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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Barbara Perrin, 74 years old, born on March 1, 1939, and passed away on December 10, 2013. We will remember her forever.
March 1, 2019
March 1, 2019
Happy 80th Birthday, Mom. Sure do miss you. Will hopefully see you again one day. Wish we were together for a big birthday bash today, but soon enough we'll have an occasion to celebrate being together again. :-)
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
Happy Birthday Mom. Hope you'll have a lovely day up there, today, every day. We miss you! Say "Hi" to Jesus for me. And, tell Him I'm truly thankful.

I'll see you again one day... not too soon, I hope, because I think I still have much to do here. Something, anyway. Just not exactly sure what it is yet. It'll probably dawn on me eventually. Or, maybe you could whisper a hint in my ear?

Well, got to go. Have to get at my job - though for now my work is just keeping these kids safe here at the college. I'm at least thinking about something more substantive yet to come. God help me.

Love you, Mom!
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
Happy birthday, Grandma. We love you and miss you a lot down here.

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March 1, 2019
March 1, 2019
Happy 80th Birthday, Mom. Sure do miss you. Will hopefully see you again one day. Wish we were together for a big birthday bash today, but soon enough we'll have an occasion to celebrate being together again. :-)
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
Happy Birthday Mom. Hope you'll have a lovely day up there, today, every day. We miss you! Say "Hi" to Jesus for me. And, tell Him I'm truly thankful.

I'll see you again one day... not too soon, I hope, because I think I still have much to do here. Something, anyway. Just not exactly sure what it is yet. It'll probably dawn on me eventually. Or, maybe you could whisper a hint in my ear?

Well, got to go. Have to get at my job - though for now my work is just keeping these kids safe here at the college. I'm at least thinking about something more substantive yet to come. God help me.

Love you, Mom!
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
Happy birthday, Grandma. We love you and miss you a lot down here.
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