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February 12, 2023
February 12, 2023
It is February 12, 2023…I think of you so often - but especially on your birthday. I love you, and miss talking with you. So many years when I called you every day…I miss those days… and I miss you!
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
I so wish you were here to celebrate your birthday…and everything else!  It’s been an especially tough couple of years. Lots of isolation due to Covid. Lots of missed conversations with you to see us through! 

My grandchildren, your great grandchildren, are three intelligent, beautiful and loving people. Shiloh is 10; Elijah is 8 and Shayne is 5. 

Love you Mom. Miss you forever!

February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Happy (Heavenly) Birthday, Gram! We miss you and love you, always. Your wedding band went “missing” so I didn’t get what you left to me when you died, but I have the memories and
“They can’t take that away from me, no, no, they can’t take that away from me!” (;
Thank you for everything you taught me about life.
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Mom: I wrote the information and history about you on this page - I think you would have approved. 3 years gone, and I miss you so very much! Glad you got to meet your great grandchildren S.M.N and E.D.N. sorry you missed meeting the youngest, S.A.N. They all have a lot of spunk and are amazing and joyful little people. I am a grandmother now...the best part of my life!! 
      I am in touch with your good friend Seena, and we talk about you quite a lot. She has memories of you and Dad, and you and Al, and it's wonderful to have her to talk with. She says she knows you would be happy to know that we are in contact.  Also, I am grateful every day that you brought the extraordinary, wonderful Raemali into my life, via her friendship with you, and that we 3 were able to spend time together.  I love her dearly and cherish the friendship she and I have today. (I consider her a sister from another mother, and a blessing in my life!)
      I have also become connected with Bette, Dinky's sister, and your first cousin. Bette too remembers you and Dad, and grandma and Pop. She is a gift. Also, in my search for family, I have reconnected with your cousin Wayne - remember when he came to visit in Lloyd Harbor and went riding with me?! His father and Pop were brothers, and it is wonderful to be in communication with him and to hear his stories. Yes, I am trying to stay connected with people who knew you... I am circling the 'wagons'.  I miss you. 
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
It has been three years, and we all still think about you and miss you every day.
We often talk about you and call you “Grandma Kitty Cat” around here. Your teddy bear is well in peace, Gram.
February 12, 2018
February 12, 2018
Happy Birthday, Gram! I hope wherever you are that you're having a fabulous celebration. I love you and miss you....
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Our condolences and much love to all of you.
Joan and Jerry Benstock

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