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December 22, 2021
Aubrey Wayne Scott left this world on October 16th of 2020. He left behind a mother Kimberly Scott a brother Layton Scott a father William Scott and aunt and uncle and cousins he was born February 16th of 1996. He was a loving caring person he was a follower and now he is in heaven. He is our own guardian angel that watches over us love you always son and while you're sitting in heaven I'll be setting on or thinking about you love you.   1998 he was 2. We had him on and off all his life. But this year he was with us for good. His tree he picked, everything was about him. And when he came into the living room Christmas oh how big his eyes were. Aubrey got so tried of opening his gifts he filled a sleep. Love you son and miss you. Merry Christmas. 2021.

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