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Obituary published in NY Times

June 26, 2017

Submitted to NY Times by Jim Margolin 

my friend,my neighbor~

June 18, 2017

i first met kit and al in 1992 when i moved in downed the street .we became fast friends and great neighbors! we shared many good times and vacations tiogether.she loved sharing life experiences with me.... and oh what a life she had!
was thrilled to be a part of her life! the best memory i have is when we spent new years eve together at her kome just the four of us..... our husbands were playing cards and kit and i ran back to my house to get more scotch. we were only gone 10 mins and the guys managed to set off fire alarm due to their was full of smoke and they continued to play cards. needless to say we were shocked and amazed that this happen within the 10 mins being away....kit and i laughed and laughed about that evening for years.there are so many adventures we shared but that one was my favorites! she will be greatly missed by all who knew her. may she rest in peace. i know she is in heaven keeping busy with al and roger! she will always remain in my heart. love you,kit! xox raemali king~ 


June 17, 2017

Dear Gram,

I will miss you forever and I will try every day to raise my kids, especially my girls, to be as FABULOUS as you always were. You were a good friend and my grandmother. There will be much more to come on this page where friends and family can share thoughts and photos and stories. I know you would want us to have some fun with it over the years. I will always carry you in my heart.

Alyssa (one of your "little dividends," as you called me)      

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