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Austin, what a great kid !!

June 29, 2021
When me and austin were walking back from the bus stop. there started to be a dog running towards us and austin told me to run. and scared the dog away. I am petrified of dogs. and i’ll remember this for as long as live. i was fortunate to become his friendin the summer a couple years ago !! Austin’s will be in my heart for as long as i live. rest in freaking perfection Austin !!
June 29, 2021
I’ll never forget when we had that bad snow storm, you were working at McDonald’s. And I came there to get food, and you came running outside to throw snow balls at my car while I was ordering you always had just a positive outlook on life
June 28, 2021
You are my motivation everyday to be a better me. I will win every fucking day. I will work my ass off. I will believe in people. I will believe in myself. I will do everything you always did but you can’t do anymore FOR YOU. I love you friendly giant

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