,

My prayers are with you,



Recent stories

Canne Film Festival

October 15, 2022
My name is Tony Fox, Antoine was the cousin of my late mother Margaret “Jean” Fox (16/09/1931 - 27/04/2022)
when I was around 6, mum and myself flew to France for a holiday, Antoine was teaching at a university for the summer. I remember  a bright vibrant man, taking us all over the area, the night of the Cannes film festival we were nearby at a party, watching stars arrive, there were lots of wonderful fireworks lighting up the sky that night, then the next day we joined the students on a trip to Monaco, lots of sites seen, and a fast pace to keep up with Antoine. A fun happy time with a lovely man. I hope he has caught up with mum in heaven and showed her the sights.

New Friends

September 9, 2011

Antoine met our neighbor Erin at our party, so she had to get her photo taken with him.


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